Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2041

Chapter 2041

Looking at their bodies, song Yan's face did not change at all. After all, before his reincarnation, he couldn't remember how many creatures died in his hands. How could he care about two ordinary people.

Reach out and grab them, throw them into the jungle on the side of the road, and he goes on.

As for whether the Ma family will take their death as an article, he doesn't worry. They would have been unfaithful to follow him all the way. What's more, in the eyes of outsiders, he is a scholar with no strength. Even if the Ma family pointed out that he killed people, no one would believe it.

In the walking room, he adjusted the system interface.

Instinctively, he thought that killing other creatures should be able to capture their Qi luck. After this investigation, it was found that Qi luck increased by two points to 15.

"No wonder I'll die. I'm so unlucky!"

Song inkstone, hidden way, put away the system interface.

Half an hour later, song Yan went back to Songjia village, and met many villagers along the way. They all greeted him warmly and flattered him faintly.

Song Yan also did not take the shelf, all with a smile in return.

"Xiao Lang, you are back."

Chen youniang cheered up and took the package from Song Yan.

On the other side, jibaozhai.

Ma Lingui walked around restlessly. This time, after all, it involves the case of the child student. If it turns out to be true, I'm afraid the horse family can't protect him.

Time goes by.

It's reasonable to say that Wang GUI should have turned around on Wednesday, but he still didn't see them.

For a while, when he was in a panic, he could not help being suspicious. Those two boys would not be motivated by money. Did they run away after they got it?

But soon, he thought it was impossible.

He knows the root and the bottom of those two people, and he is standing behind the horse family. If the two people really succeed, they will not be able to return to Huangshan county.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

Seeing that the city gate was about to close for another hour, Ma Lingui could not sit still at last, so he recruited two people and sent them to search along the way.


Before the gate closes.

The two men who were sent to look for someone are back.

On Wednesday, Wang GUI died. They were dumped in the jungle by the side of the road. Their viscera were smashed by heavy methods. According to their judgment, both of them were killed by a single blow.

It's impossible for ordinary martial artists to break the viscera with one palm. Only the martial arts master who has cultivated internal Qi can make the internal Qi shock others' viscera.

"Is there a master of inner Qi behind the song inkstone protecting him in the dark?"

Think of here, Ma Lingui's face becomes abnormal ugly, in the heart is gushing out a huge regret, if the other party wants to find him, can he escape?

All of a sudden, Ma Lingui thought of something and raised a hope. He asked them, "what did you do with their bodies?"

"Hidden by us!"

One of them is humanity.

Ma Lingui took out ten liang of silver and threw it to them, saying, "you went out of the city all night and buried both of them. This matter involves the eldest son. I'll report it to the eldest son!"

After giving orders, Ma Lingui took the crystal wolf and hurried to the horse's house.

Now the only way to save him is big boy Ma Chuang.

In a quarter of an hour.

Ma Lingui comes to the horse's house. After the servant girl informs him, he is called in by Ma Chuang.

"I have seen the eldest son!"

Ma Lingui kneels on the ground and kowtows respectfully to Ma Chuang. Although his surname is Ma, he is the next surname of the Ma family. Although outsiders regard him as a man of the Ma family, he can only live as a slave in front of Ma Chuang.

Ma Chuang was very tall. He was nearly two meters tall. He was very fierce. He had a vertical line on his forehead, which increased his ferocity.

Now he is only 24 years old, but he has reached the middle stage of the martial arts division. In Huangshan County, he is almost invincible.

Moreover, Ma Chuang is extremely lecherous. Not only his slightly attractive servant girls have been plagued by him once, but also a lot of yellow flower girls in the county have been taken back to play with him.

But the Ma family is so powerful that even the county dignitaries dare not offend them. Therefore, those girls who suffer from it dare not to be angry.

"What can I do for you, dog slave?"

Ma Chuang stared at Ma Lingui on the ground and said impatiently.

"Big childe, I received a treasure today. It's specially sent to big childe!"

Ma Lingui held the crystal wolf up in front of Ma Chuang and said respectfully.

Looking at the crystal wolf, Ma Chuang's eyes brightened, reached for it, looked at it, and said, "it's really a good thing!"

All of a sudden, he turned his eyes and stared at Ma Lingui and said, "it's not that easy for you to bring this treasure to me."

"You are wise, young master. There is something hidden in it!" Malingui war and hehe road."Say it!"

Ma Chuang shouted.

Ma Lingui said: "this is what happened, young master. The crystal wolf was brought to our treasure house by song Yan, the head of the boy's trial. But the boy asked for too much money. He didn't sell it for five thousand Liang. Therefore, the old slave was very indifferent. He pretended to make a deal with him, and then secretly sent someone to follow him. He wanted to take back the money, but he didn't expect to send someone to follow him Both of them are dead. The old slave wanted to save money for the old master and the young master this time, but he didn't think that he did a bad thing with good intentions. Please punish him! "

Speaking of this, Ma Lingui banged his head again.


