Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1156: Prelude to the fierce battle

Chapter 1156: Prelude to the fierce battle

Just as Lei Xiao finished speaking, the rough reporting sound of the knotweed came from the words again.

"Lord, Queen Catherine's army is very close to King Grim! My subordinates can already see the flag on the other side's city!"

In order to keep in touch with Catherine as soon as possible, Lei Xiao specially transferred the tiger stick to the other party temporarily. With a fifth-level powerhouse acting as a messenger, everything would undoubtedly be much more stable.

"Very good. It seems that we have successfully reunited. Tell her to surround the city according to the planned plan. It is time to let the opponent taste our wrath."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly, then waved his hand and ordered to the generals behind him: "Everyone is in position, divide the troops into two groups and surround the Huangyao City, the capital of King Grim, with the friendly forces!"

"As you command, Your Highness the Prince!"

All the generals, including all the Lengyan kings of the past dynasties, immediately took orders, performed their respective duties, and quickly mobilized their troops.

At this point, under Lei Xiao's order, our continuous camp suddenly waved flags, horns sounded one after another, and began to change formations at a rapid speed, heading towards both sides of Huangyao City.

Lei Xiao looked at the rapidly moving army around him and nodded with satisfaction.

According to the predetermined plan, our side and Catherine will surround the other side's city in two directions, our side from the east and south, and Catherine from the west and north.

In fact, at the beginning, Lei Xiao originally planned to cover all three directions. After all, both the quantity and quality of our army were better than the 60 legions under Catherine's command.

But then I thought about it, after all, the other party is our ally and has traveled thousands of miles to fully support us. If the other party is only responsible for one direction, it would be a bit unreasonable.

Moreover, if our troops are divided into three groups to besiege the city, our strength will be too scattered.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration and Catherine's strong struggle, Lei Xiao chose to take charge of two directions with the former, but correspondingly, our stronger side was naturally responsible for the main attack.

"I have a million troops under my command, and there are a total of 70 legions going into battle this time."

"There are 20 main legions composed of the elites of the royal family, the Shanglu family and the Lancaster family, 30 summoned legions of the kings and powerful heroes of the country, 10 rear legions responsible for logistics, and Prince Yaoguang Lawrence 10 legions converted from Grimm's surrender."

"It is worth mentioning that after this period of potion upgrade, the strength of the 10 rear legions has also reached the standard of the main legion from ordinary."

"In other words, my total strength for this siege is 60 main legions and 10 ordinary legions under Lawrence."

"Among them, the 60 main legions were responsible for the main attack from two directions, while Lawrence was responsible for waving the flag and maintaining order afterwards."

Lei Xiao was riding an extremely strong mutated black horse, thinking this while, surrounded by his main subordinates, he continued to march towards the opponent's city.

In addition, our other 30 legions are divided into two parts.

Among them, 20 main legions, mainly from the Yorkman family, continue to be on standby in Liuguang Fortress. This is the consensus reached by Lei Xiao and the generals after careful consideration.

In this way, we will have an extremely powerful Rangers team to deal with various possible emergencies.

The other 10 legions under Lawrence's command are distributed in the cities along the way, leaving a clear path for us to advance and retreat, so as not to be blocked by the opponent's surprise troops that may appear.

Although the residents along the way have gradually left this area, it is still necessary to leave some defenders in these cities.

As for Lengyan's country, Ariel led Wu, Al and other officials, as well as some generals such as Benson who was stationed at Luolong City, Bai Lao who was stationed at Buluo Fortress, and the two old kings.

Not long after, Lei Xiao arrived outside the southern city of Huangyao City, where a total of 30 of our summoning legions and 5 Lawrence legions were deployed.

Dust is everywhere here, war flags are flapping, and the puppet soldiers summoning the legions are fully deployed in the form of legion squares under the orders of their respective commanders, making final preparations for the siege.

The vast battlefield was filled with a murderous atmosphere, so rich that it was almost suffocating. There was no other sound except the neat and dense footsteps and the crisp sound of armor.

This force, formed by the fighting faith of the most elite soldiers of the Cold Flame Kingdom in the past, is like a lion showing its fangs, ready to launch a fatal attack on its prey at any time.

