Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 229: Do you hate Thanos?

Chapter 229: Do you hate Thanos?

Nebula and Gamora initially thought they were doomed.

After all, with the planet about to explode and being inside it, they had no chance of surviving with their level of strength.

However, as they awaited their fate, they were surprised to find themselves in a starry expanse instead of facing death.

They watched in amazement as the shockwaves from the explosion of Morag spread through the vacuum.

The powerful ripples passed through their bodies as if they had suddenly become intangible.

Realizing that Wanda and others were also floating nearby in space, they quickly understood that their survival was due to being saved by them.

At that moment, their feelings were complex. Gamora felt a sense of gratitude and excitement, as Wanda and her group had killed her enemy, Thanos, and now saved her and Nebula in their dire situation.

Nebula, however, felt different. Her loyalty to Thanos was unquestionable, and to her, Wanda and her group were enemies. The fact that they had saved her and Gamora left her confused.

Wanda, meanwhile, was not concerned with the sisters' confusion. Her focus was on the front. The power of a planet exploding was immense, and even someone of her sub-Celestial level was reluctant to face it head-on.

Reluctant to face it head-on did not mean she would die from such an explosion.

Especially not someone as resilient as Thanos.

The explosion had destroyed the magical barrier created by her, Bella, and Loki, indicating that Thanos had a way to escape.

Glancing at the fleet that had suffered significant losses due to the explosion, Wanda said to Bella, “Once we leave the mirror dimension, destroy that fleet. The rest of us will focus on guarding against Thanos.”

“Understood,” Bella replied.

Everyone nodded.

With a thought, Wanda brought them out of the mirror dimension but kept it intact, ensuring that Gamora and Nebula, who couldn't survive in space, were safe.

As they appeared, Bella raised her elegant spear, and golden vortices emitting invisible ripples appeared behind her, with powerful weapons emerging from them.

The weapons shot towards the damaged Thanos fleet at light speed.

The fleet's commander, seeing this terrifying scene, panicked and urgently ordered the activation of the defense system.

Having witnessed the power of the five attacking Thanos, it was clear that conventional technology and ships stood no chance against such divine beings.

Survival itself was the most they could hope for.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This wasn't the Gate of Babylon from Bi Xiao, as his power had grown to a level where such treasures were beyond casual use by Bella and Wanda.

Each weapon summoned could destroy a planet or even half a galaxy.

However, Bi Xiao had taught the Gate of Babylon magic to Wanda and Bella, and both had their own Gate of Babylon.

A joke from Bi Xiao had embarrassed Wanda, while Bella had punched him playfully.

The magic's potential was immense, capable of growing with Wanda and Bella's power.

Its current power far exceeded what the fleet could resist, only Thanos's Sanctuary II could withstand it.

Bella mercilessly slaughtered the fleet, showing no compassion for the notorious army stained with blood and lives.

Wanda, Thor, Loki, and Pietro focused on Thanos.

As Wanda predicted, the planetary explosion couldn't kill Thanos.

However, Bella's magic had injured him, evident from his damaged armor.

The chaotic explosion site showed signs of cosmic phenomena.

Upon seeing Thanos, Thor and Pietro immediately turned into lightning and charged.

Just recovering from the explosion, Thanos saw the approaching lightning and transformed into a light beam to escape.

Flying at light speed, with Thor and Pietro in pursuit, Thanos realized his Space Throne's summoning had weakened.

Sensing the space's link being severed, he chose to flee instead of facing death.

Flying at light speed, Thor and Pietro chased him.

Wanda calmly summoned Vimana.

The Vimāna was crafted from Bi Xiao Gate of Babylon, made of gold and emerald, capable of soaring through the sky as a radiant vessel of light. Its core furnace, powered by magical energy, generates the energy needed for propulsion, allowing it to fly at high speeds regardless of physical laws.

Its speed depends on the amount of magical energy supplied.