Ma Lingui kicked Ma Lingui away and said with a grim smile, "I really think you are stupid. Do you want to take the five thousand Liang silver alone?"

"Young master, let's learn from each other!"

Ma Lingui's quarrel spilled blood and crawled to the front of the horse Chuang: "eldest son, the old slave is loyal to the horse family and just wants to save five thousand Liang for the horse family. If the old slave really has two hearts, the eldest son can kill the old slave after finding out. The old slave absolutely dare not have any complaints!"

Ma Chuang stared at Ma Lingui for a long time, and then said: "I believe you this time, my son. If you find out that you dare to cheat me, I will surely screw off your dog's head and kick it as a ball!"

"Thank you very much, young master!"

Ma Lingui quickly kowtows, but he is relieved. This level is barely passed.

"What shall we do next, young master?"

At the sign of Ma Chuang, Ma Lingui stood up and asked cautiously.

"It's just a boy. If you dare to take the money from our horse family, I will ask him to have life to take it, but not to spend it!" Speaking of this, Ma Chuang's eyes flashed a fierce light: "you immediately send someone to investigate where the kid lives. Once you find out, I will take someone to kill him!"

"Big childe, after all, he is the head of the case. Isn't it inappropriate to do so?"

Ma Lingui's worried way.

Ma Chuang scolded: "stupid, there are a group of bandits on Heihu mountain in our county. At that time, we will directly pretend to be the bandits on Heihu mountain. With the strength of the county government, we can't kill the group of bandits on Heihu mountain!"

Songjia village.

Song Yanzheng and Chen youniang are having dinner. After dinner, Chen youniang cleans up the dishes and chopsticks. He goes to the yard to practice the tiger and wolf fist.

Every move carries a strong wind.

After a fight, song Yan was in a bad sweat, but Chen youniang prepared bath water for him.

"Xiao Lang, I'll rub your back."

Said Chen youniang.


Song Yan didn't refuse, the food was good, and with the reason of practicing "Zhuang Ti Jue", Chen youniang had more charm of a beautiful girl in just a few days, which was not like the appearance of a yellow girl before.

Take a bath and get dressed.

Song Yan went back to his room, and then consumed two points of Qi, and integrated the six saints' theory.


When Chen youniang has taken a bath, song Yan gives her the jewelry he bought back.

Looking at these jewelry, Chen was greatly moved and rushed into his arms directly. She sobbed, "Xiao Lang, you are so kind!"

"You've suffered before, young lady. I swear I won't let you suffer for a day!"

"Xiao Lang!"

That night, song Yan and Chen youniang slept in a room. Don't get me wrong, they didn't do anything. After all, he still wants to have this body. In his eyes, Chen youniang, 14, is just a young girl.

The next few days.

Song Yan didn't come out of Songjia village any more. After his visit these days, he learned that the strong man who broke into the village head was a group of bandits in Heihushan.

After all, they have the kindness to support him.

It's just that he doesn't know much about the strength of those bandits in Heihushan.

Now, he also has 13 points of Qi luck. He can get two more martial arts for revision and study.


After staying in Songjia village for several days, he went to the county again.

There are four masters of inner Qi in the county, Tenghu in the martial arts school, the head of the guard and the eldest young master in the vest, and Li Ju in the county.

Just to see these four people, he can steal their martial arts through scanning.


He heard the location of Tenghu martial arts school.

Then he went straight in.

"For what?"

A martial arts school disciple asked.

Song Yandao: "it's said that the master of Teng hall is a master of internal Qi. I'm here to pay a visit to the master!"

The other side looked at him contemptuously: "ha ha, you also want to worship the master as a teacher, it's just a dream!"

"Help me, brother. Just let me see the owner." While talking, song Yan shoved a ingot of five Liang silver into each other's hands.

Looking at the five Liang silver in his hand, the other side quickly collected it and said, "wait a minute, I'll report to the owner!"After a while, the martial arts school disciple came back and said to song Yan, "you are lucky. The master promised to see you. Come with me!"

Under the guidance of the other party, song Yan sees Tenghu.

Then directly let the system start scanning and directly steal the opponent's martial arts.

"You want to learn from me?"

Teng Hu looks at Song Yan and asks.

"If you can make me become a master of internal Qi within one year, I will worship you as my teacher." Song inkstone.

Hearing this, Teng Hu's face suddenly darkened. He said to the martial arts school disciple, "drive this kid out!"

It's a daydream to become a master of internal Qi in one year. If the master of internal Qi is really a good one, there will not be only four internal Qi masters in the whole county.

[author's extras]: the end of the second shift

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