Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1155: Gift from the Saint of the Moon Palace

Chapter 1155: Gift from the Saint of the Moon Palace

Noticing the object that suddenly appeared on Shirley's white palm, Lei Xiao looked at it intently.

They were two identical, gray-black magic scrolls. In the center of the scrolls, there was also a pattern of eyes, which looked quite special.

"Your Highness, these are two fifth-level magic scrolls sealed with the "Episode of Appearance" spell. When activated, they can emit special energy fluctuations, which can make all hidden magic traps around them nowhere to hide. They are also capable of illusions to a certain extent. resistance effect. "

Teresa's clear voice sounded, and she introduced to Lei Xiao: "The Temple of Light has a rich foundation, and King Grim's capital is also very impressive. It must be full of all kinds of magic traps. I hope these two magic scrolls can Help His Highness the Prince to save the day from danger at the critical moment."

""The Eye of Appearance"? It is said that this is a special secret technique unique to the dark elf royal family. It can be said to be an unheralded secret of the dark elf kingdom. The effect is far better than ordinary manifestation spells! "

Hearing the sound, Jiang Li's starry eyes lit up, and she blurted out: "You know, the dark elves' manifestation technique is already famous among all races, and the "Episode of Appearance" is the first of the fifth-level manifestation techniques. Indeed, It can make those extremely troublesome magic traps have nowhere to hide. "

"The most important thing is that the "Epipe of Manifestation" can also show the weaknesses of different magic traps, helping users to crack them faster! "

After hearing what Theresa and Jiang Li said, Lei Xiao nodded slightly.

Although our main powerhouses have varying degrees of resistance and search capabilities against magic traps, their effects are relatively limited, and they require a lot of time to crack and avoid before they can successfully pass through the trap area. This will undoubtedly affect The fleeting battle situation caused a considerable impact.

Although I have distributed a lot of manifestation magic scrolls in batches, most of them are fourth-level, and the effect is relatively limited. After all, fifth-level scrolls in human countries are also extremely rare, just like the national-level magic weapons.

From this, it is not difficult to see that the gift brought by Teresa can indeed greatly help our side and the entire war situation, and can even avoid many unnecessary casualties.

"Then I would be disrespectful."

Lei Xiao was not polite and directly took the two magic scrolls and opened the attribute bar.

[Name: "Appearing Eyes" Magic Scroll]

[Level: Level 5 Extraordinary]

[Efficacy: Insight into magic traps, dispel illusions]

[Remarks: The magic scroll made by the current Dark Elf Queen personally seals the royal secrets. It is said that only the important ministers of the Dark Elf Kingdom are qualified to obtain it. This not only represents the Queen's trust, but also represents the supreme glory of the Dark Elf Kingdom. .

Lei Xiao closed the attribute bar and nodded to Teresa: "Thank you very much for the gift from Your Majesty the Saint."

"His Royal Highness is very polite. I hope this can help His Highness."

Teresa smiled, but then a hint of embarrassment emerged, and then said: "Unfortunately, Her Majesty the Queen only gave me these two, and the quantity is extremely limited. Please don't be offended, Your Highness."

"Your Majesty the Holy Lady, this is a help in times of need, how can I be surprised?"

Lei Xiao waved his hand and immediately put away the scroll, preparing to upgrade.

Although the number of scrolls given by Theresa was indeed extremely limited, with the blessing of her golden finger, everything was naturally completely different.

"Since they are two identical scrolls, let's simply change one qualitatively and the other quantitatively."

"After all, the Temple of Light has produced genuine sixth-level powerhouses. An extra scroll that can see through sixth-level magic traps is always a good preparation."

Lei Xiao made up his mind and started upgrading directly.

[Congratulations, your "Level 5 Magic Scroll: Pupil of Appearance" has been upgraded to "Level 6 Magic Scroll: Pupil of True Seeing"!

[Congratulations, your "Level 5 Magic Scroll: Pupil of Appearance" has been upgraded to 118 "Level 5 Magic Scroll: Pupil of Appearance"!

Hearing the familiar prompt, Lei Xiao nodded with satisfaction.

Before this, after several rounds of large-scale equipment upgrades, my talent has not yet reached level 2, but I can basically upgrade items as I wish.

