Offer To The CEO

Chapter 277: What to Do? - Part 1

277 What to Do? - Part 1

Monday, continued …

Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin, from inside the courthouse were enjoying themselves watching how uncomfortable Hou Yi was having to deal with Du XuXu despite not being able to hear what was being said.The one thing that they observed that they were not liking was how much the witch was defending him, and how Hou Yi was looking down at her with pride and adoration.

It was obvious to them that the press were disappointed that they could not fully confront Hou Yi, but there was at least some success in that.Yang Lin turned to Lu Jinhu "I hope that drives a wedge between the two of them.They deserve it for what they have put us through."

"Lin, it seems to have achieved something, I am guessing we will have to wait a few days to see what happens, but …"

Lu Jinhu noticed that an official was coming towards the,As he stopped in front of them he said "Mr and Mrs Lu, I need both of you to please accompany me so I can attach your monitoring devices before you leave and explain some things."

While they were disappointed they could not remain looking at the scene outside, they were realistic that they needed to cooperate with the prison authorities otherwise they would end up in jail.Once they were shown into a room they quickly had their ankle monitoring devices attached.

"Mr and Madam Lu, I need to give you some information about the devices, and the restrictions, breaches of which are an automatic breach of your home detention requirements and will see you immediately sent to jail.Any attempt to remove or alter it will automatically trigger an alarm which is a breach of your home detention requirements."

"The device contains a GPS locator that monitors your location, sending us alerts as to where you are.If you are outside the allowed area, it will trigger an alarm.We need to be advised of medical and other related appointments, as we need to program their locations and the time needed for them into the system to prevent unnecessary alarms."

"For example, when you leave the court building, while it should take you one hour to get there, you will have seventy-five minutes, and if you are not at your home an alarm will automatically trigger, breaching the home detention requirements."

"This afternoon officials will come to your home for our review, and determination of the requirements for home detention that you must install and pay for.We will allow you to have newspapers delivered, and like mail it will be checked before being allowed to come inside."

"We will pre-approve your immediate family for entry into your home however they will be limited to twice per week, we would suggest Wednesday and Saturday for Madam Lu's family and Thursday and Sunday for your family Mr Lu.We will screen the household staff for accreditation to enter the premises daily."

"Any person, family, staff or a pre-arranged appointment at your home, will be required to submit to searches on their entry and exit to the property, and have to surrender their mobile phones and other devices while they are inside.All devices that can access the internet, will be removed, and we will ensure that today your home complies with the terms of your home detention."

"Sir …"

"What Mr Lu?"

"When I left Lu Corporation, I made inquiries about enrolling in post-graduate study, here and In Australia.I am three units short of completing an MBA, and have found somewhere I could complete the remaining units last Monday in Australia and immediately enrolled.My father made contact with them over the weekend, and they advised that they can facilitate it while I am in jail or home detention as they do this in Australia frequently."

"The only problem is the units are on-line meaning that I need internet access to listen to lectures, participate in course discussion boards as it is required for ten percent of the course work, and research for the papers required.I am happy to confine my on-line time to when someone is watching me, but I figured it was something that could be facilitated.I have a contact number so that you can speak to someone to satisfy yourself what they do for prisoners in Australia."

With that a telephone call was made to the Australia university and due to the discussions between the university and corrections, were able to satisfy themselves as to this being possible. within thirty minutes.Yang Lin was immediately delighted as it ensured that with the tablet that she had hidden she could access the internet for part of the day making it easier to bring those two down..

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