Offer To The CEO

Chapter 243: Court - Part 12

243 Court - Part 12

Friday, continued …

In consideration for this, the second victim agrees to not taking any further action against the first and second defendants for losses suffered as a result of the actions of those identified in this agreement.

In consideration for this, all parties agree that unless otherwise required to implement the agreement that this cannot be disclosed to any other person or organisation

The first victim and the first defendant, also agree:

1. That the matters outlined in this agreement will not be reported to the police in Australia to have criminal charges pursued against the first defendant.This does not cover matters not disclosed in detail or future matters, or matters ordered to be pursued as criminal offences by an Australian Court.

2. Unless already disclosed, the actions outlined in this agreement of the first and second defendants cannot be used against the first defendant in Australian Family Law proceedings unless ordered to be disclosed by the court or the first defendant makes the disclosure himself.If the first victim makes a disclosure the first victim is to compensate the defendants the amount of 250,000 for the disclosure.

3. By consent, unless opposed by the court agree to the following orders being made in the Australian Family Law proceedings:

a. That the first victim is to arrange for an amount of $AU20,000 to be split from her superannuation entitlements in Australia and into a separate account for the first defendant;

b. that the first victim will transfer to the first defendant, upon receipt of payment of half the net value less $AU20,000 of the apartment that the first victim and first defendant lived in, all titles and rights to that apartment.

c. Any other debts of the first defendant and first victim, whether in one name or joint names are to be equally split between the parties, save and except for the debt associated with the first defendants newly purchased vehicle, which the first defendant will be retaining, the first defendant is to be solely responsible for the debt associated with it.

d. That each of the first defendant and first victim retain their own personal items including electronic devices and bank accounts in their own names with any joint accounts becoming the first victims.

e. The first defendant pays, in accordance with orders already in place, the amount for the forensic analysis of the first victims' signature.

g. That any other cost orders as imposed by the court exercising jurisdiction in Australia be complied with.

Once this was read through by both, Alister Nang commented "While I have not had this approved by my clients, I believe that they can live with the agreement, and will sign.What to you say?"

"My clients will not like the convictions, nor does it cover two key issues they required in terms of the laptop in Madam Hou's possession and the rings to be provided to them."

"Can I suggest that we show our client's the agreement and I will forward it to the national prosecuting service for their approval as well.Let us see what can be agreed, and what we have to work on."

"Fine.It is now 1pm.Let us meet back in 30 minutes and see if this can be finalised."

With that the assistant printed out four copies of the agreement and a email copy was sent to the national prosecution service, and both lawyers left the room to go and speak to their clients.

While the lawyers were working on the agreement …

Yang Lin, turned to Lu Jinhu "You remember that woman 12 months ago that I intercepted that claimed that she had Hou Yi's child and that he had promised to marry her. Du XuXu was her name."

"I think so.Why?"

"Well, she is still going on with her claims, even though with her mental health state she is locked up.What about we get her out of that institution in City A, bring her here and let her loose to ruin the marriage of those two."

"Why would we do that."

"Well while we have been waiting I have done some basic on-line searching regarding their lawyer.He hardly looses a case.The lawyer we have, while very good and respected is not as good as him.I think we are going to loose here, but there is no way I want the national prosecution service taking over the matter, as they will seek that we are jailed.You and I both know that.We have to get back at them, and do it before we agree to anything, therefore we cannot be touched."

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