Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1131: sudden uninvited guest

Chapter 1131: sudden uninvited guest

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Opposite Diana and Old John, Lei Xiao listened to each other's "whispers" and thought to himself.

The other party's intention could not be more obvious. Although he got a satisfactory answer to the other party's temptation after some words of his own, in the end he had to use the Temple of Light to sell himself another favor.

After all, the other party took the huge risk of "offending" the Temple of Light, but still remained neutral and did not attack us. The meaning is self-evident.

"The neutral organization that has been able to stand in the human race for three thousand years is indeed extremely cunning. While selling me a favor in person, I am afraid that it will also express its support for the Temple of Light in private, but it will find some excuses to only talk but not do anything."

"With such a balance of power, no matter who wins in the end, the Mercenary Guild will not be too passive."

Lei Xiao was thinking this while pretending to be unaware, and did not hear the other party's "whisper" at all.

Directly opposite Lei Xiao, seeing that the former was unmoved, Diana had no choice but to cast her gaze over again, shrugged and said: "His Royal Highness the Holy Lion Prince has many things to do. Since you and I have talked about it, then the slave family will not Excuse me, Your Highness."

After that, Diana, who was wearing a purple dress, stood up and looked like she was leaving.

"Your Excellency, Vice-President, you are very polite. When everything comes to an end, we will have a sumptuous dinner to express our gratitude to Your Excellency, Vice-President and the Mercenary Guild for their understanding. Perhaps our future cooperation can be more in-depth."

Lei Xiao also stood up, smiled and said politely to the other party: "I think you, the Vice-President, also know that I have a small specialty that is not worth mentioning. I can always get some surprising equipment and magic potions, and There are quite a few.

"Haha, then I look forward to cooperating with His Royal Highness the Holy Lion Prince. The premise is that the Cold Flame Kingdom can successfully overcome this difficulty."

Diana raised her eyebrows slightly, and the look on her fair face suddenly became solemn again, and she said seriously: "Finally, I would like to remind His Highness that the foundation of the Temple of Light is by no means comparable to that of the Kingdom of Grim."

"Although His Highness the Prince almost wiped out the million-strong army of Grim Kingdom last night and summoned the former kings and strong men. It seems that he has every advantage, but the real challenge has just begun."

"The slave family doesn't want to see anything unexpected happen to His Royal Highness, a major customer of the mercenary guild that is rare in a thousand years."

After saying that, Diana smiled, immediately opened her long legs, and walked out of the door of the royal conference hall.

Behind Diana, other mercenaries, including Durant, politely said goodbye to Lei Xiao and others.

Especially Durant, judging from his rather respectful look, it is obvious that he is no longer as tit-for-tat as he was at the beginning.

After sending the mercenary representatives out of the Lion's Castle, Lei Xiao stood in front of the gate of the majestic castle. He first ordered Hongye, Huzhang and Randall to continue seeing off the guests, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, is the Alchemist Guild the only one left?"

As the moonlight filled the air, Lei Xiao sniffed the **** smell still remaining in the air and thought to himself.

As long as he gets rid of the last of these three neutral organizations, he can concentrate on dealing with the Temple of Light.

Since taking control of the Cold Flame Kingdom, I have established cooperation with all alchemist branches in the Cold Flame Kingdom, and the Dark Green Kingdom where Eckhart is located, although the number of alchemist guilds is relatively small, is also in intensive negotiations. middle."

Lei Xiao's eyes moved, passing over the royal guards standing neatly around him, and he nodded thoughtfully.

"It is precisely because of the continuous supply of these alchemists' guilds that I am able to obtain a large amount of magic potions and minimize the casualty rate in every war."

"And every member of the other party's guild has naturally received a large number of coveted treasures. They all enjoy it and are even grateful to me."

"With such close cooperation, it must be easier to win over the Alchemy Guild to remain neutral, right?"

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this in his mind, the sound of rapid reciting suddenly sounded.

After the connection, Tran's nervous voice immediately came over: "Lord Qi, there are more than a dozen red dragons covering the sky and the moon, and they are speeding towards the royal capital!"


Upon hearing this unexpected report, Lei Xiao's brows immediately knitted together.

After last night's battle, in order to further consolidate the city's defense, the city lord of Fenglong City was re-appointed as the Royal Guardsman. He handed over his previous palace duties to Xuan Yue and became responsible for the peripheral defense and personnel of the Lion City. In and out.

Since it was him who sent the report, it undoubtedly means that the other party is very close to the king's capital!

"Tran, are you sure you read that correctly?"

Surprised, Lei Xiao walked to a quiet place and asked quickly.

"Lord, you know the situation underground in my family's castle. Others may see it wrong, but I will never see it wrong!"

Tran's voice became more ~ and responded: "My subordinates are standing on the wall on the west side of the royal capital, and they are getting closer!"

As Tran's words fell, Orr's expression suddenly changed as he had just finished the magic communication. He hurriedly came over to stand by and received this sudden news.

"I got it. There's no need to sound the citywide alarm. You just need to order the soldiers to stand ready. I'll be there soon."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly and frowned.

"As ordered, Lord Lord, considering the fact that three red dragons came to the capital before, I am afraid that the purpose of these red dragons coming to the capital is..."

Tran didn't finish his words, but stopped talking in time, but the meaning was self-evident.

"I understand what you mean. This matter must not be made public. I have my own plan to deal with it."

After Lei Xiao said this, he stopped talking.

The purpose that Tran was referring to was, of course, to escape the pursuit of his fellow tribesmen and had to trap himself in the red night underground in Fenglong City.

"Since the battle at Stargazing Corridor, I have had to make Hong Ye transform into dragon form many times. Did it finally attract the attention of other red dragons? It just happened at this juncture."

Lei Xiao's brows twisted into a knot, just in time to see Hong Ye's slender body flying under the night.

"Lord Lord."

When he got closer, Hong Ye's white face was full of solemnity and solemnity, and he obviously sensed that a large number of menacing fellows were approaching at a very fast speed.

"I know everything, leave everything to me, and I will fulfill my promise."

Lei Xiao nodded to Hong Ye, saying nothing.

As long as he still stands here, no one can touch his subordinates.

After saying that, Lei Xiao started talking again and began to deploy intensively.

(End of chapter)

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