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this in his mind, the prompt sounded again.

[Congratulations, your god-level talent Gold Finger has been upgraded to Level 2!

[Your talent has gained some new effects.

[1: When upgrading items, you will be free to choose the direction of upgrade.

[2: When upgrading items, the possibility of critical hits increases slightly.

[2: When a quantitative change occurs, the number of items obtained will increase slightly.

"Good guy, I didn't expect that my talent would be upgraded at this time. It's an unexpected surprise!"

Hearing the sound, Lei Xiao suddenly became excited in his heart.

Needless to say, the first new effect was exactly what I had expected.

The second and third ones are the icing on the cake.

Although it is a small increase, after each battle, the amount of upgrades you make is extremely huge. If accumulated over time, this will also produce extremely impressive effects!

"All in all, I'm really grateful to Your Majesty the Holy Lady."

In his excitement, Lei Xiao couldn't help but grab Teresa's fair and slender hand and squeeze it again and again. The latter was stunned for a moment, her long pointed ears trembled, and then even her slender body became a little stiff.

You know, as the Saint of the Moon Palace, she is usually aloof and inaccessible. Her status is even higher than that of ordinary human princesses. She is not used to this kind of handshake etiquette, and no one has ever dared to say anything to her. She held out her hand, not even to the Griffin Prince Andre.

Furthermore, in the traditional etiquette of the dark elves, this is also an action that can only be done between close family members, which can be seen from this.

However, it was obvious from Theresa's starry eyes that although she was extremely surprised, that was all.

If anyone else dared to be so presumptuous, Theresa would not let it go, but for Lei Xiao, she could not even entertain the thought.

After a moment, Lei Xiao remembered something. He flipped through it and a set of brilliant fifth-level staffs and fifth-level robes appeared in front of Theresa.

"Your Excellency Saint, this set of equipment has a considerable bonus to shadow spells. It is just suitable for you as a shadow mage. It can be regarded as a small gift from me."

Lei Xiao smiled lightly and handed the equipment to the opponent's hand.

For the current Lei Xiao, although it has not yet reached the point where it can be equipped in batches, it is still very easy to come up with a set of fifth-level equipment without even blinking an eye.

Since knowing Teresa, the other party has provided us with a lot of help, even risking her own life to help us fight against powerful enemies, not to mention the extremely practical and precious fifth-level magic scroll this time.

Coupled with Erza's relationship, it is very appropriate to take these as a return gift.

"As expected of His Royal Highness, the equipment that can be regarded as a national-level magic weapon in the human world is given away at a moment's notice. I am really flattered."

After taking Lei Xiao's equipment, Teresa was not polite. She looked at it again and again while smiling and saying, "Then thank you, His Highness, for the gift in return!"

"You're welcome. As long as Your Majesty the Saint likes it, my goal will be achieved."

Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, and after chatting with Teresa for a while, he sent her out of the mountain fortress.

In the process, through Teresa's description, Lei Xiao learned more.

At present, after Theresa's intervention, the internal situation in the Holy Night Kingdom has basically stabilized.

After all, Andre and other Holy Night nobles and their minions, who were on the same side as Theresa, were mostly controlled by Lei Xiao in the Eternal Sleep Canyon.

Without the constraints of Andre and others, Teresa, who was the only one in the family, quickly took control of the Holy Night Palace with the support of the generals of the Moon Palace and some pro-Moon Palace nobles.

Under Theresa's stewardship, although some nobles in the court tried their best to save Andre and continued to set off a confrontation with the Cold Flame Kingdom, they were all strangled in the cradle by the former.

As for the newly crowned Holy Night King, he has remained silent and has not stopped Theresa from taking the opportunity to clean up the forces in Andre's palace.

It is not difficult to see from this that although everything seems to be developing for the better, there is one thing that Teresa still dare not take lightly.

That is, no clues about the Black Abyss Brotherhood have been found.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty the Saint, as long as I successfully eradicate Ganelon IX in this battle, everything will be solved naturally."

Lei Xiao stood in the dense forest not far from the fortress and nodded to Teresa.

