Lord of the Truth

Chapter 824: Fire of Death

Chapter 824: Fire of Death

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

The battle of the Imperial Capital against the Great Serpent Empire's army continued...

Anyone who hears this would only think about how crazy this statement sounds, but it's actually happening right now, Richard's Life Fire has enabled a large city to defend itself against a planetary empire's army, and win!

Actually, Ever since Caesar arrived the battle between the Imperial Capital against the Great Serpent Empire's army became more intense. Not because the city received more energy from Richard, but because Richard put all his focus on it, extending more of his immense silver soul force into it, making the city faster in making decisions, while the golems, metal snakes, and lave monsters became better at coordinating attacks and targeting the opponents' weak points.

*Gasp* "Huee~ Much better." Richard let out a long exhale, then stood up again.

Richard not only passed more of his soul force to the city, he also took some life energy back for himself, but only enough to heal himself and restore his focus, now if he fought against the Marshal again or even one of the generals he would be easily defeated.

"Hmm?" Richard glanced far away, towards the only battlefield he could not read completely. *Shwalaaa*

Caesar was quietly floating in the city sky, sending blades of flame left and right toward Marshal Dayroth and General Smilat...

What was strange from Richard's point of view was that Caesar did not attack like someone who just saw his people die, nor did they rush towards him to kill him. He merely waved his halberd around while standing in the same spot, and they merely avoided and surrounded him from afar, perhaps launching an attack or two every now and then that Caesar would easily burn!

What was even stranger was that Caesar's features began to turn pale, while the features of the Marshal and General were filled with dread!

"What's going on here? Who has the upper hand?!" Richard frowned tightly, not understanding anything.

That battle continued for more than half an hour in the same manner, it's like both sides were trying to waste time but fighting bot their lives at the same time!

Richard injected the life energy of 30 million people into the city, then increased it by another 5 million, making it a total of 35 million people's life energy, but most of them are mortals below the knighthood realm... So the burn rate in a fight against hundreds of Martial Emperors was extremely high.

The city barely managed to kill 15 Martial Emperors and a few thousand soldiers, and Richard also gave the city orders to swallow all the remaining city residents and protect them in a safe place underground... But in return, the life energy of nearly 25 million people was already burned, if this high pace continued, the city would fall soon!

From his position, Richard tried to control some of the lava monsters to reduce the consumption a little, but the situation worsened, reducing the consumption led to the Serpent Empire's real army gaining the upper hand

When he felt the situation was dangerous, Richard sent his brother through the voice ring, "When will the rest of the support come?"

"I am the support." Caesar's response was very short

"The city is about to fall and you have time to joke?" Richard frowned

"No one is coming, I'll explain later, you and I will handle it." Caesar sent a quick glance behind him, "How much time is left until the city falls, and how can I help?"

Richard's brow furrowed, "...15 minutes at most until the city's life energy runs out, while there are still 25 minutes until the sky shield array is fully restored and then we will be victorious. If you can make those snakelings stop attacking for 10 minutes I'll be grateful." Richard sneered, although he wouldn't scold his brother for not bringing support at a time like this, he certainly didn't like it.

"...All I need is to buy ten more minutes, right? Understood." Caesar nodded, and then his body began to burn with black flames, "Take cover, and repeat in your mind that this is just a feeling that has nothing to do with reality, don't let it control you."

"Hmm? What feeling?" Richard was surprised that his brother took his words seriously.


"HEYAAAAA!!!!" Caesar shouted at the top of his lungs, a column of black flames shot out from his body towards the sky, "Death Mushroom, 6%!!"

"Damn it!!" The marshal felt his heart stop for a moment and quickly stepped back

The flames reached a certain point and then began to spread to the side, until they quickly took on the appearance of a mushroom, covering the entire sky of the city, drawing a pitch- black skull above everyone's heads

The flames in this state were very thin, a martial emperor could probably easily push them away, and ordinary soldiers wouldn't be seriously hurt if it touched them... But that wasn't what was meant, the flames just kept hovering above and didn't descend.


The hearts of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of Martial Emperors throbbed violently, and some of the weaker-minded soldiers fell to the ground directly from fear "Hmm?" Richard didn't know what was happening, but he quickly gave the city and the monsters orders to seize the opportunity and attack.

*Boom* "Roaaarrr!!"


That wave of attacks was the most violent since the battle began, the casualties among the soldiers were so high that Richard was surprised. They started acting like Marshal Dyroth, fighting very cautiously and continuing to retreat!

He then looked back at Caesar again and inserted his soul sense into his ring again to ask him what did he do to affect an entire army like this!

But he soon stopped...

Caesar grew even more pale, becoming like a ghost, he could be seen sweating profusely and swallowing his saliva continuously, the look on his face became that of a sick person, even his flight was no longer steady and his fingers were trembling!

"...Father, what did you do this time?" Richard looked at his brother with pity, this was the first time he saw him fighting seriously

He, as a user of the Fire of Life, had to kill tens of millions of people in order to confront the army of the Great Serpent Empire, but his brother as a user of the Fire of Death, affected them all on his own... Whatever he did must had a terrible price, and he's shouldering that price on

his one right now.

'But why didn't whatever he did affect me? Did he mean to exclude me? ...No, his words a moment ago didn't suggest that, he told me to ignore what I feel and take cover, he didn't do anything to protect me, I'm just immune somehow.' Richard looked at his brother for a long time, then looked at his palm *Shawalaaa* The flame of life burned lightly in it

"The Fire of Death, Death... Is that possible?" Richard muttered then looked back at Caesar, and threw the little flame at him!


The flame hit the back of the absent-minded Caesar.

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