Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2042

Chapter 2042

Song Yan was driven out of the martial arts school by Tenghu, but he was not angry at all, because his purpose of coming to the martial arts school had been achieved, his mind was moving, and his mind fell into the system.

There are three secret scripts lying in it.

One is called "broken jade skill", the other is called "pine forest sword", and the other is called "wind rhyme".

"Broken jade skill" is the method of internal Qi cultivation, but it can only reach the middle stage of martial arts when it reaches the top. The "Songlin sword" is a sword technique, with nine moves in total. Finally, the "wind code" is a light body skill.

Although he built his inner Qi by the revised "tiger wolf fist", it was originally a low level skill, even after his revision, it barely reached the advanced level.

As for this book of broken jade skill, it is a high-level skill. If it is modified by him, it may not be able to break the high-level skill and become a super skill.

I found an inn to stay.

It took song Yan only half an hour to correct more than a dozen obscure mistakes in "broken jade skill".

Through the system, he learned that to complete the "broken jade skill", he needed to consume two points of Qi.

He doesn't care about this, because he has found a shortcut to get gas transportation, that is, killing people to get gas transportation. Before that, he killed two people to get gas transportation.

There are hundreds of bandits on the black tiger mountain. If you kill them all, even if one person has only a little air luck, you can get hundreds of air luck.

"Two points of Qi will be consumed to complete the cultivation of jade breaking skill!"

In half a quarter of an hour.

Song Yan's view of the inner Qi in the Dantian has doubled. Moreover, the purity of the inner Qi is at least twice as high as that cultivated in the boxing of tiger and wolf. The color of the inner Qi is light gold, and it emits a sharp Qi.

At the same time, there is also a set of palm techniques in "broken jade skill", three moves in total.

Later, he took out "pine forest sword". In his view, this set of sword technique is full of mistakes and omissions. Before reincarnation, except for Pangu axe, his most powerful move was sword technique.

Therefore, after his modification, this set of "Songlin sword" has become a super peak sword technique, and he is sure that if you use the Songlin sword technique, you can kill the inner Qi warrior at most three swords.

This time, it needs three points of Qi luck. Song Yan has nothing to worry about, so he merges directly.

After the integration, he took out the formula of the breeze again. After the correction, he used two points of qi movement to complete the cultivation.

Originally, there were 13 points of qi movement, but there were still six points left after the cultivation of these three skills.

But after learning these three skills, his overall strength has soared at least five times.

"Then, go to Heihushan first!"

After leaving the inn, song Yan went to the weapons store in the city and spent ten Liang silver to buy a long sword of acceptable quality. Then he went straight out of the city to Heihushan.

The bandits on the black tiger mountain are the great trouble of Huangshan county.

The Yamen servant Constable can't help these bandits at all, so they can only be allowed to make trouble.

Fortunately, the bandits in Heihushan have never invaded the county for many years, so although County Zun knows that the bandits in Heihushan are suffering greatly, he has not moved them.

Of course, even if he wants to move, he can't.

An hour later.

Song Yan came to the bottom of Heihu mountain.

Leading to the mountain is a relatively steep path, typical easy to defend and hard to attack.

Moreover, the fierce bandits in Heihu mountain have built the archery tower on the road. Only a few fierce bandits need to guard the archery tower with bows and arrows. Even hundreds of people can't attack.

"Look, there is a scholar!"

On the arrow tower, a fierce bandit is looking around bored. Suddenly, he finds a young man dressed as a scholar is walking up the mountain. He quickly reminds his companion.

The tower is six meters high, one is a steep mountain wall, and the other is a cliff. Therefore, even ordinary masters of internal Qi are difficult to climb the tower.

"Wu that scholar, stop for me!"

The five bandits who were reminded by their companions stood up one after another and looked down. Sure enough, a scholar came, and one of them shouted loudly.

But song Yan did not pay attention to it, and still strode forward.


Among them, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of a fierce bandit. He grabbed a large bow on one side, put the arrow on it and aimed it at the bottom. The Yin test said: "scholar, stop for me, otherwise, don't blame my bow and arrow for being merciless!"

Song inkstone is still silent, measuring the next distance, the body shape suddenly accelerated.


The figure flashed, breathing, song Yan rushed under the arrow tower, the fierce bandit's bow and arrow could not lock him at all.


The other five bandits realized that it was not good and took up bows and arrows.

But just as they grabbed the bow and arrow, song Yan had already stepped on the Wall twice and swept his body to the arrow tower.


Although the six bandits were a little flustered, they were dissatisfied with their reaction and drew bows and arched.

"Death!"Song Yan's eyes narrowed and shot out a killing machine.


The long sword flies out like lightning, and his figure is like a breeze, easily avoiding six arrows.

"Poop poop poop!"

Blood spattered and six heads flew up. Then, six headless bodies were planted on the ground.

My heart is moving.

Song Yan calls out the system interface.

However, it was found that Qi Yun had grown by 15.

He didn't know. According to his fate, one of these bandits will rise up with the leader of Heihushan in a few years, and then become a partial general. Therefore, song Yan got ten points of fortune from him alone.

"Go on!"

Song Yan flew down from the humble and continued to go up the mountain.

Half an hour later, song Yan finally climbed the black tiger mountain. Along the way, he pulled out five archery towers. All the 30 bandits in the archery tower died under his sword, providing him with more than 50 points of fortune.

Climbing up the Heihu mountain, you can see a mountain stronghold of great scale.

In front of the stronghold gate, there are four bandits guarding.

Seeing the appearance of song inkstone, the four originally lazy bandits suddenly became fierce.


Song Yan tried his best to move his body, which was more than ten meters away. In a blink of an eye, he arrived. Then, a bunch of sword flowers broke out. Then, blood splashed. Four fierce bandits covered their necks, and then slowly fell to the ground.

"Do it!"

The rapid and intensive sound of gongs and drums sounded, but a fierce Bandit on a high building found a scene in front of the gate of the mountain stronghold, and immediately sounded the gongs and drums for warning.

All of a sudden, the fierce bandits around the stronghold seized their weapons and flew towards the front of the stronghold.

Seeing this scene, song Yan frowns slightly, but immediately stretches out and gathers better, lest he go looking for one by one.

Less than five minutes.

More than 500 bandits in the stronghold gathered and stared at Song Yan.

Seeing this, song Yan's eyes narrowed slightly and his face was a little more dignified, but at the next moment, his eyes were full of murders.

At this time, a tall and strong middle-aged man with full face and cheeks walked out with a huge knife two meters long. There was a ferocious scar on his face, and his whole body was full of ferocity.

If there is no accident, this middle-aged man is the only stronghold leader in Heihu stronghold, Heihu.

[author's extraneous remarks]: one change

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