Wanda sat in the Vimāna and then transformed into a beam of light, disappearing instantly, leaving behind a bewildered Loki who hadn't boarded yet. This was intentional on Wanda's part, as she wouldn't let Loki board the Vimāna. After all, it could only accommodate one person, and there was no place for Loki.

Everything depended on individual abilities.

Loki, not to be outdone, summoned a Pegasus. This Pegasus was a descendant of Odin's eight-legged horse, ranking just below it among all Pegasus.

Its running speed reached the speed of light.

After mounting the Pegasus, he also turned into a white light, closely following.

At that moment, an unprecedented chase began.

Meanwhile, Bella was still attacking Sanctuary II. The only reason was its incredible durability. As Thanos's vehicle, it contained almost all of Thanos's advanced technology.

Its defense system could easily withstand the impact of meteoroid clusters during space travel.

Even the explosion of Morag at such close range did not cause any damage to it, demonstrating just how exaggerated this defense system was.

Bella had used the Gate of Babylon to destroy the entire fleet, leaving only this thing.

Seeing Wanda and others pursuing Thanos, Bella wasn't in a hurry, but being delayed by this thing was still unacceptable.

It harmed her dignity as Bella.

So, Bella went berserk.

She pointed her delicate hand towards the sky.


Instantly, accompanied by golden light rushing into the clouds, a divine sound echoed above Sanctuary II. Although sound cannot travel through a vacuum, the shockwaves made the space tremble.

A gigantic sacred figure appeared.

Radiating pure white light, the figure was millions of square meters in height, clad in bright silver armor, with eight pure white wings on its back, a black upper helmet covering the upper half of its face, revealing a beautiful lower half, with golden hair flowing from the helmet, wearing silver boots and wrapped in pink ribbons, with delicate hands in white gloves.

It was an extraordinarily large and beautiful angel.

Sanctuary II, though enormous, appeared tiny in comparison to this angel.

Despite its size, the angel's proportions were perfect, capable of captivating any race.

"Bella's spiritual command reached the sacred angel: 'Holy Angel, pierce through this shell for me.'"

The angel began to act without much movement or unnecessary words. She raised her left hand and mimicked drawing a bowstring with her right. In the next second, a sacred, dazzling white arrow appeared at her fingertips, gathering holy energy.

A terrifying energy wave spread out.

The commander on Sanctuary II, staring at the holographic display, saw the energy levels reaching an unbelievable high.

Seeing the enormous, beautiful angel aiming at them, the commander knew his fate: Death.

On the brink of death, he seemed to see the innocent lives he had killed, their hateful eyes making him feel a profound guilt and remorse.

He was an executioner; why had he committed such atrocities?

He deserved to die and needed to atone for the innocent lives he had taken.

So, the commander abandoned all struggle.

This sentiment was shared by all the soldiers on Sanctuary II.

This was not just pre-death repentance but a spell effect from the Holy Angel's Heaven Arrow, directly affecting their souls.

The Holy Angel released the invisible bowstring.


The dazzling white Heaven Arrow pierced through the vacuum, dragging a long trail of light, instantly penetrating Sanctuary II's defense system and the entire ship.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The brilliant white light turned the starry sky into daylight. The intense energy explosion destroyed Sanctuary II in an instant, transforming it into a mix of red and white flames.

It was beautiful in the starry sky.

The enormous explosion lasted a long time before gradually calming down.

Bella then smiled.

She gazed up at the beautiful angel, truly astonished by its appearance.

This sacred angel was a puppet specially crafted for her by Bi Xiao, with a core made from the souls of slaughtered Archangels and their wings.

This beautiful sacred angel, despite its appearance, was essentially a mindless soul mass, infused with combat thoughts but lacking personal will.

In essence, it was a combat-coded robot.

However, this robot had an astonishing power.

Proficient in swordsmanship and numerous holy light magic spells, as well as some deadly ultimate moves specifically created for her by Bi Xiao, her defense, attack, and speed are maxed out.

Her power can easily slaughter Mephisto.

The magic power supplied by this puppet is linked to Bella herself. Just by using one holy light magic spell, "Heaven Arrow," Bella felt that half of her magic power was drained.