"But I always feel that things will not go so smoothly, and I would like to ask His Highness the Prince to be extremely careful, because the current war is going too smoothly, which is obviously not in line with common sense."

Teresa frowned tightly and revealed what Lei Xiao had been puzzled about. She solemnly said: "The Temple of Light tree has deep roots, and Naganelon IX is extremely mysterious. I am afraid that His Highness the Prince will face a... A deadly storm like never before.

"I know that a heavy rain is coming, but the other party has already extended its tentacles filled with murderous intent into my territory, causing heavy casualties to my soldiers. Naturally, I will repay the favor twice as much, even if I have to go through wind and rain."

Lei Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly: "Moreover, the other party is brewing a huge conspiracy, which will even put the entire human race into crisis. Someone has to stand up and stop it, right?"

"I don't trust leaving such a major issue to others. I want to personally drive the other party into the endless abyss and make them pay a huge price that they cannot afford."

When he said this, Lei Xiao smiled mysteriously and said: "In addition, I also got some new gadgets. My strength is already different from what it used to be. I believe even Your Majesty the Saint will be surprised."

"After hearing His Highness the Prince say this, I feel much more relieved. I am really looking forward to the future direction of the war."

A smile suddenly appeared on Theresa's fair face, she nodded and said: "In short, I wish His Highness the Prince a successful victory."

After saying that, Teresa's slender body moved and escaped into the shadow of the tree next to her, disappearing in front of Lei Xiao in an instant.

"This guy really comes and goes without a trace."

Seeing this, Lei Xiao shrugged and led his subordinates back to the royal capital via the Fortress.

Sitting in the royal rest room of the Lion's Castle, Lei Xiao informed Ariel of today's events, who had just arrived after hearing the news, while enjoying the latter's gentle shoulder rub.

"That's what happened. Except for the fact that there is still no news about the cracking of the magic circle at the ruins of the Bright Elves, there have been gains in all other directions."

After describing everything, Lei Xiao couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

At this point, the series of preparations for the new trump card have come to an end, and all that is left is to wait for the decisive battle with Ganelon IX.

Of course, before the decisive battle officially begins, there is one more thing to watch out for.

That is the Grim Capital that is currently marching towards.

While frowning, Lei Xiao expressed his worries again.

"Lord, things in Grim Capital are indeed very strange. I am afraid that this must be the conspiracy of Ganelon IX. In order to achieve his goal, the other party even stabbed the Holy King William in the back, let alone the new king. .

After hearing Lei Xiao's worries, Ariel also frowned and said thoughtfully: "Although we are marching towards King Grim as planned, do UU Reading www.uukanshu.net need to take any more countermeasures? "

"I'm already doing it. No matter what conspiracy the other side is brewing, it can never stop us from moving forward."

Lei Xiao nodded, his eyes bright.

The next two days were still extremely peaceful. In the process, Lei Xiao did another very important thing.

That is, through Lawrence's unremitting efforts, he persuaded Jared, the Grimm Paladin who had previously taken the initiative to lay down his weapons, and finally agreed to join our camp.

In the previous battle at Sunset Fortress, the Paladin Commander of the Kingdom of Grim watched innocent soldiers being turned into puppets, watched Saint King William suffer a backstab, and then personally solved the backstabber. He also persuaded other Grimm remnants to be captured without any help, and helped us solve the trouble.

Now, with the addition of this national-level powerhouse with great reputation in the Kingdom of Grim, it will undoubtedly play a significant role in the stability of the Kingdom of Grim and our attack on the royal capital. Small effect.

Finally, in the early morning of the third day, just as the sun had just risen, an army with war flags fluttering slowly appeared on the horizon not far from King Grim in the bright morning light.

This is the army led by Lei Xiao.

For a moment, the crisp sound of armor clashing and the heavy and powerful footsteps shook the earth, and the vast momentum surged in every corner of the world. The momentum was extremely astonishing.

"Your Highness, we will be there soon."

Prince Yaoguang Lawrence followed closely beside Lei Xiao, pointing at the majestic city in front of him that became increasingly clear, and reported with a solemn face.

"Is it finally starting?"

Lei Xiao nodded slightly, with a sharp arc at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Instead of passively facing the coming storm, let us take the initiative to start a storm."

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