Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1164: 1 lord vs 30 legions

Chapter 1164: 1 lord vs 30 legions

Listening to the sharp sound of thousands of arrows piercing the sky, and looking at the overwhelming magical power that illuminated the entire arena, Hall stood up from the throne with expectation, the anger on his face became more solemn, and he began to act unscrupulously The ground laughed.

It seems that in the next second, Lei Xiao, who is located in the center of the arena, will be turned into powder under his violent attack.

This is a long-range attack from more than 10 legions. When combined, it is comparable to the full blow of a sixth-level strongman. Even if the despicable alien has the means to defend against a fifth-level strongman, he will die this time!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

In just a moment, the area where Lei Xiao was was suddenly filled with dense explosions.

Groups of rising pyrotechnics, earth spear formations, strangulation techniques, ice blasts and other fierce attack techniques stirred up countless silt and sand, just like landslides and ground cracks. The last spell has not been extinguished yet. The next spell came roaring in, setting off one death storm after another.

And the rain of arrows from the sky was like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, hitting every corner of the central area of the arena without leaving any blind spots.

"Hahaha, it seems that this despicable person will definitely die!"

Hall felt the fierce murderous aura and monstrous energy fluctuations that were constantly coming towards him, and his face began to become more and more distorted.

Under this continuous and intensive offensive, even several fifth-level powerhouses will soon have their energy barriers shattered, leaving no chance of survival!

Finally, when the crazy offensive like a huge wave gradually subsided, Hall looked through the dust that gradually fell to the ground.

I saw that the originally flat ground of the arena was filled with large and small potholes, many of which even covered each other, as if they had just experienced an intensive bombing.

And where Lei Xiao was, a giant crater about ten meters deep and dozens of meters wide was blown up. The arrows on it were densely packed, and there was even a mountain of arrows in the center.

"What about the scum from the other world? I'm afraid they've been shattered into pieces, right?"

Hall stood at the edge of the VIP table with excitement on his face, a pair of cloudy eyes constantly scanning the place where Lei Xiao once stood, and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, since this guy is dead, then the entire Cold Flame Kingdom and that This charming Queen of Cold Flames is the one in King Gus bag!

Hearing Hall's wanton laughter, General Grim and countless soldiers around him also laughed, making the entire arena seem like a group of demons dancing wildly, with hostility filling the air everywhere.

Just when Hall had just given the order for the soldiers to go down to search for the Lei Xiao fragments, a calm voice suddenly sounded from the corner of the arena stand: "Are you looking for me?"

The sudden sound had just fallen, and before the Grim soldiers around him could react, a "rumbling" sound suddenly sounded, and countless dazzling lightnings began to spread at the location of the sound and spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

Wherever the harsh thunder struck, I saw those Grim soldiers who were still laughing, whether they were infantrymen in heavy armor or magicians in robes, they all turned into dust, leaving only A scorched black mark remained in place, still emitting traces of black smoke.

Needless to say, this is exactly the five-level lightning technique that Lei Xiao has mastered.

After a series of battles, Lei Xiao has already mastered the use of this fifth-level attack spell. Although there is an absolute confinement barrier above the arena, it is impossible to directly let the thunder fall from the sky, but as long as there is a slight change, the thunder will fall. Just send it horizontally.

Since the Grimm soldiers in the stands were already extremely densely packed, and the thunder spells were famous for their powerful attack power and penetrating power, in the blink of an eye, the entire stand area with Lei Xiao as the center, Only Lei Xiao is still standing proudly.

I saw the dazzling purple light all over Lei Xiao's body flashing up and down, just like the arrival of the God of Thunder, and the momentum was extremely astonishing.

"This guy is not dead?!"

Seeing this scene, the smile on Hall's face disappeared instantly, replaced by a look full of surprise and confusion.

You must know that the location where Lei Xiao was located before was the center of the arena, and the surrounding area was extremely vast. Under attacks from all directions, not to mention a mere fourth-level peak powerhouse, even an ordinary fifth-level powerhouse would not be able to defeat him. Maybe you can escape intact! The teleportation scroll cannot teleport to such a distant area!

