Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1163: The turbulent ancient arena

Chapter 1163: The turbulent ancient arena

Staring into Lei Xiao's unwavering eyes, Catherine's still hesitant eyes soon burst into relief, and she no longer expressed any objections.

She originally planned to let Lei Xiao stay here and lead her people to rescue the soldiers. After all, Lei Xiao is too important and is the absolute core of our army. No one can replace him.

But then I thought about it, facing the huge Temple of Light, I had no confidence at all.

But Lei Xiao is not like that.

This young man from another world possesses unparalleled courage, extraordinary courage and unfathomable means. He has created too many amazing miracles that can be recorded in history, and even saved himself and the entire Iron Hand Islands.

Although he is the opponent's number one target, he is also our only hope.

"If there is one person on our side who has hope of saving all this, is he the only one? Although this is a dangerous road destined to be full of thorns."

Catherine's starry eyes flickered, and she had a lot of thoughts in her heart. Although she didn't want to admit it, as the queen of the blood race, this was the first time that she cared so much about someone.

"This momentum is just right!"

Louise was not as reserved as Catherine, but stood on tiptoes, patted Lei Xiao's shoulder carelessly and said: "Don't worry, Prince of the Human Race, I will always be by your side!"

"Then let's prepare for action immediately."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly and began to make arrangements.

Knowing that the opponent can swallow 80 legions, Lei Xiao will naturally not bring ordinary soldiers this time, but prepares to act with a small-scale elite force.

After much thought, Lei Xiao only chose three fifth-level subordinates, Jiang Li, Huzhang, and Hongye, as well as Catherine and Louise. He didn't even bring a fourth-level strongman with him.

Lei Xiao clearly understood that it was better to be more cautious when knowingly stepping into the opponent's trap. Bringing a fourth-level strong person would probably be a drag, even if it was a fourth-level peak strong person.

And with the support of Hao Wuren, he is already strong enough to compete with the fifth-level powerhouses, which is certainly not the same.

As for the remaining 50 legions outside the city, they all gathered outside the east city gate according to Lei Xiao's instructions, and used earth, ice, plant and other spells to set up magic fortresses for defense. Be prepared for emergencies.

At the same time, Lei Xiao also ordered Bingshi City, which was hiding in the dark, to be ready to coordinate the 50 legions outside the city at any time in case of any unexpected events.

After everything was arranged, Lei Xiao slowly took a deep breath and quickly walked towards Huangyao City with the other five people who were ready to go.

"The Holy Lion Prince is actually planning to put himself in danger? The Temple of Light must have set up a dragnet."

Seeing this scene from a distance, a hint of surprise suddenly appeared on the gray old wrinkled face, and he blurted out: "I'm afraid that the moment he steps into the city, he will fall directly into the opponent's trap like other disappearing legions. Bar?"

"And with only five strong men, such courage is indeed extremely rare. If it were any human monarch, I'm afraid he wouldn't make such a choice easily, right?"

A look of awe appeared on Yoniel's old face, and he said: "It seems that as an alien lord, he is able to get to where he is today, relying on his special abilities that are obviously not just an alien lord. .

"That's right, this Holy Lion Prince is really getting more and more impressive."

Hui Lao nodded in agreement, and there was a hint of regret on his face again: "It's a pity that I can't watch the battle further. Let's wait here for news about the Holy Lion Prince."

"You know that there are tigers in the mountains, why don't you go to the Tiger Mountains?"

After hearing the praise from the two top experts, Diana's fair face had a complex look of worry and admiration, and she murmured in her heart: "I hope he will be fine and come out alive."

As for Durant and the Three Sages of Alchemy, they both looked surprised.

You know, there are not many people who can be so praised by their old president. Even they themselves have never received such praise. What's more, they are still unanimously recognized by the two old presidents. This is simply called the human race. The first person in the world.

While being surprised in their hearts, several people also showed expectant looks. They wanted to take a good look at what kind of surprising things this Holy Lion Prince, who was praised by the two old presidents, could do. things to come.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lei Xiao, holding Rolandel in his hand, had already walked to the gate of Huangyao City.

