Lord of the Truth

Chapter 825: The Supreme General madness

Chapter 825: The Supreme General madness

Tired, right? Wouldn't death be a relief?

No.. No no no! I'm scared, I don't want to die!!

Hmm you're just scared because you don't know what happens after death, but what's the harm in that? Look at how many people have died before you, have you ever seen one of them come back to regret it? Kekeke Come beside me, come to the eternal rest of all creatures.

No, I want to stay in my body! I want to stay and help my father!!

Aren't you the one who sets foot near me every day? How long do you think you can come and go as you please? And today you've crossed your limits! Die~ Death is beautiful- Death is a relief-

No.. No.. No..

"No.. No.. I don't want to die.." Caesar started to mutter his delirium out loud, his body became cold as ice, and drops of sweat fell like they were coming from the freezing hell! But suddenly he felt a gentle energy enter his back, ".. Hah?"

Caesar quickly looked back, and found two wings hanging on his back made of green flame, and saw Richard raising his thumb to him with a smile, "A simple gift of the life energy of five people, use it as you wish."

"The life energy of five people? Even Zara can't create that amount in months, how can you distribute it with this ease, what are you... hmm?" Caesar slowly raised his hand, the tremor no longer present in it, he closed his eyes and began to control the life energy and spread it throughout his body.

*Deep inhale*


After the first exhale, the frozen sweat and trembling disappeared, and his skin color began to return to normal.

*Deep inhale*

"Haaa~..." After the second exhale, Caesar no longer felt any dread in his heart

"Haha... Hahahahah!!!" Caesar laughed loudly towards the sky, "Is this why Father said I would be enough? Did he know that this was the solution to my dilemma? Hahaha, who can stop me now? Who can get in my father's way now!!"

He then opened his mouth and roared, *Shualaaa* Black flames rushed out of his jaws like the mouth of a volcano, then rushed towards Marshal Dayruth!!

"Keeh!!" The Marshal flinched and quickly retreated

Just because Caesar no longer felt the terror of death, didn't mean that the rest of them had the same privilege, just the roar of the black flame a moment ago doubled the power of the giant mushroom and suffocated the hearts of the Great Serpent army even more!

*Boom* *Boom*


"No, go away!!"

With the pressure of the death mushroom that had doubled in intensity, the Great Serpent Empire's army suffered even more losses, and Richard no longer felt any pressure dealing with them!

"Retreat! Full retreat!!" The marshal shouted with his full strength, then rushed out of the city, Caesar's awakening now left him no ground to stand on.

"Come here!!" Caesar shouted at him and used the death fire to increase his momentum, but the gap between them only widened

The Marshal was still a true Level 48 expert, Caesar might be able to scare him with the Death Path or even kill him, but if he wanted to run away, he wouldn't be able to catch up with him! But this wasn't the same for the rest of his army...


"Quickly retreat, let's get out of this damned death trap!!"

All the remaining Empire soldiers tried to evade their opponents and rush in a random direction

"Not so fast!!" Richard stomped his foot quickly


The Sky Shield Array appeared again in the sky of the capital!

"Damn it!!"

"Damn it, let's retreat!" The remaining ships outside turned and rushed away


The array immediately began raining energy arrows on the fleeing soldiers. While the golems, metal snakes, and lava monsters also pursued their opponents with full force, a new wave of slaughter covered the city but this time the Great Serpent Empire's army was its victim!

"Let me join in the fun! Hahahahaha" Glad that the restrictions had been lifted from him, Caesar stopped chasing the marshal and returned, waving his halberd cheerfully, unleashing seas of death flames

This was the first time Caesar had used his power freely, and it was also the biggest slaughter he had ever committed

Since he started his conquests as a member of Robin's army, he always went for the strongest person to kill him, and if he didn't succeed, he would just keep him away from the battlefield, or maybe intervene at the crucial moment of the battle and create a wall of flame or something like that...

As the supreme general, he was known in his army for being a low-profile and low- interventionist, but that wasn't what he wanted, but rather what he was forced to do!

He was general because his father ordered it, and because he was capable of beating everyone in the empire individually, but that's it.

With only focusing on stopping the strongest guy in the hostile army while not hurting his own men in every single battle he has been through, he got to a point when he had enough...

In the Greenland war, he really wanted to tell Robin to get him out of there and let him be a free warrior, or just let him wander the land in peace for a few decades to prevent himself from going crazy!!

But he didn't, he couldn't leave his father, he decided to keep going until he couldn't


But today... *Shwalaaa*

A huge wave of black flame covered several thousand soldiers, all of whom fell like mosquitoes from the sky without time to scream.

"..Interesting." Richard rubbed his chin a little as he watched the deaths of those soldiers, then fired a small green flame from his index finger towards the place where they died, and

kept it there.


Within a few seconds, the small flame began to grow rapidly until it became a few meters in diameter!

"So... the Death Flame expels all life from the body but it doesn't completely destroy it, any place where people die by the Death Flame is rich in pure life energy and primal souls... I may not know how to benefit from the primal souls, but this life energy simply comes to me on a silver platter!" Richard muttered, his eyes then going to Caesar before moving his finger

towards him.

*swoosh* The giant ball of green flame collided with Caesar, his wings that were about to disappear regenerated and became several meters long

"Thank you, brother!" Caesar shouted, he knew right away that he had more time in this

wonderful state!

*Swoosh* *Swoosh*

The massacre continued unabated, with the array above and Caesar below, there was no one

to protect the Great Serpent Empire's soldiers.

But unfortunately, the siege couldn't be completely sealed... Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, led by 300 Martial Emperors, rushed towards the array at the same time, all of them panicking and burning their blood like madmen. Many loopholes were revealed in the array, and a large number of them managed to escape. Most of the Martial Emperors managed to break through as well.

After one hour, the last soldier inside the capital was killed, marking the end of the battle.

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