Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1130: end of meeting

Chapter 1130: end of meeting

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"Please give me some advice, Your Highness the Prince."

Diana's tone softened significantly and she nodded towards Lei Xiao.

"You must have heard about what happened in the Lion City, the royal capital, last night, right?"

Lei Xiao's voice was mixed with a touch of anger, and he tried to keep his tone calm as he said: "Before Ganelon IX issued the announcement, this well-defended palace was once breached."

"The reason is that Ganelon IX secretly built an evil barrier in each branch of the Temple of Light, and secretly planted an evil mark in the bodies of the soldiers who believed in the Holy Light."

"As soon as the barrier is activated, these innocent soldiers become crazy puppets controlled by the Temple of Light, swinging their swords and battle axes at other unsuspecting soldiers."

"This incident not only happened in the royal capital, but also appeared in all the major border fortresses of our Lengyan Kingdom. It almost completely destroyed the Lengyan Kingdom in that **** and dark night."

After hearing what Lei Xiao said, the representatives of the mercenary guild, including Diana, frowned.

As mercenaries, they naturally heard about these things.

I have to say that with the majestic image of the Temple of Light, it is indeed a bit disgraceful to do such a thing.

"Fortunately, Her Majesty the Queen and I were on the verge of life and death, and successfully activated the hidden function of the Lion King Palace, making the cold flame kings and powerful people of the country appear in the world, and then barely managed to hold on to the front lines that were on the verge of collapse."

Lei Xiao's voice gradually became calmer and rang in the ears of the mercenaries again.

Hearing the sound, Diana and others all seemed to be listening attentively.

The appearance of the Leng Yan monarchs and the powerful people in the country in the past generations has indeed greatly exceeded everyone's expectations. This has caused the Leng Yan Kingdom's combat power to skyrocket in an instant, and is also the confidence of the Leng Yan Kingdom to compete head-on with the Temple of Light.

But what is certain is that no matter how powerful the heroic spirits are, they cannot exist forever. Once the heroic spirits disappear, the consequences will naturally be self-evident.

Thinking of this in their hearts, Diana and others quietly sighed.

Noticing the emotional changes of Diana and others, Lei Xiao's expression did not change at all.

Naturally, he will not tell us about using the Star Crystal to greatly increase the energy supply of the Lion King Palace. This is our trump card. The less the opponent can figure out how long the heroic spirits can appear, the more advantageous it will be to us.

"With the assistance of Her Majesty the Holy Queen Sophia, we finally succeeded in breaking through the opponent's evil barrier, and along the way, we eradicated all the Temple of Light branches in the Cold Flame Kingdom. Only then did we retake the palace and stabilize the various fortresses. .

Lei Xiao nodded slightly, and his voice sounded in the conference room again.

Diana and others listened to Lei Xiao's words and thought secretly in their hearts.

Just like what Lei Xiao said, they, the mercenary managers in high positions, knew exactly what was going on.

However, under the propaganda of the Temple of Light, ordinary mercenaries and ordinary civilians from other countries only knew that the Kingdom of Leng Yan had brutally arrested innocent priests and roughly sealed off all the branch temples in Leng Yan. This undoubtedly made Leng Yan The Flame Kingdom stands directly opposite the human world.

Although Diana and others did not comment on the Temple of Light's practice of taking things out of context, that was all. After all, it was just a way to isolate the opponent.

"His Royal Highness the Holy Lion Prince, these servants have indeed heard about it."

When Lei Xiao's words came to an end, Diana nodded to Lei Xiao and said, "His Royal Highness' ability to turn the tide in such a desperate situation is indeed enough to be recorded in any legendary epic."

"It's a pity that His Highness the Prince's opponent is the Temple of Light, which is famous in all human nations. Once His Highness the Prince fails, it will only be recorded as the source of evil."

Durant was obviously trying to make a fool of himself, frowning and saying, "Your Highness, I have heard all of this, and this is not a hint."

"The hint is exactly what I'm going to say next."

Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and continued: "Just before the announcement of Ganelon IX, the palace had just been in chaos.

