Offer To The CEO

Chapter 252: Family - Part 3

252 Family - Part 3

Saturday, continued …

Five minutes after they arrived at the gate of the private terminal area, in came the Hou Enterprises plane carrying Rachel, James, and the children.Once it had landed, the limousine that Hou Yi, Anna and Rosemary were in, along with two other cars and a van moved onto the tarmac near the plane and were met by immigration officials.

"CEO Hou, a pleasure to see you again" the senior immigration official said."Do you mind me asking who is on the plane?"

"My wife's brother, a sister-in-law and her nieces and nephews, who have come of a visit, plus staff."

"Give us fifteen minutes and we will clear your family through immigration and customs, the staff will be another ten minutes after that."

"Take the time that you need."

Fifteen minutes later, the luggage from the plane had been checked and loaded into the van, and people started to deplane.Three children, as soon as they spotted Rosemary, quickly climbed down the stairs and threw themselves at her calling out "Mum, Mum"

Not long after James, and another female Hou Yi did not know, which he could only assume was Rebecca along with 5 other children, including Pippa and Hannah all came down the steps.Pippa and Hannah recognising Hou Yi ran at him yelling, together "Uncle Yi, a hug please and where is Aunty Anna?"

Hou Yi bent down with Pippa and Hannah coming into his arms for a hug."Girls your Aunty Anna is in the car behind me but be careful.She hurt her leg and has a plaster cast on it."

"Like I had when I broke my arm?" inquired Hannah.

"It would be Hannah."

"Well I am going to see Aunty Anna," they both said and went off and climbed into the car.

James observed the scene and walked over to Hou Yi and shook his hands. "You were good with them.Susan and Wayne were struggling with holiday care arrangements for them, so they became a last minute addition to the trip with their cousins.Are you OK with it?"

"No problem.Did the staff take good care of you on the flight?"

"It was perfect.The children had a blast on the flight, and I cannot believe that you had a private jet bring ten of us over, it is so wasteful."

"It does not matter, Anna needs her family with her at the moment."

Before anything else could be said, Hou Yi was tapped on the shoulders by one of the bodyguards "CEO Hou, we need to get moving."

Hou Yi nodded "Sorry to cut short the greetings everyone, but we need to get moving.Rosemary, if you want to go in one of the other cars with your children, James can join Pippa and Hannah with Anna and I, and Rebecca"with that Rebecca nodded "if you go in the third car with your children, we will head out."

Hou Yi turned to the bodyguard and indicated "Call the ancestral home and let them know we are on our way, and take us there."

"Yes Sir."

Hou Yi headed to the limousine, and he and James climbed in joining Anna, Pippa and Hannah.James secured Pippa and Hannah with seat belts before they drove off.

90 minutes later.

The three limousines pulled up outside the ancestral home.The wheelchair for Anna was gotten out of the boot and she was helped into it by Hou Yi and James, and everyone else climbed out of the limousine.

As Hou Yi and James went to lift the wheelchair with Anna up the two steps to the door, it opened "Young Master, Young Madam apologies, we should have been here when you arrived.And these people with you must be members of Young Madam's family."The butler signaled and two staff members came out and lifted the wheelchair up the stairs.

"You're your information, I am guessing that any knowledge of our language my wife's family have is limited.Please make sure that there are people around that have some knowledge of English for them."

"I will arrange that Young Master.Elder Master, Elder Madam, First Master, First Madam and Second Madam are all in the casual lounge.I will arrange rooms for all your guests, and your suite is ready for you and Young Madam."

"Thank You."

Turning to everyone Hou Yi said "Follow me, and I will introduce you to my family."He then, pushing Anna in the chair carefully maneuvered her around a couple of corridors into a casual lounge area that had its windows opened onto a garden.Hou Yi and Anna then introduced everyone to his family, and everyone settled down for a lazy afternoon.

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