Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 97: Fight For The Finals

Chapter 97: Fight For The Finals

After Jonathan's win in the Solo event, everyone remembered his name and face.

That mysterious and magical moment, when everything just simply ended in an instant, made everybody in Mythbreak guess what could have really happened.

However, there were a few exceptions while knew exactly what had really transpired at that moment.

Out of the experts the only one who knew just how terrifying Jonathan really was, was Greg.

Sitting on his bed with a frown, he was in deep thought since he arrived back in his hotel room.

A while later he put his fingers on his forehead and started to massage it slowly while talking to himself.

"I can't think of any solution to counter his powers except for my mask. But if I use it, it will be clear as day who the mask's owner really is. Aaahh... Such a pain in the a**"


The following morning after taking a fast bath and having a nice breakfast with the others, Greg walked inside the Arena with Emma, Joe, and Mila.

Seeing as there were already more than a thousand spectators ready for the Duo event, Greg was still dumbfounded.

"No matter how many times I see it, but this sight is still amazing.", said Mila out loud just what Greg wanted, while sitting down onto a free chair.

Joe, Greg, and Emma nodded in agreement and they too sat down and started to talk, while waiting for the event to start.

As they talked amongst each other spiritedly more and more people walked into the Arena and sat down, filling up the spectator seats almost to the brim. It only took a few minutes to reach the point where there were no more free seats.

The number of people Greg could see around him made him feel a bit dizzy. It was simply a crazy sight to see so many people put in one building.

As he looked around with awe while enjoying as the people cheered and shouted like crazy, with an explosion, Cloud finally appeared on the stage with wide-open arms.

"Well come back, everyone!"

Hearing his shout the already loud cheers exploded onto another level, making the whole Arene to be filled with crazy shouts. It was so loud that even those outside Mythbreak could hear everything as clear as day.

Feeling the craziness in the air, Cloud showed a satisfied grin and after he spun his staff in his hand he put his hand on his hat and said, "Feeling everyone's anticipation of the upcoming event, I won't waste any more time, so let us start!"

The moment the words left his mouth, Greg's and Emma's cards flew before their faces, and just like before, with white light, they were teleported onto the platform.

But when they saw what waited for them, all of their eyes widened in surprise.

They thought that everything will be just like before and what they need to do was to battle their way through everyone to reach the finals, but what they saw at the moment refuted everything they thought so far.

Besides them, there were 15 other pairs all around the stage, from which one pair was Jonathan and Laura.

It wasn't bee for him that those two were in the top 16, but instead what made him somewhat surprised a bit was why were all 15 pairs on the stage at the same time.

However, after seeing that all the 16 teams were placed on the stage perfectly with the same distance between each other, Greg instantly realized what will happen. 

Cloud on the side looked at each of them one by one and a while later he clapped his hands and just like that, several half-transparent protection appeared around the huge platform proving what Greg thought in an instant.

"The final pair remaining last will be the winner huh?"

Cloud after seeing that each and every one of them realized what will happen, smiled, and said, "Well then, let's start our special event! As you can see all pairs who reached the top 16 are here in one place. The rules are simple. The last two pairs, who remain on this stage will get into the finals."

Hearing this, Greg understood instantly and thought, "It seems it is not really like the last one standing wins, but a better version of it. Basically, if Emma and I wait here, there is a chance that we can get into the finals without raising even a single finger. That's good news for sure."

As Greg thought about all of these, Cloud smirked and raising his staff into the air, he said, Let's start it, shall we?"

With that said, Cloud hit the ground with his staff.


In an instant after hearing the signal, not even a second ticked by, but the whole stage turned chaotic.





Explosions, insane shakings, different kinds of chemical reactions by different powers, sharp metal sound hitting against metal, and even more crazy sights broke out in an instant, making Greg and Emma watch this scene with dumbfounded expressions.

"This... This is simply ridiculous."

That was the only word that came into Greg's mind, not believing that no one thought about the possibility that they could win without fighting.

Watching people after people got hit by terrifying abilities, knocking them unconscious in an instant with grave injuries made Greg feel that he wasn't in a tournament anymore but on a battlefield.

"This is madness!"

As he was thinking about all of this, suddenly a flash appeared on his side and aimed at his head.

Feeling the approaching danger, Greg's eyes turned ice cold in an instant. With insane reaction speed, he summoned Shapless into his hand, and after he raised it before his head hale deflected whatever came at him.


Seeing as an iron throwing star fell before his feet heavily, Greg turned his head to the side, only to see a guy in a ninja-like coat looking at him not far away with sharp eyes.

Knowing that this guy wasn't as simple as he looked, Greg stepped closer to Emma and said quietly, "Stay as close to ma as possible. If we get separated no one will know what will happen."

With a nod, Emma turned around and after stepping a bit closer to him, while protecting his back, she said, "Sure."

Seeing the battle below on the stage, people went crazy with insane cheers and loud shouts making the atmosphere in the Arena as heated as ever.

Up on the estrade, as the experts looked at the fights with an expressionless face, the skinny guy talked up suddenly and asked, "Let's make a bet."

Hearing the sudden sentence some experts got curious and the guy in a pirate uniform from before looked at the skinny guy and asked, "What bet? And what are we betting?"

The skinny guy turned around and put his finger up he said with a slight smile, "We will bet for the winner of this tournament. We will wager with one of our precious items and whoever guesses correctly the victor, will have the right to get all of the losers bets."

Listening to this the guy in the pirate uniform nodded and taking out a solve compass he said, "I will bet my World Finder and I choose that Jonathan guy as a victor."

A muscular man stood up and took out a hammer made out of like diamond and put it before him while saying, "Me too! That Jonathan guy will certainly win. I put my Crystal Hammer on the line!"

Experts after experts stood up and started to bet with their items. Each of those items could be sold for thousands if not millions of golden coins, but those experts simply used them as a form of a wager.

If any normal human saw this happen, they would go insane in an instant that's for sure.

As the experts started their bets almost all of them on Jonathan's side, Zane looked at the loads of stuff on the ground and after thinking for a while he took out a single crystal.

The skinny guy's eyes after seeing it instantly free wide and said, "Holy Cow! It's an energy crystal from a God ranked creature! And it's a High-Class one! With just that alone is sufficient to max out your energy bar and reach the next rank."

As the experts looked at Zane with greed in their eyes, he started to talk, "I bet for Jonathan too. He will win for sure."

Hearing this, those who chose Jonathan too now had zero chance to get that crystal for sure. But on the other hand, those who didn't couldn't wait for the victor to be decided.

As Zane put the crystal next to his chair, suddenly a black orb flew before hi Zane's feet, making not only him but almost everyone else in there to be surprised in an instant.

"It's a Sealed Core from a God ranked zone. I bet this for Greg. He will win for sure."

Seeing the black orb, which radiated the aura of a God rank creature, everyone turned around to see who said this, but the moment they saw the muscular body with the dragon tattoo on his shoulder, almost every expert's face turned pale in an instant.

Eliana, The Saint, and especially Zane after seeing Kuragari's confident look, they didn't know what to say for a while.

Just as Eliana could ask him the reason why he was here, Kuragari took out a cigarette from his pocket and after putting the end of it on fire, he put it into his mouth.

As he did that, he looked at Zane not far away from him and after taking the cigarette out from his mouth and blowing the smoke into the air, he suddenly started to smile.

"Sup, you son of a b*tch."

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