When we formed a group, as the Protector of the Country, I had not yet rushed back in time, but the strong men of the Black Abyss Brotherhood were already like prophets, launching a long-planned attack on this place. "

"It is precisely because of the opponent's attack that the palace's absolute defensive barrier was shattered, turning this place into a purgatory of blood and fire."

Lei Xiao's voice became gloomy again, and he continued: "There are nine fifth-level experts on the other side, and their purpose is very clear, which is to destroy the Lion King's Palace in the center of the palace. If I hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable. .

"Did nine strong men from the fifth-level brotherhood actually take advantage of the chaos and invade the palace? And they also successfully arrived at the miracle building area in the center of the palace."

After listening to Lei Xiao's words, Diana and Durant first looked at each other, and both saw a hint of surprise in the other's eyes.

According to the information from the Mercenary Guild, although they knew that there were indeed some strong men from the Black Abyss Brotherhood in the Royal Capital at that time who were taking the opportunity to cause chaos and attempted to destroy the absolute defensive barrier in the Royal Capital.

But they never expected that the other party would directly attack Lengyan Palace.

You know, even if the absolute defensive barrier in a country's palace fails, other traps scattered throughout the main roads and castles are enough to easily bury a fifth-level powerhouse.

Not to mention nine fifth-level powerhouses, once all the magic traps in the palace are activated, even if twice as many fifth-level powerhouses blindly break in, they will never create any waves. Not to mention other low-level powerhouses.

Unless the Black Abyss Brotherhood has stepped through in advance, is familiar with the layout of every magic trap in the palace, and has planned a detailed attack route, then they can move so quickly.

"You must know that the layout of this palace is extremely complex, and many of the traps are in a moving state. Only the king of a country can fully grasp it. I only fully understood every detail after Her Majesty the Queen's coronation."

Lei Xiao looked at Diana's surprised eyes and said with a smile: "You must be very curious about how the Black Abyss Brotherhood knows all this, right?"

"It's not difficult to explain. As long as top experts who often come in and out of the palace pay special attention and secretly use some sophisticated detection scrolls to investigate, it is not difficult to figure this out. Of course, this is something that ordinary forces cannot do. Even a royal family would be hard-pressed to come up with so many sophisticated detection scrolls.

At this point, Lei Xiao's tone became more meaningful, and he continued: "Everyone must be full of curiosity, who quietly figured out all this, right?"

"I would like to hear the details, and please give me some advice from His Highness the Holy Lion Prince."

Diana frowned slightly and nodded towards Lei Xiao.

"To be honest with you, Vice-President, the nine fifth-level Brotherhood powerhouses who broke into the palace have all been killed by us, and the leading man in black robe No. 2 is the chief archbishop of the Lengyan Branch of the Light Temple. Severn!"

Lei Xiao spoke astonishingly again, and his voice echoed in the ears of everyone present.

"What? Archbishop Severn is dead?!"

As soon as Lei Xiao said this, as expected, it caused another huge wave in the conference room.

I saw Diana and others looking at each other, almost unable to believe their ears.

You know, Severn is one of the oldest chief archbishops in the Temple of Light. He is famous among the human nations and can be called the guide and spokesperson of the Holy Light.

Although its own strength has not reached the peak of the fifth level, it is still difficult for ordinary powerful people to compete. After all, it holds many powerful trump cards of the Temple of Light.

"Yes, his body has been secretly stored by me. If you are interested, you can check it out at any time."

"It is worth mentioning that although on the surface he is just a strong man who uses holy light, his true dark strength has already reached the peak of the fifth level, but it is just well hidden."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly, confirming the mercenaries' doubts.

"Your Highness, in the final analysis, these are just His Highness's one-sided words. Since there is no proof, how can Your Highness prove all of this?"

After a while, Durant recovered from his surprise and raised his question again.

Judging from the hesitant expression on his resolute face, it was obvious that Lei Xiao was just questioning whether Lei Xiao was deliberately talking about the dead Sai Wen and blaming everything on Sai Wen.

After all, Durant and Severn, who are both the top leaders of the Lengyan branch of the neutral organization, have known each other for more than ten years. Although they are just ordinary friends and have no deep friendship, Durant still finds it hard to believe that he has always seemed The kind-hearted Seven will be a strong man of the Black Abyss Brotherhood who kills without blinking an eye.

