Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 227: Death is Here

Chapter 227: Death is Here


A brilliant crimson magic circle suddenly appeared, summoning a colossal celestial hand covered in crimson scales that descended from the sky.

Thanos stood on the ground, blood at the corner of his mouth. He looked up at the immense hand that blotted out the sky and roared, mustering the boundless cosmic energy within him. A dazzling blue energy column surged into the sky, clashing with the celestial hand and halting it mid-air.

The energy and the giant hand were in a deadlock, their immense power rippling through the space in waves, akin to raging tides.

The entire planet of Morag began to tremble. This relatively small planet was now on a countdown to destruction. The ground cracked open, and magma spewed from the fissures. The planet's inhabitants all perished amidst their screams and wails.

The eruption of magma brought a different hue to the once gloomy planet, yet this color signified the planet's impending collapse.

Six sub-celestial level beings were fighting on a planet already considered small. A war of this scale was something no ordinary planet could withstand. Even a minor collision's aftermath could alter hundreds of kilometers of the surface. Such immense energy could easily reshape the land.

Destruction was only a matter of time.

Indeed, at this moment, magma was erupting everywhere, flooding the ground and turning it into a red magma ocean.

Except for two unfortunate women, the other six paid no attention to these signs of destruction, focusing solely on their opponents.

Thanos used all his strength to destroy the celestial hand summoned by Wanda. Not far away, a bottomless fissure spewed magma like fireworks. Stones mixed with magma scattered everywhere, bathing Thanos in a crimson glow.

At this moment, he resembled a tragic warrior facing imminent death.

His armor was in tatters, and his body was covered in wounds. Although his formidable physique allowed for rapid healing, the external appearance alone showed how difficult and dangerous it was to be besieged by Wanda and the others.

Outside the planet, the fleet commander continuously monitored Thanos and his enemies' battle.

The intensity and level of this war were unprecedented for him and his subordinates. Yet, they were even more shocked to see Thanos, whom they deemed invincible, in such a sorry state.

They were amazed by the strength of Asgard’s Thor and Loki, and equally surprised by the might of Wanda, Bella, and Pietro, who were previously unknown to them.

The commander grew increasingly anxious, urging his subordinates to launch an attack and break through the magic barrier before Thanos fell.

He could tell that Thanos's situation was deteriorating rapidly and feared he might not hold out much longer.

Loyal to Thanos, they had no intention of fleeing or betraying him, despite Thanos's imminent defeat. For years, Thanos's immense power and dominance had left no room for doubt in their minds.

However, they were unaware that their loyal master, Thanos, had long harbored thoughts of escape.

Holding a double-headed blade in one hand and wiping the blood from his mouth with the other, Thanos looked up at the sky. Above the clouds, amidst the swirling storm, stood several figures coldly gazing down at him.

This scene was all too familiar to Thanos, only this time, the roles were reversed, and he was the hunted.

Facing imminent doom, Thanos felt no fear, remaining exceptionally calm.

He continued to estimate how long he could hold out. Less than half an hour had passed since the five began their assault, and Thanos had narrowly escaped death multiple times. From the perspective of a sub-celestial-level being, reaching such a critical point in half an hour seemed like a poor performance.

But Thanos was besieged by five opponents of the same level.

Moreover, they had meticulously planned their strategy. Every time Thanos tried to turn the tide with his wits, the five would immediately counter and launch the most effective counterattacks.

Surviving for half an hour was a testament to Thanos's formidable Eternal lineage, with his body's extraordinary resilience and healing capabilities being the key.

Fortunately, Thanos could feel the connection with his Space Throne growing stronger and clearer.

Soon, the Space Throne would break the magic barrier, allowing him to escape this peril.

Thanos believed his plan was undiscovered.

In reality, he was unaware of the greater game being played above him.

In a Fairyland, on the balcony of an ancient octagonal tower, Bi Xiao sat by a small wooden table set with tea utensils. Opposite him, seemingly empty to others, sat a figure of indescribable beauty.

