Offer To The CEO

Chapter 276: The Press reaction - Part 2

276 The Press reaction - Part 2

Monday, contined …

"They were skeptical of the claim, as they knew of my relationship with the woman in City A, so with my help when checked what happened on the night in question.Through CCTV footage the hotel made available, we could confirm the staff's statements Du XuXu spent time drinking at the hotel bar, and given how drunk she was, was assisted to my reserved room and left it the following morning.

"Someone in the shadows was seen entering the room fifteen minutes after Du XuXu was helped into it and departed the following morning about twenty minutes before she did.We could not determine who was the person who went into the room as they shielded they face, and knew where CCTV blind spots were."

"She likely fell pregnant to whoever entered that room, but suffered a miscarriage at about the eighteen week mark.She continued to repeat her claims, so her family ensure that multiple DNA samples were taken from the fetus.A private DNA test was run that confirmed that I was not the father of the child."

"However as a result of the miscarriage she suffered a quickly deteriorating mental health situation, and her family arranged for long-term care in a sanitarium.As she has been diagnosed with multiple serious mental health issues needing long-term inpatient treatment I help her family with the fees for the sanitarium."

"Just after my marriage, I spoke to my distant relatives and advised them of my marriage.At that time the confirmed to me that Du XuXu's mental health was still quite serious still requiring significant inpatient treatment, including still suffering the delusions that she had given birth of a child that had been stolen from her.She was still in the sanitarium when I spoke to them and they were happy for my marriage."

"Du XuXu's miscarriage and mental health deterioration was never made public, not to protect me but to protect her and her recovery.The business dealings in City A I had that she was involved in showed me that she would have a brilliant career in business, and I did not want to see that ruined, hence why we protected her.She was that good, as I told my father and grandfather that if she was a Hou family member she would have been the CEO of Hou Enterprises rather than myself."

"Now I cannot believe that members of the press would simply react to a part story, portraying it as the truth without doing any research to back up allegations such as this.It is designed to portray that I am a philander, what gives no care for my sexual partners.It is designed to try and damage my marriage, and cause further hurt to my wife.That I cannot take."

Anna Interrupted "Gentleman, my husband has not hidden the truth about his relationship in City A from me, and I knew a little of Du XuXu's involvement of the ending of the relationship.Given what I have been going through myself, I can understand his need to protect me from her own situation.

More importantly he made a decision based on her interests now and in the future regarding her health, well being and career prospects."

"And I must agree with him, as journalists your task is to find the truth and then present that to the public.Simply taking a story as the whole truth without investigating it, is poor journalistic standards.You appear to have skipped a step, and this makes me wonder are you journalists of simply hacks that spread rumours as if they are the truth."

"I really hope that is not the case, as I recognise some of you from the press conference detailing our initiative, and you investigated the statements we made.You easily discovered the truth of my husband's story, and a couple of you worked with Australia journalists and located friends of mire who verified their observations of what occurred to me."

"Madam Hou, but that is different."Called out one journalist

"It is not.But if you want to verify the information, I know my husband will release all the information he has, including flight schedules, copies of the hotel footage he secured, and where it involves his distant relatives, with their cooperation the DNA test results, and Ms Du's medical records that confirm her miscarriage.It will verify everything that my husband has said, and I will expect an apology from all of you."

"Madam Hou, CEO Houhas not explained himself.He is just telling a story, and not addressed the question that was asked."

"I have addressed the key point of the question that was the allegations.To make it absolutely clear for those who did not understand my explanation, I deny Ms Du's allegations.I did not get her pregnant, nor did I make any promises to her of any nature, save and except as an extended family member I would support her as any family member would do to another."

"When I heard she was pregnant, I worked with the members of my extended family, her immediate family, to ensure that, she had the best possible medical treatment given she had no idea who was the baby's father.That is what family is about."

"Now, if this is all that you are going to focus on, I need to ensure that I provide those responsible journalists, who do act properly, are given the information that I have in my control, and I will speak to Ms Du's immediate family about releasing her medical information and the DNA Test results."

With that and the assistance of the bodyguards Hou Yi and Anna moved to the car and it drove off.

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