The consumption is quite astonishing.

Fortunately, she has her own dimensional world magic. With a thought, the vast stored magic power immediately replenished the consumed magic power.

With a wave of her hand, she sent the holy angel back.

Usually, the holy angel is placed in a trap, a magic specifically created by Bi Xiao. Whether it is Wanda, Bella, or Pietro, they can summon the holy angel through this summoning magic, using the permission granted to them.

Bi Xiao also plans to create a fallen angel that opposes the holy angel.

According to Bi Xiao, there are not many materials left. These materials are all leftovers after upgrading the Golden City. If more are to be made, more materials would need to be obtained.

However, all the angel souls have been consumed. It is impossible to continue creating the holy angel series.

Of course, what Bella does not know is that Bi Xiao is already contemplating going to another universe and slaughtering another Heaven. This universe has no more angel souls, but there are more in other universes, right?

These are side stories.

After destroying Sanctuary II, Bella summoned her vehicle. Unlike Wanda's ancient, aesthetically pleasing vehicle, hers has a more classical style.

Perhaps due to Bi Xiao's influence.

She has some understanding of oriental literature styles, so her vehicle resembles a magic flying boat from the world of leisure(?), with a seemingly wooden structure, a three or four-story classical house design.

Not only can it navigate through space, but it can also be lived in, just like the ship provided by Asgard, with all the necessary facilities.

Beds, dressing tables, bathrooms, everything you could think of.

It is luxurious and comfortable.

With such conditions, Bella, as a refined girl, does not like simplicity. Why be simple when you can be luxurious?

It took her a lot of time to build this thing. Of course, Bi Xiao did most of the work, crafting the ship's structure. Such complex procedures required Bi Xiao's expertise, while Bella would have taken a lot of time. The remaining decorations and house style were done by Bella herself.

However, many parts are not yet perfected.

But as a flying ship, it has all the necessary functions, so Bella happily flew to the deck. Standing on the deck, with mysterious runes lighting up and fading on the ship's body, the entire flying boat seemed to be pushed by an invisible wind, chasing Wanda and others at light speed.

There is a specially set positioning magic between the five people, so they won't lose track of each other no matter where they are.

With a wave of her hand, Bella summoned a deck chair and sat down comfortably, taking out a book on holy light magic to read. Although the speed was fast, due to the magic barrier automatically surrounding the ship, the barrier could ensure stability under any circumstances.

It even has an Eden-like ecological environment, providing the necessary air and such.

Actually, Bella at this level no longer needs to breathe, but breathing fresh air is a wonderful enjoyment.

However, just as Bella was reading for a while, she seemed to remember something.

Then, with a snap of her fingers, the sound of space shattering echoed.

Two graceful figures suddenly appeared before Bella.

These two were none other than the slightly bewildered Gamora and Nebula.

In the mirror dimension, isolated from reality but able to see the mirrored reality, when they noticed Thanos surviving the planetary explosion, their emotions changed again, only to see Thanos transform into a beam of light and leave.

Wanda and the others each used their methods to pursue him.

Especially when they saw Bella summon a huge beautiful angel to shoot and explode Sanctuary II with one arrow, then summon a very large but exquisitely styled ship and leave, the two women were dumbfounded. 

Were they left behind?

Before they could think, they heard the sound of a shattering mirror again, and the world changed before their eyes, bringing them to the deck of this classical, beautiful styled ship, where they saw Bella leisurely sitting on a chair reading a book.

Bella carefully observed the two women.

The two women did not dare to speak, feeling very restrained. As personal witnesses, they knew how terrifying this gentle and beautiful-looking woman in front of them could be.

The flying boat flew swiftly, with the scenery whizzing by, but none of the three paid attention.

Bella looked at the two women and said to Gamora, "Do you hate Thanos?"

Hearing this, Nebula suddenly turned to look at Gamora.

Her face was full of disbelief.

She never imagined that Gamora, who had been fighting with her since childhood, had always hated their father, Thanos.

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