Offer To The CEO

Chapter 251: Family - Part 2

251 Family - Part 2

Saturday, continued …

Rosemary, after being let in by Hou Yi, moved to the bed, and taking one look at her sister-in-law realised what had been going on.

Rather than saying anything, she helped Anna our of bed, and up onto the crutches. "Come on, now you need to carefully get yourself into the walk-in robe and choose your clothes.No being lazy sister.Once you have done that," and with her voice getting louder, "and your husband is out of the bathroom, we will get you in there to shower."

"You are mean, Rosemary"

"Well darling sister, you need to be able to cope.More than likely by the time that the school holiday period ends, the hospital will have you in a walking cast which means you will not need help.I will show you today how to deal with that cast of yours, but" and again she got loud "Yi do not think you are getting out of this, as you need to know as well."

"What do you mean?"

"I can guess what I disturbed by simply looking at you, and how quick Yi wanted to get out of my sight.If he knows what has to be done …"

"Damn it Rosemary, mind out of the gutter sister."

"I am not thinking of anything that I guess you have not already done."

"Gutter darling sister, is being kind, you have your mind in the sewer."

"All I was going to say was shower together."

"I really do not know how my brother puts up with you."

"I am a hotty, he loves me and that is all you need to know.Come on we need to get serious.You need to work around your room with your crutches.Now get into the robe, pick your clothes and we will get you cleaned before going to meet everyone at the airport."

Anna worked her way carefully, with Rosemary following behind her into the walk in robe, and selected clothing to change into.As they worked their way out, Hou Yi exited the bathroom in casual clothing."Turn around Yi, you need to come in to learn some things."

Rosemary carefully got Anna into the bathroom and showed both of them how to property cover the cast, so Anna could have a shower.After Hou Yi exited Rosemary maneuvered the shower chair into the shower, and helped Anna get ready for the day.

Twenty minutes later, Anna followed by Rosemary left the bathroom, and they spotted Hou Yi."Yi now help your wife downstairs, taking the crutches and chair, and I will come and join you as soon as I change."With that Rosemary, left the master suite.

Anna turned to Hou Yi, "That was so damn embarrassing.She made me feel like a teenager caught with her first boyfriend by her parents.Although, at least she was somewhat in the end being considerate, in showing us both what to do with my cast.It just …"

"Will not be like the last time we shared a shower?"

"Right, but no more embarrassment."

"True.Now I need to get you down stairs, so we can go and meet your family at the airport."

"Can you grab my handbag.I know it will be a pain, but tonight can we come back here.I had a thought that I can put in place my part of the criminal deal, but it means work to draft the orders, and subject to a couple of things arranging a video link with the Court in Australia for orders to be made, subject to the criminal court here being able to deal with it."

"Not a problem, my family will be OK with that, but I will arrange for Alister to come and be in on this, so on Monday we are all working together."


With that Anna, carefully made her way to the stairs with the aid of the crutches,Hou Yi brought her handbag, and the wheelchair behind her, and called out for assistance form staff.With help he carefully carried Anna downstairs, and put her into the wheelchair, and moved her into the casual dining room for a quick breakfast.Rosemary joined them, and once they were all finished the left to head to the airport.

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