Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

196. A Mother’s Love

196. A Mother’s Love

Hellen could never forget their faces. It hadn’t been that long to begin with. With the whole time dilation shenanigans and everything they’ve gone through, Frost felt like they’ve been separated for years.

Hellen was one of the few people they could trust. She been with them through thick and thin in Grandis and was aware of Frost’s identity as the Amalgam. Moreover, Hellen and Alice were under the protection of Act X so long as they were in possession of the Strings.

The store immediately closed. All customers were kindly asked to leave the moment she heard their familiar voices. Thankfully, nothing came out of Ara’s uncareful handling of Alice.

But Hellen immediately froze upon seeing Ara. It was like she knew who she was straight away. The sheepish Ara could only avert her eyes, wondering what to even say. But she didn’t need to say anything at all, because before she knew it, Hellen embraced her with tears streaming down her cheeks.

“You’re ok…! You’re ok! I was so worried and scared that maybe you became the victim Mimicry!”

“Mimicry? There’s no way I would’ve been caught. I was just pulled aside by ImpulseWorks. The people that your dad used to work with. But – Some old friend of yours helped me out of my rut!”

As expected, Hellen didn’t care at all that Ara had changed. Her safety mattered above all else. It was touching, and Frost wanted to leave them alone, but Hellen swiftly invited them to catch up.

She was elated that she not only had the pleasure of seeing such familiar faces, but also that they had helped her once again. The pure-hearted woman kindly invited them to take a seat in a room in the back, past the isles, the faraway counter, and a beautiful laminated door.

Ara’s head was cupped into Hellen’s hands. This gesture of love proved just how much she cared about them, and it caused the vibrant, grumpy Ara to deflate and mellow into her hands. A small, happy smile could be seen on her face.

“That’s just like you Frost.” Res said, almost teasingly.

“Mhm.” Jury hummed, wholeheartedly agreeing. “You’re like a soft-boiled egg. Hard on the outside, but soft and yummy in the inside~”

“You’re just hungry.” Ber muttered.

“Jury’s the water to your flames. But you’d think for someone named Frost they’d be way more coolheaded.” Cer joked.

“Why does it sound like you guys reached some sort of enlightenment?” Frost ended up sighing. “But I like those analogies. Just not the runny egg one. You make it sound like you want to eat me.”

“I wonder~” Jury hummed.

“Must be nice being you.” Cer growled, headbutting Frost’s back.

Hellen kindly asked them to take a seat inside a secluded room in the back. It was an empty lounge decorated with instruments and musical notes, painted into the walls by what appeared to be a child.

There were no furnishings. Only cushions which were neatly placed along the rims of the room. The floor itself was like a bed, and their feet sunk into its soft fabric. She disappeared to fetch some drinks, to which Alice happily followed as she curiously stared at the glaring Ignis.

It was easy to tell how frightened she was of those scary eyes.

Their home was built inside of their store. It wasn’t huge or anything spectacular. The size was just enough for a small family, and bordered on being too big for only three people.

Ara couldn’t sit still as they took a seat along one of the corners. Relief couldn’t begin to describe the sensation in her heart, and before long, Alice returned with a tray of coffee mugs and hand-made cookies shaped like musical notes.

Upon placing them down she subtly gazed at Ara, who was ashamed to look back. But just like her mother, she was not someone to quickly judge her. Her tiny palms found themselves scrubbing through Ara’s messy, green hair as Alice stood over her with a glad smile.

“Ara’s back~ I’m sorry for not noticing. There there~ You’re back home again~ Now Mom won’t be sad anymore.”

“Mhm. I’m back. Looking like a piece of broccoli, but I’m back.” Ara grinned, her spirits raised as Frost nearly spat out her drink in laughter.

“I think you’re more like an asparagus.” Cer said, a hand on her chin as she nodded twice. “No… You’re too wide for that. Potatoes?”

“What about a lettuce?” Ber said, glancing over at Ignis. “Lettuce? Ignis, why aren’t you reacting?”

“Because Lettuce is tasty…” Ignis whispered, nibbling on a cookie. “… Nostalgic…”

For some reason, hearing Ignis feel that way towards her mother’s confectionary caused her eyes to sparkle. The cheerily little girl hopped around and happily watched Ignis take tiny bites.

Then, she suddenly asked her a question:

“Did your mother also used to bake cookies for you?”

Ignis’ mouth hung open as she stopped mid-bite. Alice was too young, let alone aware of Ignig’s circumstances. Her question bared zero malice as the room suddenly fell silent. Ignis’ ears twitched before the bit the cookie in half and chewed, uttering.

“… Mama died before I knew her face. So I don’t know. But papa used to make them for me. And all the nice people in the tavern and inn while papa was away.” Ignis’ expression never changed, but deep down, it pained her just to say these out loud.

But because Alice was just a child who didn’t know any better, she didn’t antagonize her or react. She just continued to eat, all the while Jury offered her tail to wrap around her waist like a cuddly blanket.

“I-I’m sowwy!” Alice sensed the degraded mood and apologised.

“It’s ok, Alice. It’s ok. Ignis isn’t mad, right?” Frost reached up and tapped the child’s head.

“Is that true?”

“Not angry… But I will if you cry. Don’t cause your mother trouble.” A rare smile formed on her face, right on cue for Hellen’s return. Alice cosied up beside Ara, finding comfort in the new biological cushions much to Ara’s dismay.

They shared their encounters over a tray of treats, sweets, and hot coffee. It was nice seeing a familiar face again. Especially someone who managed to leave such a terrible place like Grandis. Alice would always glance over at Jury, remembering the woman who always sat across her on that caravan.