As for the five Lawrence Legions who were placed at the end, they were already shocked speechless by the formation in front of them.

Although they have become a member of our side, these surrendered soldiers are glad that they are not the enemy this time, and their throats are rolling. Apparently they remember the fear of being dominated by our summoned legion at that time.

Just as the hearts of the surrendering soldiers were shaking, a giant translucent magic barrier like a dome had already enveloped all 35 of our legions. This was an absolute defensive barrier created by several magic summoning legions.

Among the human kingdoms, although the Kingdom of Cold Flame is famous for its offense, its defensive methods such as absolute defense barriers are not among the top, and are even far inferior to those of the Kingdom of Grim.

But you must know that this summoned army is a collection of the best of cold flame monarchs, country-level powerhouses and elite soldiers of the past generations, and it will no longer be inferior to any human nation.

At the same time as the absolute defense barrier rose, the friction of metal wheels sounded in unison, and tens of thousands of second-order and above magic cannons were pushed to the front of the formation by the soldiers.

Under the bright sunshine, tens of thousands of cannon bodies engraved with complex magic lines exuded a deep frosted brilliance, and the dark muzzles were brewing fatal blows.

"The momentum is good."

Lei Xiao looked at the neatly arranged array of magic cannons, almost as far as the eye could see, and nodded with satisfaction.

He deployed tens of thousands of magic cannons in his siege armies in both directions. This was the main force of his siege.

After collecting during this period, plus the previous stock, I was equipped with more than 80,000 magic light crystals this time, enough to make this so-called indestructible Huangyao City drink a pot.

While Lei Xiao was thinking this, he glanced at the towering city walls of King Grim's capital, which was not far away.

It has to be said that even compared with the Lion City, the capital of the Cold Flame King, this Huangyao City, which has a longer history, is not inferior at all, and is even larger.

"Your Majesty, Prince Qi, preparations for attacking the city are ready."

I saw Thor and several other kings coming to Lei Xiao, with faces full of fighting spirit and saying: "Although the Kingdom of Grim is just a puppet of the Temple of Light, we will let everyone know that we dare to confront Leng Anyone who reaches out to the Flame Kingdom will be subject to the endless wrath of the lion!"

"Ancestor Thor is right, I can't wait any longer."

Alfred looked like he was gearing up, blowing his beard and glaring: "They dare to get involved in the Kingdom of Cold Flame, they will pay a price they cannot afford!"

"I feel your Majesty's fighting spirit. Just wait until the other three directions are ready and wait for my order."

Lei Xiao nodded to the kings and said solemnly: "This side is the main attack, and your Majesty will have to work hard then."

Having said that, Lei Xiao rode his horse and whipped his whip, and arrived in front of the last five Lawrence Legion formations deployed.

The commander here was none other than Paladin Commander Jared. After seeing Lei Xiao's figure, the former immediately came up to him.

"I have met His Highness the Prince!"

When he got close, Jared immediately dismounted his horse and saluted, with a look of reverence on his face.

After this period of contact and Lawrence's efforts, Jared had actually taken a liking to Lei Xiao for a long time and could no longer think of any hostility.

Whether it was the fact that Lei Xiao had no trouble with the people of the Grim Kingdom along the way, or the well-trained and powerful combat power of Lei Xiao's soldiers, they all made the Holy Knight Commander of the Grim Kingdom extremely admired. .

It has to be said that compared to the demonic and willful Holy King William, the Holy Lion Prince of the Cold Flame Kingdom in front of him is obviously more truly kingly.

"Captain Paladin, there is no need to be polite. You and Lawrence are both the pillars of the Kingdom of Grim. I will need your help by my side in the future so that this land can become more prosperous."

Lei Xiao also dismounted and leaned down to help Jared up. After chatting with the latter for a few words, Lei Xiao got on his horse and soon arrived in front of the military formation to the east.

This is where Lei Xiao's army is located, and Lei Xiao's battle flags are flying everywhere.

Although the overall momentum here is inferior to that in the south, in terms of the strictness of the military formation, it is not at a disadvantage at all.

After all, what is gathered here is the most elite royal legion and wealthy legion in the Cold Flame Kingdom. Apart from the summoned legion, it is also the strongest force in Lei Xiao's hands.

