LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 119: Moving on

The first rays of dawn crept through the shattered windows of the dilapidated building, casting long shadows across the floor.

Lyerin slowly oped his eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep as he took in his surings.

The night had be long and intse, the memories of what had transpired betwe him and Sophia still fresh in his mind.

He hadn't expected to joy it as much as he had, and hadn't anticipated the depth of satisfaction that had come from their union.

It had tak hours, hours that he hadn't planned on spding, but now, as he lay there, he couldn't bring himself to regret a single momt.

Lyerin turned his head to the side, his gaze falling on Sophia's sleeping form.

She lay beside him, her body now back in its human form, her skin pale and smooth, her hair fanned out across the pillow like a dark halo.

The remnants of the night's passion clung to her, a flush still lingering on her cheeks, her lips slightly parted as she breathed softly in her sleep.

She looked peaceful, contt, a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions that had consumed her just hours before.

Lyerin watched her for a long momt, his thoughts a tangled mess.

He hadn't expected this. He hadn't expected to be so drawn to her, to feel such a strong connection. It was more than just physical desire—there was something deeper, something that stirred within him, something that he hadn't felt in a very long time.

It was unsettling, and yet, he couldn't dy the truth of it because he joyed it too.

With a sigh, Lyerin carefully slipped out of the bed, not wanting to disturb her. He needed to focus, to clear his mind of the thoughts that threated to overwhelm him.

There were more pressing matters at hand, matters that required his full atttion.

As much as he wanted to stay, to watch over her, he couldn't afford to lose sight of his mission.

Standing at the edge of the bed, Lyerin summoned a small orb of Eldr Mana into his hand.

The shadowy aura within it swirled and pulsed, a tangible reminder of the power that still coursed through his veins.

He examined it closely, noting the faint glow that indicated he still had a day's worth of Mana left.

It was ough time, ough to get his mother out of the Borgias Family's clutches and back to safety.

He had to move quickly.

Lyerin closed his hand a the orb, letting it dissolve back into his body. He cast one last glance at Sophia, her peaceful expression tugging at something deep inside him. Th, with a determined look, he began to gather her clothes, carefully dressing her as she slept.

His movemts were gtle, almost tder, as he covered her bare skin, suring that she was protected from the chill of the morning air.

Once she was fully clothed, Lyerin lifted her effortlessly into his arms, cradling her against his chest.

She murmured something in her sleep, shifting slightly, but didn't wake.

Lyerin carried her out of the room, moving siltly through the corridors of the abandoned sanctuary. The building was eerily quiet, the only sounds the distant echoes of their footsteps and the faint rustle of the wind outside.

He found a safe room on the lower floor, one that was relatively intact, and gtly laid Sophia down on a makeshift bed of blankets.

He stood over her for a momt, his mind racing with thoughts he didn't want to acknowledge.

He had tak her, claimed her, and now she was his.

In this world, wom were led by m, their emotions making them vulnerable to those who could establish themselves as leaders.

Lyerin had always known this, had always understood the dynamics of power and control.

It was easy for him, almost instinctual. He had lived for hundreds of thousands of years in his past life, and in that time, he had learned more about wom than most m could ever hope to understand.

Lyerin's art of seduction.

It was something primal, something deep within her that responded to his leadership, his dominance. Her mind could dy it all she wanted, but Lyerin knew the truth.

Her body, her instincts, wanted him.

With a final, lingering look, Lyerin turned and left the room, closing the door softly behind him.

He needed to focus on what came next. He couldn't afford to be distracted, not now. He stepped outside the sanctuary, the crisp morning air biting at his skin.

The sky was just beginning to light, the sun not yet ris, but the world a him was already coming to life.

Lyerin's eyes scanned the horizon, taking in the ruined landscape that stretched out before him.

The world had changed, twisted by the forces of the Eldritch, and now it was a place of danger and darkness.

As he looked up at the sky, a notification appeared in the corner of his vision, a familiar chime accompanying it.

| Ding!

| The host successfully bred. Congratulations for breeding intelligt creatures and balancing the tribe with Brute and Intelligt Paths. |

Lyerin bit his tongue, irritation flashing through him.

"Why is there no reward?" he muttered under his breath. But there was no answer, and he pushed the thought aside.

There were more important things to worry about.

Lyerin's feet began to transform, the soft flesh and bone replaced by the hard, unyielding hooves of a Stonehooves tribe monster.

The transformation was seamless, his body adapting to the change with ease. He glanced a, taking note of the creatures that now inhabited the area.

The Woodpeckers and Moles that had once be ordinary animals were now twisted, Eldritch versions of their former selves.

Their bodies were covered in dark, chitinous armor, their eyes glowing with an unnatural light.

Their limbs were longer, more powerful, and their movemts were swift and precise.

Lyerin smiled to himself.

This was why he had brought them to the Eldritch tribe in the ruined magical world.

They had be transformed, altered by the dark ergies that permeated the place, and now they were powerful allies.

They would make this tribe their home, ev though he won't be able to control them yet. But it was too early for that. There was still work to be done, and Lyerin wasn't one to leave things unfinished..

The sun was just beginning to crest the horizon, the first rays of light illuminating the dark landscape.

It was 6 AM, and Lyerin could feel the shift in the air, the change that signaled the start of a new day.

Raising his hand, Lyerin st out a command, his voice firm and authoritative.

"Hulking Eldritch Horses, level up and kill as many Eldritch Fleshers or Ttathorns as you can find. Once all of you are at the peak of the third cycle, return to the tribe."

His taming ability, leveled up in the ruined magical world, was more than ough to command the creatures a his Eldritch Stonehooves tribe again.

The hulking Eldritch horses, massive and powerful, turned their heads in his direction, with their eyes glowing with an eerie light.

They nodded in unison, and soon, their massive hooves thundered against the g as they took off, disappearing into the distance.

Lyerin watched them go, satisfaction curling in his chest. Everything was falling into place.

He had the power, the resources, and the knowledge to build something truly great, something that would stand the test of time. But first, he had to take care of his mother.

She was still in the clutches of the Borgias Family, and he couldn't afford to waste any more time.

With a final glance at the sanctuary, Lyerin took off, his Stonehooves tribe monster hooves immediately propelled him forward with incredible speed.

The world a him blurred as he ran, the landscape whipping past in a dizzying rush.

He knew where he was going, knew exactly what he needed to do.

Now, it was time to act.

Ev if he was delayed a little.

It won't be a problem.

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