Looking into the city through the majestic city gate, I saw that the spacious streets were empty and lifeless. Only a few withered yellow leaves were slowly falling in the wind, adding a bit of desolation to the already empty scene.

"Okay, I'm afraid our opponents are already impatient, so let's make a big fuss."

Lei Xiao first turned around and looked at the people following him, then without any hesitation, he strode into the city gate.

Under everyone's nervous gazes, as expected, the moment Lei Xiao and his group of six people just walked into the city gate, they immediately disappeared and completely lost their trace.

With a very brief feeling of lightness passing by, when Lei Xiao's vision became clear again, he suddenly felt that the surroundings were dark.

With the blessing of the night vision effect of [Star Pupil], Lei Xiao looked intently.

I found myself in the center of an extremely large and dark open-air arena, surrounded by rows of stands that gradually rose up like hills, at least ten stories high. Everywhere was empty and not a single person could be seen.

Judging from the appearance, this arena is obviously extremely old, and it exudes a sense of vicissitudes and weathering.

However, although the surrounding area looks extremely old, it is not full of dust, and there are traces of repairs in many places. This shows that this place has obviously been repaired and cleaned recently.

The middle area of the arena where he is located is the size of at least 10 football fields. The soil ground is hard and flat, and it looks extremely vast, enough to easily fit a small town.

Compared with such a huge stand and venue, I was as insignificant as an ant alone.

"There is no trace of Huwei, Catherine and others. So, are they really transported to different areas?"

"This is an expected situation. After all, Thor and the others disappeared from different locations than the later soldiers. This means that there must be more than one transfer magic circle hidden in the city, and the scale is extremely large."

Lei Xiao held Rolandal tightly, observing the surroundings and reviewing the current situation.

Looking from the top of this giant open-air arena, it is an obviously processed earthen roof. At this point, the situation is already very obvious.

"Is it really the underground of Huangyao City? No shouts of killing were heard from the surroundings, and even though I tried to speak, I still couldn't connect."

"This means that this place is indeed extremely huge, and it is divided into different areas, separated by barriers. I didn't expect that there is such a vast area hidden underground."

"And, judging from the ancient extent, this is probably an extremely large ancient underground city."

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this in his mind, something happened.

On the towering oval-shaped stands, hundreds of tight metal doors suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, dense and neat footsteps sounded.

Countless soldiers filed out of the gates like a torrent of steel, and soon they were spread in every corner of the stands.

Although the entire space was extremely dark, it was still difficult to cover up the cold light of the unsheathed swords.

In the blink of an eye, the auditorium, which could accommodate more than 300,000 people, was almost filled with dense soldiers. From the golden flag and the golden coat of arms on the breastplate, it was easy to see that these were the defenders of the Kingdom of Grim who had disappeared at the beginning. .

Suddenly, the originally calm open-air arena suddenly became turbulent. At least 300,000 enemy soldiers were filled with murderous intent. The monstrous force formed by the gathering surged in every corner of the huge arena.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to actually throw yourself into a trap. You are so stupid!"

A joking male voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, in the direction of the chief VIP desk, which has the most comprehensive view of the arena, dazzling magic light **** lit up, making the entire VIP desk brightly lit.

I saw a young king with a crown on his head and a sullen face sitting on a shiny golden throne. He was holding his chin with one hand and looking over with contempt.

Surrounding the young king were a group of menacing Grim generals, each of them with murderous intent on their faces.

After seeing this scene, Lei Xiao had an unexpectedly indifferent expression.

Lei Xiao was naturally no stranger to this young king, who was none other than Hall, the new king of the Kingdom of Grim.

Lei Xiao's eyes did not stay on the other party at all, but after observing his surroundings for a moment, he said lightly: "What? Your backer is not there?"

"How outrageous! Just a despicable person from another world, how dare you talk to the lonely king like this!"

Seeing that Lei Xiao obviously didn't take him seriously, Hall's venomous face suddenly showed a trace of anger, and he roared: "People from other worlds, why don't you kneel down when you see the noble Holy King?"

