Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

195. Hellen’s Store

195. Hellen’s Store

The rumor of Mimicry was one of several in the Nex Megaloplis. Unconfirmed threats and gossips were categorized by the awareness and commotion they generated amongst the populace, whether in Nex Megalopolis or afar. They began at simile rumors because one could never prove their existence.

But slowly, they climbed and crept into the minds of countless like creeping ivy.

Ara was well versed with the processes of the city. Despite her wealthy heritage, he was born in the dire pits of the City of Spades. Sector S7 in particular, where violence was an every day greeting, and death was a luxury only few could afford.

She knew that the clerk’s death would mark a new milestone for Mimicry.

No longer was it just a rumor. Mimicry was exalted to a threat that could no longer be taken lightly. The failure of the ARU’s recovery efforts lead to the confirmed existence of one of the most egregious monsters of all, and one that not even Frost could detect.

When rumors became the truth, they were listed as ‘Nightmares’.

Such quests relating to these secretive problems laid in the hands of the Associations and Syndicates. They were considered too risky for the ordinary to stick their heads in, less they wished to lose them.

One such Nightmare were the Authors. A sect so masked in secrecy that not even the triplets were aware of the name. To begin with, they weren’t well versed with the city and the world itself outside of their role as Moons.

Frost wondered if they were what Leitmotif was for the Maestros of Flesh, but just for the Librarians. Thankfully, she wasn’t the only one to arrive at this conclusion, receiving nods from Jury and Ignis.

“S7 is full of crazies. How’d you end up in there?” Cer was curious about Ara’s backstory.

She knew that this ‘woman’ must have had an interesting past as a fellow Blessed. The triplets, as usual, were eager to open their mouths so long as the person in question was a Blessed.

“I was the bastard kid of one of Hellen’s sisters. No one knew about the Green Composer at the time. They were just another brick in the wall. She’d sleep around with all kinds of people trying to earn favors. I happened to be the child of one. Things happened, got abandoned because she didn’t want to see the face of an ugly mutt. Neither did I.”

“Let me guess. S7 was where you were abandoned.” Cer pointed at a large store situated at a major fork ahead.

A green-bricked, double storied store glistened beneath the afternoon sun. Magical symbols of musical notes floated high above, animating like neon signs. The striking image of a giant conducting wand made it clear just who this store belonged to.

This was undoubtably Hellen’s shop. Not a single other music store could be seen in its shadow. Only food stores and tuition shops surrounded it. After all, how could a humble music store compete with such a magical store?

“Raised at the same time the city was built. And let me tell you, it wasn’t pretty. Half of the walls in the City of Spades are a 50/50 blend of concrete and flesh. Survived off my charm. Now it’s all gone straight down to these… fuck sakes.” Ara admitted nonchalantly, smiling even as Cer and her sisters nodded.

While this topic festered anger in Frost, this was entirely normal for people like them… As sad as it was.

“I was taken in by a Syndicate myself. Called them family till they were eaten. It is what it is.” Ara collapsed into Snap’s fur, laying herself flat as she watched the clouds.

“By monsters?” Frost asked.

“Rival Syndicates. Lunatics. The norm. Watched one have their innards turned to the strings of a guitar. ‘Monsters’ is right! I guess you would see them that way too, huh Black Dove.” Ara strangely complemented, before adding:

“Cannibalism. All that stuff is normal in distinct parts of the City of Spades so we’ve heard. Go deep enough and you’ll find stuff like ‘Creeping Ivy’. It’s wall-grown flesh. Not too different from the stuff you see with the Hungry. Heard they taste better if they’re connected to a living brain.”

“And the Scarlet Logic just sits and watches?” Frost criticized, unable to believe any of this.

“C’mon. You sound like you’re new around here. But no one can blame you if you’ve never set foot inside of the City of Spades. Everyone watches and exploits people on their turf. I was lucky to get a break thanks to the Green Composer. And Hellen. If it weren’t for her, then I probably would’ve joined one of those flesh-weaving musicians.” She deeply sighed, slamming her head into Snap’s back. “Just hope Hellen doesn’t get mad I’m like this.”

Fucking hell. Flesh weaving musicians are absolutely the Maestros of Flesh. I thought the Impuritas were only found underground?

“Mind you, Leitmotif and the Bloody Herring were able to move freely without a known Heart. We know nothing until we enter the City of Spades. Please do limit your bloodshed, even if it’s considered a gesture of good will.”

I’m not promising anything. In fact, it'll be better if we can just destroy them where they’re hiding. Convenient of them to take refuge in the City of Spades of all places. I sincerely have no idea why no one does anything.

“No one wants to die. Your approach is only viable because one, you are strong. And two, you can cheat death. I presume. Don’t test this. Still, you have cheated it at least once. Perhaps multiple times considering this is technically your third life.”

Nav made it sound like she died on Earth and emerged in that previous world as an entirely new person. Still, Nav was right. This was in a way her third life, even if she didn’t remember much of the previous two. Frost could only wonder how long it would be before things took a turn for the worse.

* * *

A pair of glass doors slid open as a cool breeze swept through. Their apparel, hair and fur danced as they found themselves in an incredibly lavish store brimming with musical instruments. From the guitar to the humble piano, to violins and trumpets – Everything exuded impressive allure.