This figure sat elegantly on a chair, and behind her was not a human paradise but another vast, hazy world filled with the fear of death, like the other side of the universe.

She had a perfect figure, wore a black cloak, with a not entirely covering black garment on her chest, and T-shaped black trousers below. Her pale skin exuded a sense of power.

She evoked both desire and fear.

She was Death, the creator god governing death in the universe.

Bi Xiao's probing had finally forced Death to reveal herself. Usually, Death would not show herself to the living, only appearing in her domain when one passed, where the fortunate might glimpse her.

The levels are different. Compared to death, the realm of Bi Xiao is vastly different, but at least it has touched a level unimaginable to many.

At this level, Death can appear and meet Bi Xiao.

Otherwise, if others see Death, it is true death. Death is a rule, she cannot personally kill others, so she does not easily reveal herself.

Bi Xiao at this level can already ignore the rules of Death.

"You are very special."

Death looked at Bi Xiao curiously. She never expected such an anomaly to emerge in this universe. She is a creator god, and many things in her eyes are like decomposed data, able to see through everything.

She could see Bi Xiao’s uniqueness, a power that could rival her own level.

This means that Bi Xiao already possesses the foundation to advance to her level.

Without this foundation, no matter how talented others are, it is completely impossible to step into this realm.

That is why she could personally appear to meet this special individual.

In Death's eyes, Bi Xiao has an indescribable divinity, which is very attractive, even to her, at least it does not make her repulsed.

"You are even more special. I never thought we would meet in this form." The famous Death, if spoken of in China, is not Yama but a demon god in the prehistoric world who possesses the rules of death.

Bi Xiao also never expected Death to appear and meet him.

"You know a lot of things." Death said meaningfully. Her voice was very ethereal, completely different from her enchanting appearance, yet this fusion had a unique charm.

However, Bi Xiao knew very well that this might not be Death’s true appearance. Death has countless faces, and no matter who sees her, they will see a face transformed by the deepest subconscious of their soul.

So no matter how beautiful and outstanding she appears, his heart remains calm.

"Perhaps it is a certain ability of mine."

"Then, you know why I have come to see you."

Bi Xiao did not care about Death’s words but turned his head to look to the left. Before him was not the beautiful scenery of a fairyland, but a planet on the verge of destruction, and he saw Thanos struggling in battle: "Is he your spokesperson?"

"And your lover?"

Bi Xiao deliberately asked these two questions.

Death did not avoid the topic and shook her head: "He has never been my spokesperson. I tempted him, and he fell in love with me."

Death straightforwardly revealed her scheme.

Since Thanos was a child, Death had turned into a girl who accompanied him as he grew up, successfully guiding and provoking his violent nature. Young Thanos, in his quest to find out why he was different from his peers, began secretly slaughtering and dissecting his fellow beings. Later, young Thanos even killed his mother with his own hands.

Thanos fell in love with her, willing to do anything for her, even slaughtering the life of the universe to please her.

Thus, Thanos's rhetoric about balancing the universe was merely an excuse, a slogan. The real purpose was to please her and win her heart.

However, Death never loved Thanos.

He was just a tool, and there were many such tools before Thanos.

Death spoke these words without avoidance, without shame, without anger, instead, she was matter-of-fact. To her, this was indeed natural.

She is the embodiment of a rule; her duty seems to be the extinction of life in the universe. She cannot act directly, so she needs to cultivate one executioner after another. The previous executioner is dead, and Thanos is the new executioner she cultivated.

And the best one.

Death does not need a spokesperson.

If it were those superheroes facing Death, they would probably flip the table and fight Death, or tell Thanos the truth to make him awaken.

But Bi Xiao’s level is different from these people, and the way he views things and issues is also different.

Therefore, regarding Death, he has no so-called hatred or disgust in his heart.

This woman is indeed not a good person, but it is meaningless to criticize her because she has borne this responsibility since birth, and it is a responsibility she cannot escape from. Unless power reaches the level of OAA, which can liberate Death.