Lei Xiao had just stayed in the Chinese army for a while when White Knight, Nolan, Bert, Ju Bai, Bai Zhi, Huo De and other kingdom generals rushed over.

Not to mention the fifth-level white knights and Nolan, the other fourth-level subordinate generals have already reached the peak of the fourth level under the influence of the Demonic Moon Condensation Pill.

"Your Highness, Prince Qi, the strength of the absolute defensive barrier has reached its maximum, and preparations for the siege are ready!"

I saw the white knight stroking his chest, saluting, and respectfully ordering: "The soldiers are as powerful as a rainbow, and they are ready to capture the city and territory for His Royal Highness at any time!"

"Thank you for your hard work."

Lei Xiao had just finished listening to the white knight's report. As a gust of wind passed by, three figures appeared in front of Lei Xiao again.

It is Catherine, the Scarlet Queen, Valentin, the Prince of Wands, and Knotweed as the messenger.

"Your Highness, we are ready in both directions!"

Catherine's fair face was filled with excitement, and her fangs loomed at the corners of her red mouth as she said, "The day has finally come when we can take revenge on the Kingdom of Grim, both for us and those who were beaten by the Kingdom of Grim." For the last generation of Iron Hand Islands royal family who have no heirs."

"I can't wait for a long time. Since the armies in the four directions are ready, let's start now."

Lei Xiao turned over and dismounted, nodded to Catherine and said: "Your Majesty the Queen, don't forget our previous deployment. In order to preserve our strength, the main attack task is left to me. Her Majesty the Queen can lead the army to support."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I know what to do."

Catherine nodded heavily and said seriously: "Your Highness, please rest assured that no matter what happens, my soldiers and I will be His Highness's most loyal comrades-in-arms."

After Catherine said this, Valentin's pale face was full of solemnity and he nodded accordingly.

Afterwards, Lei Xiao gave some instructions to Catherine, and the latter quickly returned to his camp to take command.

"Now that everything is ready, let me officially tear open the curtain of this feast."

Watching Catherine and others disappear at the end of the endless military formation, Lei Xiao's eyes were like a torch, and he waved his hand and said: "The magic bombardment begins!"

As Lei Xiao's words fell, the urgent horn sound of the attack sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the magic power surged in front of our front line, and when thousands of guns were fired, the roar like thunder was deafening, surging in every corner of the world.

Covered by two dense magical artillery fires from our side, the huge and seemingly indestructible Huangyao City was instantly covered by dazzling waves of magical power and flames rising into the sky, with thick smoke everywhere. Roll. UU read www.uukanshu.net

Although the absolute defensive barrier covering the opponent's city blocked all the artillery fire, it can be clearly seen that under my bombardment that shook the world, the entire opponent's city was trembling slightly, as if it might fall apart at any time.

Just as we began to attack the city with all our strength, the enemy camp on the city wall had a different scene.

"What to do? What to do? What to do?!"

On the towering gate tower of Huangyao City, a young man wearing a golden robe and a crown almost collapsed to the ground under the protection of a group of guards.

This person is Hall, the new king of Grim Kingdom.

However, before Hall could finish his words, he was covered by the sound of continuous explosions, making his face paler and without a trace of blood.

"By the way, how much longer can our absolute defense barrier last?!"

In panic, Hall roughly dragged a middle-aged Grimm garrison general closer to him and yelled into his ear: "Tell the Lone King!"

"Your Majesty, according to the terrifying intensity of the opponent's attack, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for a quarter of an hour!"

The middle-aged general was swayed by Hall. After finally gaining a foothold, he reported hoarsely: "The opponent's attack is too terrifying. I have never seen such a huge magic bombardment!"

"Trash, they are all a bunch of trash! There are 50 legions of defenders here, and they can only hold out for a quarter of an hour?!"

Hall pushed the middle-aged general away and said with panic on his face: "By the way, Your Excellency the Cardinal, he was the one who conveyed the Supreme Lord's order and ordered the lonely king to concentrate all the main forces in the royal capital to fight to the death with the opponent, but Where did he go at this critical moment?!"

As soon as Hall finished speaking, a figure appeared out of thin air and stood behind him.

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