And much to her surprise –

“… oh… Known visitors…”

“Predicted… By Script… Welcome… Have fun… Shopping.”


< Snippy Snip >


Soul Rank: Black | Atelier: Act X

LEVEL : 110 ORIGIN : Insectid

HP : 6,000 

ATT : 1,000 MAG ATT : 1,200
ATT DEF : 1,200 MAG DEF : 1,200

MP : 2,000

RESIST : Nil AGI : 30

A four-armed Insectid guarded the entryway from either side. They were armed with nothing but one half of a giant, ethereal scissor. Their arms were hoisted and controlled by strings without origin, making them appear like nothing but puppets and husks of their former selves.

She could not tell if their voice was truly theirs.

“… Mind us not… Black Dove… Please move along…”

“… Scripts… Accomplished… Now stand… for 2,000 hours more…”

Their voices were hollow. Not quite robotic, but close. There was a semblance of sapience inside with neutered emotions from what she sensed.

“Oh hey. Still here?” Ara greeted, to which the Severers glanced at each other before tilting their heads.

“… friendly…? Gesture is familiar…”

“Could be… Friend of the store owner’s nephew…?”

“I am Ara. I know I look different but – Er… You really don’t recognize me?” Ara slapped her chest, which was apparently what she usually did to gain the attention of others, except this slap caused her to turn red and grimace with pain “F-Fuck…”

“… no?”

“Please do not make a scene then…”

She dejectedly retreated. Only Hellen could help her now.

They were dressed in a similar blue that the Heralds adorned. But they did not wear mantles or capes. Instead, they were fitted with suits and a tie that mysteriously hung horizontally, as if held by an invisible string.

“Scissor husks… What’s a pair of you doing all the way here outside your turf?” Cer questioned, all the while Ignis and Ber explored the store, marveling at the equipment.

Upon further inspection, Frost realized that these instruments, particularly string instruments, were made from a similar thread made by Act X.




MATERIAL : Attuned Vocals

< Little else is known. Your Appraise Object level is too low. But this is interesting. It is not an Atelier Item. It appears that this string is a physical construct of harmonious voices. It is a material used for Atelier Items, such as clothing >


“This string isn’t used for clothing, though. It’s for instruments.” Frost said as the triplets messed with the Act X guards. Jury and Ara followed her into the store where they found a beautiful guitar and plucked at its strings.

Frost was by no means a musician. But the sound it made was utterly mesmerizing.

“Swwwffffffffffffff! Pwaaaaaaaaaaaah~ How I’ve missed this place!” Ara melted, gathering the eyes of the many shoppers. “Oh, shit – They don’t recognize me at all.”

“I think they’re looking at a different part of you. You’re not wearing the right clothes.” Jury said, glancing down at the woman’s chest.

“Is that my fault?” She argued with Jury. “And hey, right clothes? I’ll have you know that these are the right clothed for me!

“Your store’s full Act X’s strings. No wonder they stationed their personnel here.”

“Oh them? Nah, they just like hearing Hellen’s voice. Fun fact, they’ve been waiting there for months at a time waiting for her to come back from Grandis. You also get some of the blue guys. You know, the Heralds? They like holding out here sometimes. Luckily, she’s nothing like her sister, or there’d be a hundred more Alices.”

“That’s no way to talk about your mother.” Ber slapped the woman’s back as she passed with Ignis.

“N-NGH! M-Moons… Am I right? Ha -Haha… Ouch… If you had someone who abandoned you at birth just because you were a liability, then of course you’ll hate them with everything you have. It is what it is. You get me, right? Right?”

Frost and Jury looked over at each other.

“I can’t relate. But I don’t think I could ever hate someone that brought me into this world.” Jury sweetly said.

“Neither. But to each their own. We’re not here to blame you. Besides, I couldn’t remember the face of my own mother even if I tried.” Frost said, bringing a hand to her chin. “Eyes. Hair. Skin. Human or machine – Hell, maybe I was born out of thin air.” She ended up ranting to help brighten the mood.

“Would be easier if that was true. Can I hug you?” Ara suddenly asked.

“Huh?” Frost blinked, right before Jury embraced her.

“No. Frost is mine.” She defended as an array of tiny patters swiftly approached from somewhere behind Ara.

“What – No, I mean it like a bro hug! Like – You know – Friendship? We are both suffering in this twistedly soft body! So we could at least share this burden! It’s unfair! All this hair! These weapons that do nothing but ache my back! I could do the same with dumbbells dammit!”

The patters abruptly stopped. The sweet fragrance of candy and all sorts of fruit wafted into the air like a beautiful perfume. Golden strands suddenly appeared from behind Ara as a pair of blue eyes stared up at them.

It was Alice. And she brought all sorts of baked treats just for them. But her happiness turned into despair as she looked up at Ara, who turned around and opened her arms like the wings of a bird.

Her shadow consumed Alice as tears threatened to fall down her swollen eyes.

“A-Ara – I don’t think you should –!”

Frost’s warning arrived too late. Even though she had the ability to see seconds into the future, she was unable to intercept the tragedy in time.

“Alice! How’d you know it was me!?” Ara went in for the kill and embraced Alice.

To an onlooker she looked like a creep trying to kidnap a child.

“M-Mom! MOM! Help – Help me! It’s a crazy lady! Uuu… Frost! White Rabbit! Help me!” Alice wailed.

It was going to be a long day.

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