In addition, there are still several fourth-order peak Grim nobles standing around Hall. Among the troops in the stands, there are even many fourth-order peak Light Temple strongmen, each of them is The eyes are sharp.

But even so, no one discovered Lei Xiao's movement trajectory, which is simply incredible!

With shock in his heart, Hall had no time to think about anything else, and immediately shouted angrily: "There is an absolute confinement barrier here, that guy can't escape, let the lonely king destroy him!"

After Hall's reminder, the stunned Grim soldiers around him reacted one after another and surrounded them with shouts.

At the same time, the magicians in the back row began to chant magic protective shields, and the strong men of the Temple of Light also began to bless the soldiers in the front row with anti-magic spells.

But right under everyone's noses, a dazzling thunder light flashed by, and Lei Xiao disappeared again, disappearing from the opponent's field of vision in an instant.

The skill used by Lei Xiao is [Thunder Light Phantom Body].

This fifth-level lightning gain spell that can greatly enhance one's own speed is enough to make Lei Xiao's speed surpass the fourth level.

Coupled with the assistance of the divine power, Lei Xiao's speed has been further improved.

In addition, Lei Xiao also used [Ben Lei Tian Yin].

This fifth-level thunder auxiliary spell that I learned not long ago can not only create a thunder field around Lei Xiao and automatically attack the surrounding targets, but it can also enhance the effect of the thunder spell.

Among them, it not only includes attack spells such as lightning strike, but also gain spells such as [Thunder Light Phantom Body].

Therefore, with the triple blessing of [Thunder Light Phantom Body], [Thunder Lightning Celestial Drawing], and the power of God's Favorite, Lei Xiao's movement speed has naturally reached an extremely terrifying level. With the strength of the fourth level peak, it is enough A showdown with ordinary fifth-level experts.

This is not over yet. Before entering Huangyao City, Lei Xiao, who knew he was in danger, had already quietly blessed himself and his group of six people with dozens of high-level buff potions and high-level buff magic scrolls from top to bottom. .

Although Lei Xiao's reserves of high-end items are relatively limited, he will not hold anything back at this critical moment of life and death.

With the blessing of various potions and magic scrolls, Lei Xiao's strength has been infinitely close to that of a genuine fifth-level powerhouse, which was reflected in the battle in the Lion King's Palace.

Coupled with the three speed blessings just now, it is not surprising that Lei Xiao's movement speed is amazing.

It was precisely because of stacking so many buffs that Lei Xiao had enough confidence to face 300,000 enemy troops without any trouble, and successfully escaped from the ambush circle.

"Before this, because there were always main subordinates or soldiers protecting me, although I didn't have to worry about safety, I couldn't let go. After all, I was worried about hurting my own people."

With the blessing of extremely fast speed, Lei Xiao felt that everything around him had slowed down, and he was undoubtedly able to think and respond to the upcoming attack more easily.

"Then, let me let go and make a big fuss, just to see where my limit is. If they want to take my life, these shrimp soldiers and crab generals are not qualified yet,"

Lei Xiao smiled disdainfully, and while thinking this in his mind, he activated several large-scale fifth-level fire attack spell scrolls one after another.

boom! boom! boom!

Like a nuclear explosion, monstrous flames rose up from all over the stands of the arena, and finally spread out on the absolute confinement barrier wall covering the top of the giant arena, and then turned into rain of fire and rained down from the sky.

Wherever the blazing flames touched, armor melted and flesh and blood boiled, followed by hysterical wails. The large number of enemy troops affected by the explosion evaporated instantly, leaving no trace behind.

For a moment, the giant arena that had been filled with joking and killing intent was obviously covered in destruction and fear. The strong smell of burnt and blood was everywhere, making people feel sick to their stomachs.

And Lei Xiao was like the **** of death approaching with a scythe, and he couldn't trace any trace at all.

"This this"

Hall was seen slumped on the throne, looking at the purgatory-like scene in front of him with horror, his face as pale as paper.

The new King Grim, who was laughing wildly just now, now reflected in his eyes, apart from the raging fire and countless struggling figures everywhere, there was only fear and despair.

