Offer To The CEO

Chapter 301: Before the Press Conference - Part 3

301 Before the Press Conference - Part 3

Monday, continued …

Rather than Acting Director Mein addressing the meeting former Director Su, started "Ladies and Gentlemen.Our apologise for the delay, however there were a number of matters that we needed to address, which took longer than we expected before we can explain matters to you."

"On Friday, there was a board meeting one of the matters up for discussion was the blatant disregard for how this department works and forcing a permanent departmental reorganisation without consulting you.Our structure, which has always been highly effective, is working on a narrow team basis with senior members facilitating cooperation across teams when required."

"In not only my view, but that of the senior members of the department has ensured that you develop appropriate skills within the teams to benefit the company.My goal for the meeting was to prevent any more restructure and re-organisation of the department.I lost the argument."

"However you should know each and every one of you were betrayed by two people who work within the department."He took a quick look and while Anna and Amanda could see him, he apparently did not see them."However as they are not present at thismandatory staff meeting they will be terminated with immediate effect."

Amanda was about to react, but Anna placed her hand on her arm and quietly said "Just let him go for a couple of minutes and leave him to me."

Former Director Su, continued."These, and I cannot take to call them lawyers as they have no idea how the law is meant to work.They have unconsciously supported the tearing down and destruction of the department and how it worked.It has to be stopped here and now."

"However my defence of each and every one of you and this department was so determined that my removal as director of the department was forced on you.The only good thing was that I was able to persuade the board that the former assistant director should be appointed as the acting director with the intention to make that the permanent appointment."

"Please be aware that I that I will not be leaving the department.I will be here to support you, and Acting Director Mein has appointed me has his assistant.Secondly I urge you, and I cannot say this strongly enough, that you need to communicate with the Human Resources Department, for two matters."

"The first is to urge them to make Acting Director Mein's appointment a permanent appointment indicating to them your confidence in him, and the second it to tell them that the new arrangement is inappropriate and you need to have it returned to the arrangement that it was to ensure that it runs as smoothly and efficiently as I had it with each and every one of you."

Anna, was sick and tired of the falsehood that Director Su was spouting.Now she was going to do something, and started to use the crutches to stand up.Amanda helped her while Former Director Su continued."Now please welcome Acting Director Mein."

"Hello everyone.After speaking to now Assistant Director Su, I have a full appraisal of what happened at the board meeting and can only deplore how he was treated and echo his words as to what needs to happen with this department, for the benefit of each and every one of you."

Anna knew not was the time to speak and in the loudest voice she could possibly muster, with a real undercurrent of anger said "Enough with the lies."

Not knowing who was speaking Assistant Director Su spoke "You know not to interrupt these meetings, and this is a sackable offence.You have to remain here, and I will be speaking to the Human Resources Department about terminating your employment with immediate effect."

"I would like to see you try.You cannot tell the truth if it was standing right in front of you."This was laced with real venom by Anna.Amanda, beside her, was trying so hard not to laugh.Given Anna's actions on Friday, she knew that these two had it coming, and this time it was going to be a fun show to watch, and more importantly seeing how much everyone else reacted to her.

Still not having realised was speaking Former Director Su immediately responded "How you would you know, I was at the meeting, and there is no one here that was."

"You need to have your facts straight Director Su.The previous departmental arrangements you praised had multiple concerns raised by lawyers on secondment from multiple countries, and you dismissed them.You were ruse and dismissive of a board member's proxy, his wife, and demanded her sacking.You attempted to bully the CEO's wife who is also a company director, and throughout the meeting tried to bully all board members to get your way."

"You refused to listen to any opinion other than your own and dismissed anything that did not fit with your position.You were aggressive towards women in the board meeting.You refused to accept feedback as to the arrangements, or listen to the fact that it was a trial and that if at the end of the trial the position was still the same, the department would be returned to its previous structure."

Anna took a breath and paused from her fierce and determined statement before continuing "And to be brutally honest, if that was not enough you ended up p*ssing me off so much through your, put it politely childish antics towards me that it was decided by the meeting at my request, that you needed to be removed."

"Now do you want me to release the board minutes to show everyone how much of a liar you are, as if I go there there will be no saving your job."Anna paused for a few seconds and the deathly silence in the room continued.

Anna resumed again "So what is your decision?You are wasting everyone's time because you are so concerned with trying to re-establish the empire you were building in this department that was contrary to the company's interest."

"Who is daring to speak to me like that?"

"As I speak the truth, I give you two guesses?"

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