Just how much had she grown already?

“My… The Big Red Heart?” Hellen cupped her lips, somehow unsurprised to hear that Frost’s group managed to take it down. She didn’t question them either. Not after what she had seen firsthand. “Incredible. It’s comforting to hear that you haven’t changed, right dear?”

“The White Rabbit’s even bigger now!” Alice raised both hands up, her mouth decorated with bits of cookies.

“Didn’t I tell you to call me Jury~?” Jury calmly hummed, smiling at Alice.

“But White Rabbit sounds better! I’ve been chasing you in my dreams into mysterious holes! Why are you leading me down there? Huh? Why?” She interrogated.

“Oh hush, dear. Jury’s been with Frost all this time, and her friends over there. Snap~ Nice to meet you again~ Come over and have something to eat.” Hellen called Snap to inch a little closer.

“Brrrrr~!” Snap thanked as Ignis took a cookie and placed it alongside Snap’s fur.

The dynamic of Frost’s crew caused Hellen to laugh. She adored them and simply listened to their tales. However, the triplets never gave her the time, look, or a single word other than the occasional ‘thank you.’ She was not a Blessed, and therefore, they refused to acknowledge her.

Aside from Res and a small piece of Ber.

“That’s right – Frost, she’s just like me! She also got turned into a girl at some point, right!?” Ara suddenly revealed to Hellen, causing her to tilt her head, cuirous if this was true.

“… It’s a long story.” Frost did not wish to elaborate, and simply put her cup down onto the floor-tray.

“You won’t deny it, hmm? My. I had a feeling you were a little strange. Do you feel guilty?”

“No. No point in feeling guilty for something I have no control over.” Frost admitted.

“Good. My… That explains quite a lot. You liked to sit with your legs open, and you did come across as boyish. Not quite tomboyish, but more like how I’d expect a man to.”

“Aunt, Frost is like all those suited weirdoes in the Nexus. Women or not, they’re so stoic it’s ridiculous.” Ara said. “N-No offence!”

“None taken at all. But sometimes you need to learn to shut your mouth.” Frost said in a jokingly manner, but this only caused Ara to gulp.

“S-Sorry… I was just happy I’m not the only one in this kind of situation.”

Frost did not want to stay for too long. With the news of Mimicry making its moves she realized they were probably behind on schedule. It was nice seeing Hellen and Alice again, and it saddened them that they were leaving so early.

They spent several hours exchanging all kinds of gossip and talk. Frost was just happy that not everything was meant for business, and Hellen congratulated Jury and Frost’s developments by singing a beautiful piece.

Truly, there was no other voice like hers. A siren’s call hypnotized them all, including the triplets who could not help but to fall in love with her voice. Cer from then on become affixed to Alice and Ara.

A bundle of Hellen’s magical strings from Act X were given to Frost as a gift for everything she had done. She offered them a grand piano, but Jury made it clear that they had no place to call their own just yet.

I wonder if I’ll be able to live with Jury inside of a small house like this. That’d be a dream come true.

“So long as you are the Amalgam, respite will be difficult.”

I know. Maybe in the Nexus it’ll be possible… But I’m still happy I can be with her at every step of the way.

* * *

It was evening now. Hellen offered for them to stay for the night but they politely declined. They were going to use this time to travel to H10 via the train Networks. The streets outside never slept, and the dazzling, warm lights of the city illuminated every inch of the world.

But when one looked up, all they could see was darkness. There was not a single star in the night sky. Hellen, Alice and the still shoddily dressed Ara waved goodbye. Their farewells brought all manners of attention from the main strip.

However, Cer for some reason did not immediately leave with the group. She stood just meters in front Ara with folded arms and judging eyes. It felt like she would attack them at any moment, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Cer stared at Hellen. Then at Allice, and then her crimson eyes finally fell onto Ara.

“Don’t hate your mother too much. The worst she could’ve done was kill you. She gave you chance regardless of what happened.” She offered a piece of her mind, which formed in the very depths of her heart. “Your aunt couldn’t have found you by chance. Think harder. Read between the lines. And take care of her. You won’t know when you’ll lose them.”

Cer shut her eyes and spun on her heels. Before she could reach Frost and her group, she offered Alice a few parting words.

“Pipsqueak. Psst. Alice. Take care of your mother. Make mischief. Get her mad. Make as many memories as possible. Must be weird hearing this at a young age, but I wish someone was there to tell the selfish me this when I was just like you. It’s a crazy world, and it’ll only get crazier from here on out.” She looked up at the darkening night, where there was no moon or star to be found.

“And Hellen. Thanks for the hospitality. Remember that you are the world to Alice.” She departed and never looked back. This mature version of Cer carried wisdom, but it was derived from a twisted tragedy that never released her heart.

“… C-Cer! Your name was Cer!?” Hellen called out unexpectedly. “You’re welcome to come back to us whenever you want! We’ll be waiting with open arms! For all of you!”

Cer nonchalantly re-joined the others on Snap’s back. She vented an exasperated sigh and plopped down flat like a starfish.

“… Are you ok?” Ber solemnly whispered.

“Don’t push yourself too hard.” Res uttered.

Cer was tired. Uncharacteristically tired. She just stared up into the black skies, waiting for the moon to peer from the obscuring clouds. Rather than the usual full or new moon, a crescent-moon emerged, causing her to groggily click her tongue.

“Hey Frost, do you think you can eat me right now?”

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