He never imagined that the 300,000 soldiers under his command would be beaten so dizzy by just one alien that he could not find Bei!

"Is this guy really at the peak level of the fourth level? He is simply more terrifying than the fifth level strong man!"

Hall felt the bloody, burnt and deafening screams that kept coming towards him. He was almost dizzy, and the crown on his head was almost tilted to his ears.

He thought that the reason Lei Xiao was able to reach this point was just due to luck and the elite soldiers under his command.

But the current scene truly proves that Lei Xiao can defeat a well-equipped army by himself!

At this moment, Hall finally understood clearly that what Lei Xiao relied on was obviously not just his subordinates. This young man from another world was a terrifying monster in his own right!

In fear, he began to become hysterical and shouted: "This is absolutely impossible. How can a mere scum from another world resist the 300,000 soldiers of the lonely king alone!"

"It's not your fault, because all the opponents who have seen my strength have long since died."

Noticing Hall's roar, Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and continued to activate various fifth-level attack magic scrolls.

In the ancient arena filled with smoke, every time the magic power explodes like a landslide and a tsunami, taking away a large number of enemy troops in an instant, it will also make other surrounding enemy troops even more panicked, scattering like headless flies. get away.

Lei Xiao clearly understood that Hall was blocked by an absolute defensive barrier. Don't rush to deal with it. As long as the morale of these defeated Grimm soldiers was knocked to the bottom, everything would naturally be solved.

During the entire process, except for using [Thunder Light Phantom Body], opening the thunder field, and the lightning technique at the beginning, Lei Xiao did not continue to consume his own energy.

Because Lei Xiao also clearly understands that energy is the fundamental thing that supports him to deal with an army of 300,000 people alone. Once his own energy is exhausted and his movement speed is no longer, the situation will take a turn for the worse.

Of course, this does not mean that Lei Xiao has no other coping methods, but at least judging from the current situation, high-speed movement coupled with attacking magic scrolls is already a powerful method.

Although the material of this arena is extremely hard, even the fifth-level spell that can easily melt high-level armor cannot destroy it at all. However, under Lei Xiao's series of unscrupulous large-scale magic attacks, the entire arena has already been in chaos. A ball.

Countless enemy soldiers who had witnessed the scene of melting everything were frightened in their hearts and had no thoughts of resisting. They all tried to flee through the passage they came from.

However, due to the obstruction of the absolute confinement barrier, the end of the passage has long been sealed, causing a large number of panicked people to trample each other in the passage, still unable to escape the clutches of death.

"His Excellency, the Chief Cardinal, is leading his strong men to fight against those troublesome Legions of Heroic Spirits. He can't get away at all. What should the lonely king do? This **** scum from another world!"

Hall's forehead was already covered with a lot of sweat beads, UU reading www. uuknshu.net Although the absolute defense barrier can block everything, it cannot block his frightened eyes and heart.

"Your Majesty, calm down. Although the opponent's attack is fierce, there is only one person after all, and there will always be a time when the fuel runs out!"

A skinny General Grim stepped forward and said with gritted teeth: "When he reaches the end of his strength, he will surely die!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, the top priority now is to stabilize the morale of the military!"

Another short and fat general also stood up and echoed: "We still have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers. Even if we waste it, we can kill him! The general doesn't believe that he can't use up all the fifth-level scrolls!"

Hearing the sound, Hall's panic calmed down a little, and he nodded repeatedly: "What you two said is exactly what the lonely king wanted, so it's up to you to personally take action and quickly stabilize the morale of the army!"


Hearing Hall asking them to step out of the absolute defense barrier, the two generals immediately succumbed and showed signs of discomfort, and no one spoke anymore.

You know, even though they are all fourth-level experts, when faced with Lei Xiao's unscrupulous throwing of sky-high price fifth-level scrolls, they are like moths flying into the flames and cannot hold on for more than a few minutes.

"Trash, they are all a bunch of trash!"

Seeing the timid and evasive looks in their eyes, Hall was furious and yelled.

Just when he was about to activate the amplification spell and personally stabilize the morale of the troops, the liaison officer in charge of magic communications at the side lit up and rushed over.


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