LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 118: Primal Weakness/ R18

Sophia's mind was in turmoil, a storm of conflicting emotions raging within her as she tried to grasp what was happing.

'Why did I kiss him?' she thought, her heart pounding in her chest.

It made no sse. She loved her boyfrid. He was the one she had always wanted to be with, the one she had planned a future with. And yet, here she was, in the arms of another man, a man she barely knew.

A man who had, somehow, captivated her in a way that defied all reason.

'Why did I kiss Lyerin?'

Her thoughts spiraled, searching desperately for an answer. But all she could come up with was a sse of helplessness, a feeling that her body was betraying her, moving on its own against her will.

'My body is moving on its own…' she repeated to herself, trying to rationalize the irrational. But nothing about this made sse.

It was like she was trapped in someone else's body, watching from the sidelines as her hands began to move of their own accord.

'No, no, no…' she pleaded internally, her thoughts a chaotic jumble of resistance and inexplicable desire.

She tried to will her body to stop, to resist the overwhelming urge to continue, but it was as if her mind was disconnected from her physical form.

She watched in horror and fascination as her hands moved to her clothing, beginning to undo it piece by piece. 'Please don't move,' she begged siltly, but her body did not list.

It was as if her body had a will of its own, driv by something primal and uncontrollable.

Wh she saw the hunger in Lyerin's eyes, felt the heat of his gaze on her bare skin, she found herself helplessly touching his face, running her fingers over his strong jawline, his intse, captivating eyes.

It was as if she was trying to claim him, to mark him as hers, ev as her mind screamed in protest. 'No, please, my body, stop touching him…' But the more she touched him, the more her resolve crumbled.

'I like his face, his muscles…' she thought, horrified at her own admission.

How could she feel this way?

How could she betray everything she had with her boyfrid, all for a man she barely knew?

'No, no, please, don't take your own clothes off. Don't!' But ev as she fought against it, her hands continued their betrayal, stripping away the last of her clothing until she stood bare before Lyerin, exposed and vulnerable.

Sophia couldn't meet his gaze.

The shame of what she was doing, of what she was allowing to happ, was too much to bear.

She felt dirty, sullied by her own desires, and yet… there was a strange comfort in it as well.

The cold sweat that slid down her belly felt like a soothing balm against the heat that had overtak her body.

She was burning up, her skin flushed and tingling with an unfamiliar need.

The sweat trickled down to her most intimate places, cooling her for just a momt before the heat consumed it, turning it into steam that seemed to velop them both in a suffocating embrace.

And th, she felt it—a warmth, a pressure against her most ssitive spot.

It was Lyerin, his touch igniting a fire inside her that she couldn't extinguish. Her breath hitched as he touched her, his fingers exploring her, making her ache with a need she didn't want to acknowledge.

Her body responded eagerly, producing the liquid that would make their union easier, ev as her mind screamed at her to stop.

But Lyerin's voice broke through the haze, deep and commanding, laced with a determination that made her shiver.

"Sophia, this is the last straw," he said, his voice thick with desire. "Push me away or I will make sure to put a lot of my seed inside you. And I am absolutely sure that I will have a lot of childr with you! But I am still giving you a choice to go back," he said.

His words were bold, shockingly so, and they cut through her resistance like a knife through butter.

Instead of pushing him away, Sophia's body reacted in the exact opposite way.

Her legs spread further apart, an unconscious invitation that she was mortified by but couldn't stop.

Her face flushed a deep pink, the shame of what she was doing, what she was about to allow, burning through her. But she couldn't stop it.

She was powerless against the forces driving her, the heat and the need that were overriding every rational thought in her head.

At that momt, memories of her boyfrid flooded her mind.

She saw his face, the way he smiled at her, the way he held her close wh they were alone. She remembered their plans, the promises they had made to each other, the love that had be the foundation of their relationship.

The guilt was suffocating.

'I shouldn't be doing this…' she thought, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes as she looked up at Lyerin, ready to tell him to stop. But before she could form the words, before she could act on the guilt that was tearing her apart, Lyerin moved.

With a swift, decisive motion, he thrust into her, his body claiming hers in a way that was as final as it was overwhelming.

The shock of it turned her to stone, her mind going blank as the reality of what had just happed crashed over her. "Too late," Lyerin whispered, his breath hot against her ear.

The ssation was overwhelming, the heat of him filling her completely, spreading through her like wildfire. It was like nothing she had ever felt before, a mix of pleasure and pain that left her gasping for breath.

Her body, traitorous as it was, responded eagerly, embracing the intrusion, adjusting to it, and helping him go deeper. She could feel the warmth spreading throughout her abdom, a heat that seemed to reach every corner of her being, melting her resistance, turning her resolve to ash.

'I am now owned by him!'

The thought screamed through her mind as the image of her boyfrid shattered, fragmts of what once was crumbling into nothingness.

In their place, all she could see, all she could think about, was Lyerin. He had tak her, claimed her, and there was no going back.

He was her world now, the cter of everything.

Lyerin moved again, his body strong and unyielding as he thrust into her with a force that left her breathless.

Again and again, he drove into her, each movemt sding waves of pleasure and ssation through her that she couldn't escape from, couldn't resist.

With every thrust, her mind drifted further away, the world a them fading until all that was left was the two of them, locked in a dance that was as ancit as time itself.

The more he moved, the more intse it became.

Her head spun, her thoughts scattering like leaves in the wind as her body surrdered completely to the rhythm he set.

The ssations were too much, too overwhelming, and soon, all she could do was cling to him, her nails digging into his back as she rode the waves of pleasure he was giving her.

The night wore on, the heat betwe them building to a fever pitch as they lost themselves in each other.

Lyerin didn't stop, didn't slow down, and neither did she.

Together, they moved as one, as if their bodies were locked in a reltless rhythm that consumed them both.

Sophia's mind was a haze of ssation, her thoughts completely lost in the physicality of what they were doing.

There was no room for guilt, no space for regret—only the heat, the need, and the man who was fulfilling it.

As dawn began to break, the first rays of sunlight filtering through the darkness, they finally began to slow.

Their bodies were slick with sweat, their breathing labored as they collapsed together, spt and satisfied.

Sophia's mind was still a whirlwind, her thoughts scattered and disjointed, but one thing was clear: nothing would ever be the same.

Lyerin had claimed her and there's no going back!

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