"It's ridiculous. Your father and I were all defeated by me, let alone you?"

Surrounded by dense enemy troops, Lei Xiao remained calm and continued to say calmly: "You are just a dog in the Temple of Light. It is a great honor for you to be able to speak to me on an equal footing."

"You bastard, you dare to say such arrogant things even when you are about to die!"

Hearing the sound, Hall's expression changed again and again, and finally there was a hint of disdain, and he said contemptuously: "King Gu knows, you know that your death is imminent, so you go out of your way to flatter others, right? It's really a disgusting method. .

"Outlander, you have seen the current situation. Surrounding you are 300,000 warriors from our Kingdom of Grim. They are certain to die."

Speaking of this, Hall looked at Lei Xiao with interest and said jokingly: "If you kneel down and beg my forgiveness now, maybe I will let you die a little more happily, otherwise, you will suffer endless suffering." tortured, and finally died in despair and regret."

"You have been relying on others for so long that you have forgotten how much you weigh? Then I will give you two choices."

Lei Xiao glanced at Hall and said calmly: "Now tell me where the others are, and your soldiers can still save their lives, otherwise I will strangle your neck with my own hands, and there will be a river of blood here."

As soon as Lei Xiao said these words, the huge arena fell silent.

In just a moment, the entire audience erupted in a steady stream of ridicule and sarcasm, as if they had heard the biggest joke in the world.

Hundreds of thousands of Grim soldiers were seen with either disdain or contempt on their faces, and they all cast their playful eyes on Lei Xiao in the center of the arena.

The moment this despicable alien stepped into Huangyao City without overestimating his capabilities, he was transported alone into the cage that had been prepared long ago.

Fighting alone against an army of 300,000 people, this guy is probably scared to death, right?

Let alone a despicable alien at the peak of level 4, even if 10 level 5 experts or even level 6 experts come, they will definitely be destroyed!

For a moment, along with the ridicule, there was a fierce murderous aura that filled the sky, making it almost difficult to breathe.

"Hahaha, ridiculous alien. I thought you were a difficult opponent, but you turned out to be just a fool."

Surrounded by the powerful Grimm nobles, Hall held his stomach and laughed so hard that he couldn't even stand up straight.

I saw the new King Grim holding the crown on his forehead and jokingly said: "The Lone King admits that you do have many elite soldiers and generals under your command, which have caused trouble to the Lone King, but now there are not even one person around you. You dont even have a dog, so what can you do on your own? Are you giving orders to yourself? Its just ridiculous!

After Hall finished speaking, UU read a book www.uukanshu The huge arena was once again covered in roars of laughter, and the majestic murderous aura rising into the sky followed closely, as if it could crush Lei Xiao at any time.

"It's true that I can't do much, but it's more than enough to deal with you rabble."

Lei Xiao did not continue to talk nonsense with the other party, but was ready to attack, and said calmly: "The Kingdom of Grim has never defeated me, and it will be the same this time. This place will become the grave of all of you. And I will erect a tombstone for you with incompetence and comedy written all over it."

"You bastard, you just don't know how to live or die!"

Hall's defense was obviously broken by Lei Xiao again, and his expression suddenly became twisted and ferocious.

With a wave of his hand, the light of the absolute confinement barrier shone, completely surrounding the entire arena.

The area where he was located at the chief VIP desk was also flashing with magical light, and the originally hidden absolute defensive barrier also appeared, protecting the entire VIP desk.

"You're just a despicable and ignorant arrogant alien. King Lone needs to take a closer look at how you can make King Lone's 300,000-strong army bleed like a river by yourself!"

Hall's cloudy eyes boiled with murderous intent, and he ordered: "Crush this thing that doesn't know whether to live or die!"

As Hall's words fell, the countless grim archers and magicians who had already sent out their orders suddenly opened fire. The sky was full of arrows mixed with deadly magic power, like a violent storm, shooting from all directions of the audience stand. It poured towards Lei Xiao alone.


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