Otherwise, everything cannot be reversed.

Killing Thanos will not prevent the emergence of another Thanos, as this is a predetermined cycle.

The duty of the five cosmic entities is to maintain the operation of the universe.

If Death is liberated, a new Death must be appointed. Without Death, the universe will inevitably lose balance and eventually face destruction.

Thus, Bi Xiao remained calm and nodded.

"I cannot interfere with you, but I can interfere with him."

"I don't care about him," Death said with a smile, her words chilling even Thanos: "I care more about you now."

"Care about me?"

Bi Xiao squinted at Death.

Death nodded without reservation: "I see a possibility in you."

She adjusted her slightly disheveled black hair.

"I am becoming weary of this duty."

Death has carried this responsibility since the Big Bang, when the first life was born. Though she possesses power envied by many in the universe, this power also confines her.

She likes this power, but not the responsibility that comes with it.

Without Bi Xiao, she would continue as always because she knows there is no way to escape this duty.

But Bi Xiao appeared, and Death noticed him. In him, she saw an unexpected possibility.

Bi Xiao broke the Sacred Timeline of the universe, a predetermined timeline even Death could not interfere with. Thus, Bi Xiao is like a special code, capable of disrupting the entire system without being a virus.

If Bi Xiao were a virus, the universe would have automatically eliminated him when he disrupted the Sacred Timeline, restoring it to its original path.

But he survived and grew to the level of a single universe, indicating the universe did not recognize him as a virus.

Instead, it accepted his existence. As long as Bi Xiao doesn't intend to destroy the universe, he is a very special being.

A being capable of disrupting the timeline without being punished by the universe, even protected by it.

This unexpected occurrence gave Death new hope and possibilities. Given this, how could Death offend Bi Xiao for a mere tool?

If Bi Xiao wishes, Death could easily eliminate Thanos.

She could show Bi Xiao Thanos's journey from hope to despair.

Of course, Bi Xiao is not interested in such petty entertainment.

Bi Xiao is more concerned with Death's words. He has always been uncertain about his place in the Marvel universe, initially doubting the Ancient One and Odin, and later OAA or the Living Tribunal.

Now, from Death's words, it seems these beings might accept or watch him, but at least they don't plan to intervene or eliminate him.

This realization brings him considerable relief.

Compared to OAA and the Living Tribunal, Bi Xiao is too weak, with no ability to resist.

Since he can't figure it out, he decides not to think about it.

Bi Xiao ponders the deeper meaning of Death's words.

Essentially, like the Ancient One, they are betting on him. The stakes are unknown, but they likely hope that when Bi Xiao reaches a higher dimension and level, he will liberate Death.

If it were at the OAA level, liberating Death would not be an issue.

It would just mean finding someone to take her place.

Bi Xiao is quite surprised that this woman dares to gamble on such a possibility. Reaching that level is something even Death cannot achieve in her lifetime, yet she bets on him.

Of course, this gamble has no downside for Death.

Even if she loses, she only has to give up some stakes, not her life.

If she wins, she truly gains freedom.

Bi Xiao remains silent, staring at Death. Gambling is fine, but he needs stakes. Without an enticing offer, he has no interest in Death.

Not including Death on his kill list is already merciful.

"I can give you information about something."

Death's red lips parted.

Bi Xiao raised an eyebrow, surprised: "What thing?"

"Another unexpected event. I saw a future scene. It was blurry, but I saw Thanos engulfed by an energy entity. I don't know what that entity is, but it terrified me. I felt it erasing my memory of that scene."

Death spoke of something truly frightening.

Something so terrifying that even Bi Xiao felt a chill.

The future memory fragments showing an energy entity erasing the memory of a deity like Death?

What immense power could achieve that?

"What is it?"

"I don't know, but I know it is powerful. I once tried to find it, but my instincts made me abandon the idea."

Death's expression was grave, clearly puzzled and scared by this matter.

"So you intend to use this thing as a stake?"

Bi Xiao looked at Death, realizing she was trying to get something for nothing.

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