"As the saying goes, knowing people but not knowing the heart, it is reasonable for your Excellency, the branch president, to have such doubts. If it was not Severn's fault, how could the branch president explain the reason why His Majesty the Steel Wrist King is seriously ill and the strong men of the Brotherhood? So familiar with the palace? No matter what it is, only the leaders of the three neutral organizations can do it."

Lei Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his eyebrows at Durant: "Is it possible that this was not the work of the Temple of Light, but the work of the Alchemist Guild or the Mercenary Guild?"

"Furthermore, your Excellency, the branch president, must also know that, including this royal capital, almost all the main powerhouses of the Temple of Light escaped from the Cold Flame Kingdom in advance and escaped being hunted by me. After all, at that time, I Focus all your energy on the precarious border fortress, and you wont be distracted by these soldiers and generals.

"Under such circumstances, even the ordinary strong men of the Temple of Light were able to escape in time, but as the strongest one, Severn actually fell behind and was caught by me? Do you think this is possible, branch president?"

Lei Xiao's voice came again

He was a little more fierce and continued: "Unless he threw himself into a trap, this would make complete sense, wouldn't it?"


Durant was speechless for a moment and suddenly softened.

"I understand what His Royal Highness the Holy Lion Prince means."

Diana held her chin with one hand and pondered for a moment, then said, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your candid confession."

"So, Vice President, do you have any final conclusion?"

Lei Xiao fixed his gaze on Diana's slender body again and nodded slightly.

Hearing the sound, everyone on our side held their breaths and became nervous again.

The attitude of the mercenary guild undoubtedly determines whether we need to be distracted to deal with another huge enemy.

At this stage, under all unknown circumstances, just dealing with one Light Temple is enough for us to go all out. If we add a behemoth, the consequences can be imagined.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire venue almost froze, as if time had stood still.

Directly opposite us, Diana pondered again for a while, and then responded: "Since His Highness the Prince is so candid and has told so much important information, then naturally our mercenary guild will reciprocate the favor."

"The slave family assures His Highness that until new evidence or information appears, the Mercenary Guild will remain neutral and will never participate in the dispute between the Temple of Light and the Kingdom of Cold Flame!"

As soon as Diana said this, our staff felt relieved and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

On the side of the mercenary guild representatives, Durant, who was speechless by Lei Xiao, still had not recovered from Lei Xiao's lingering power.

On the contrary, another elderly mercenary representative gently stroked his gray beard and whispered to Diana: "Your Excellency, Vice President ~ ~ The Temple of Light has sent a personal letter from the Pope, requesting our mercenary guild. If our mercenary guild remains absolutely neutral by assisting in the fight against thieves, it will definitely affect the relationship with the Temple of Light."

"After all, we currently have no substantive evidence that can prove that the Temple of Light is connected with the Black Abyss Brotherhood. Once the Temple of Light is mistakenly blamed, I am afraid that the reputation of our mercenary guild will be greatly affected, and even affected. To the safety of the human world."

Hearing the sound, Diana frowned slightly and responded: "Old John, haven't you noticed it yet?"

"If something is just a coincidence, then there are too many coincidences. It is precisely because it concerns the safety of the human world that we must be cautious.

Instead of blindly trusting any party. "

Just like what Diana said, Lei Xiao's series of words indeed solved many doubts in her heart and confirmed many clues she had.

Although the connection between the Temple of Light and the Brotherhood of the Black Abyss has not yet been established, these alone were enough for her to make the decision to remain neutral.

In other words, Lei Xiao has successfully convinced her.

However, what interests Diana the most is Lei Xiao himself.

She was very curious about what kind of surprising things this prince from another world, whose smile looked harmless but whose methods were extremely fierce, could do.

All in all, as long as the Cold Flame Kingdom does not do anything to harm the human world, even if the Cold Flame Kingdom dominates the world, the mercenary guild will have no reason to be hostile to the Cold Flame Kingdom.

Because this will completely extinguish the war between the human nations, which is actually a blessing for the human world.

Then again, although the conversation between Diana and Old John was a whisper, it seemed a little too obvious.

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