Offer To The CEO

Chapter 244: Court - Part 13

244 Court - Part 13

Friday, continued …

"Lin smart thinking.I wish I had thought of it.What made you?"

"That idiot woman got me a message three days ago, and I was wondering what I could do with the information."

"OK, let me make a call, and get everything in place."

Lu Jinhu move to a corner of the room and started making calls to contacts in City A, to manvour the release of Du XuXu, and her being sent to City T.His contacts promised that it would happen within 48 hours and told him the cost involved.He immediately transferred the funds needed from his personal account, plus a sum to allow Du XuXu money to support herself initially.

When he confirmed to Yang Lin what was in place, both recognised that the results of this were going to give them great pleasure.Reeking havoc with those two idiots.As they started to talk about other means to get at them, they heard the door opening and realised that someone was coming in so stopped.

"Mr Lu, Madam Lu.We have a proposal to resolve the matters.It is not everything that you want, but I need you each to review it and give me your instructions."With that he handed each of Lu Jihnu and Yang Lin copies of the printed agreement.

In another room …

"CEO Hou, Madam Hou.I think we are somewhere.The National Prosecutors Office have made it clear that I am not to roll over.Significant pressure has to be placed on Mr and Madam Lu to receive convictions, a short period of jail, fines, and a suspended sentence to make them behave for years. While they wanted to handle the prosecution given we are not using everything that was discovered, they decided to use the normal approach regarding criminal matters."

"It was made very clear to me that if there is not an agreement today, the national prosecution service will take over the matter.I have been using that, plus a rough agreement that your Employer's Madam Hou approved regarding the Australian Family Law proceedings to force an agreement on the criminal matters."

Handing a copy of the proposal to Anna and Hou Yi, Alister Nang continued "I had been over this draft late yesterday with the national prosecution service, who have indicated that this is acceptable for them.They stated as a compromise for a plea today this is the minimum they will accept.Madam Hou, as to the Family Law aspects your employers, as they are the solicitors on record for them said that if you were happy to commit to the proposals, they see no problems with that aspect."

Anna quickly read the document, however Hou Yi took five minutes longer to do so.While waiting Anna sat quietly talking to Rosemary.

Hou Yi, after looking at Anna said "I can live with that.While I would have liked much greater fines, the fact that we do not have to keep their sentences quiet is fine with me.Anna?"

"Do either of them have any criminal matters?I know Lu Jinhu has one criminal matter in Australia for unlawful assault.A drunk man was trying to hit me and he stepped in grabbed his arm slapped him and held his arm until security removed him from the venue.The Court accepted that he was acting to protect me, but simply went too far."

"Madam Hou, here Madam Lu has a number of assault charges, but Mr Lu has nothing."

"Well I would have liked to see more jail time for both of them now, plus additional time suspended.

However, if the national prosecution service find it acceptable, I will be OK with it."

"By the way, two other issues that were raised, were about that laptop, and the rings"

"Well they can go and jump about the rings.Yang Lin does not get what she wants because she wants it.They are our rings, and we will be keeping them." Responded Hou YI, as soon as Alister Nang stopped speaking.

"I am so sick of his obsession with my work laptop.He wants is so bad.OK, the deal is he can have the laptop Monday, after I have had the opportunity to remove all personal items from it, and all work-related software.I can purchase another laptop easily to replace it.I am guessing he will not agree as I believe his obsession with it is related to the work software, which he could use to access the work trust account and drain money from clients."

OK Let me go back and wait for their lawyer to return.

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