Offer To The CEO

Chapter 300: Before the Press Conference - Part 2

300 Before the Press Conference - Part 2

Monday, continued …

Noticing the look that Anna was giving her Amanda determined that she was about to push the boundaries if she teased Anna further.She paused and turned to the realities of the work that was going to be before them.

"Fine, I have the message, you do not want to talk about things, but remember there are blinds on your office windows to the main area for a reason, use them next time, as we do not want to see you and our big boss being passionate in your office."

At that Anna at least had the grace to blush.When Yi kissed her she simply forgot where she was.

Amanda continued "Now I will be serious, but before we get started do you need a hot coffee, or something brought in?"

"Just some water or other cold drink."

"I will organise that, as I am guessing you do not want it now.However the department is going to have to deal with the fallout from Friday's board meeting.The 'new' director of the legal department has called a meeting at 10:30am and demanded that everyone is there.His words, in the email were 'there are no exceptions, and this means for board members or spouses of board members' referring to us."

"I understand that someone from the planning was looking for you with regards to the Sunrise Project.I told them to bring me the file, and once I have it I will bring it in.They need some legalities that they have been advised of, and were wondering if you could give them a memorandum so that they understand it?"

"Should not be a problem, so I will look at them, ans see what they need and if I can help them.

Can you come and get me before the meeting?"

"See you then."With that Amanda left Anna's office and Anna settled into not only her work, but more importantly started making her notes for the press conference, checking information as she was doing so.

She noticed there were three emails from ANX, about drafting specific unusual will clauses, and one requesting a editing of an already prepared Family Law Affidavit.Anna opened the will files and realised that the clauses was somewhat different they would not be challenging to draft.One clause was about altering distributions to children base on things the parents have done for them and there were copies of the supporting documents on the files.The other was about making provision for grandchildren rather than children.

While it was good to be useful, Anna soon determined that the only reason she was doing this was junior lawyers were being lazy.That needed to be stopped so she finished the task and emailed the partners alerting them to the issue so they could address it.

In the twenty minutes to deal with the Wills, Anna noticed Hou Yi had sent her five emails with various information, which she opened and started to prepare for the press conference, making note of the various documents that would need to be provided to the press.

Before Anna knew Amanda knocked on the door "It is 10:20, Anna we need to get to this meeting.The Acting Director Mien, was trained by former Director Su, and I would guess he will be the one really in control despite what happened at the board meeting Friday."

Amanda went over hand handed Anna her crutches and helped her out of her chair.Despite the new stair case connecting the various levels within the legal department, Amanda and Anna, made their way to the elevators and went up the floor for the meeting.Given that they were among the last to arrive they were at the back of the area until someone spotted Anna on her crutches and helped create a path for Anna to a chair to sit on.

Everyone had gathered by 10:30am, however there was no sign of former Director Su and the new Acting Director Mien, and people started to grumble as they had been taken away from their work for this meeting.It was five minutes later, before both Former Director Su and Acting Director Mien, exited an office. Former Director Su, was looking to spot both of them, but he did not notice them and seemed pleased.

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