Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 96: A Scary Guy

Chapter 96: A Scary Guy


With a shocked expression, Greg looked toward the stage, where Jonathan was walking toward a guy, who was also frozen just like everyone else.

Watching as he was walking slowly toward the guy with his hand before his body with an open palm, while above it was an orb-shaped white light, with strange numbers swirling around it from time to time.

Looking at the strange-looking phenomenon above his palm, Greg looked confused, but before he could think of anything that could give him any explanation, suddenly he saw a strong light coming from his side.

Turning his head toward that direction, he saw as on the estrade, where the experts were sitting, a skinny guy was using some kind of ability to fight back against Jonathan's power.

As the light got stronger and stronger around the estrade, more and more experts got back the ability to move, but the moment they realized what had just happened, they were all surprised.

Eliana looked around and seeing as Jonathan walked toward the guy on the platform like he was just taking a simple stroll, she looked shocked and said, "The power of time! His Guardian can control time?"

Because of the distance between them and him, Greg easily heard what Eliana just said and thought with awe, "Controlling time? Just like Nick back in Nexus ci... No. His power is not this powerful. Also, he can only stop time around one's body for a limited time and in a small area, but this... Jonathan stopped time itself! Not even the experts realized what happened with them and what's more it happened with the whole Arena!"

As he thought about all of this, Greg got a bit terrified by the fact that Jonathan was only in the Soul Collector rank.

"What will happen if he reaches the 4th rank or gets even higher? This is simply ridiculous!"

Up on the estrade as Eliana thought about just how powerful Jonathan's ability was, suddenly something started to move on her side, which made her turn her head toward there, but what she could only see was only the frozen people all around the Arena.

"Strange... Was I just imagining things?"

Behind a thick pillar, Greg was hiding, while making the light around his body as dim as he could.

Feeling Eliana's searching gaze, he made sure to use everything he could to hide his presence not wanting to get caught. If he gets busted here not even God could help him to explain himself.

Just as Eliana wanted to use her ability to search even harder to find out if she hallucinated or not, suddenly Jonathan finally stopped walking and looked at the guy before him.

Watching the frozen body before him, he looked at him from top to bottom and a while later he sighed a bit disappointingly.

"I thought you will be the one, but it seems I was wrong yet again."

With that said, he raised his other hand, and with a powerful move, he hit the guy in the neck.

After as he did that, the light above his palm suddenly vanished, and at the same time, everything turned back to normal.

The guy before Jonathan fell to the ground unconsciously, while the people in the Arena finally came back to their senses, but instead of continuing cheering, they looked around with confused faces.

"What happened?"

"Didn't those two fight a moment ago? So why is that one of them is on the ground all of a sudden?"

While people started to talk amongst each other not understanding what just happened to them, suddenly colorful lights broke out all around the platform with confetti-like things flying all around in the air, while above Jonathan's head on the hologram, one sentence could be seen with huge words.

'Solo Winner: Jonathan Clanwing!"

Watching as this happened everyone was dumbstruck not understanding what the hell actually happened. However as time went on, suddenly a guy started to clap loudly and just like starting a wave, more and more people joined and a while later the whole Arena was buzzing with loud claps and cheers.

As this happened, the skinny guy undid his ability, which fought against Jonathan's power, and exhaustedly dropped back into the chair behind him.

While he cleaned the sweat away from his forehead, his face showed utter disbelief.

"Is... Is he really just on the Soul Collector rank? No matter how I look at it, I have never seen such scary power as this."

The Saint squinted his eyes and the smile he was always wearing on his face this time couldn't be seen, but only ice-cold seriousness.

"It seems he too possesses the best Soul Stone, but what is strange is his Guardian's power. This is completely terrifying."

Zane next to Eliana's side looked also a bit serious because of Jonathan's power, but that was all. Not even a comment could be heard coming out of his mouth.

As the experts looked at Jonathan below with intense glares, Eliana still looked in a specific direction, showing as she was looking for someone.

Zane saw her strange behavior and asked quietly, "What did you find?"

However, even after hearing his voice, Elian didn't answer and just looked here and there among the bystanders like an eagle looking for its prey.

Greg, behind the pillar, knew that if he stays any further, he will get caught for sure, so without any hesitation, he used his ability and disappeared into his own shadow.

Eliana felt like the presence that she was about to catch somehow disappear looked a little irritated, but still turned her head back to the stage and said calmly, "Nothing. I just thought I saw something."

Zane hearing this nodded slightly, but somehow he understood what could have happened, which made Eliana that serious.

Someplace else in the Arena, Greg appeared from a small shadow and looked up at the estrade.

Seeing that Eliana wasn't continuing her search, he sighed up with relief and thought, "That was close. However, this mask... It gives me more and more surprise. It can even resist pure time control. What in the world are you?"

As Greg was thinking about what this mask's origin could be, suddenly on the stage Cloud appeared before Jonathan, and with a golden card in hand, he said, "Ladies and gentlemen! Let me introduce this tournament's winner in the Solo Event, Jonathan Clanwing!"

Like a sudden explosion, wild cheers and shouts broke out from every person in the Arena with neverending clapping.

As Cloud looked around with a wide smile he turned his gaze at Jonathan and raising the golden card in his hand he said to him, "Congratulations on the victory. With this golden Card, you can have one request. No matter what it is, until it's possible to achieve, we and especially I will try our very best."

Seeing as Jonathan took the card away from his hand, Cloud looked incredibly happy and said loudly, "Splendid!"

Turning around, he raised his hands and said, "Ladies and Gents! Did you enjoy yourself?"

Hearing the same response as always, Cloud smiled, and with a slight bow, he said, "I hoped that your answer will be such a satisfactory one, but unfortunately, that's the end for today. However, we will continue tomorrow with the Duo fights!"

Listening to this people started to clap and shout even harder. Seeing this Cloud smiled and after turning around he bowed at Jonathan and said, "Your performance was a very interesting one. I hope I can enjoy it once again tomorrow."

Knowing what he meant under that statement Jonathan smiled and after turning his head toward a specific area he nodded and opened his mouth.

Among the spectators, while Greg was looking at Jonathan and Cloud below on the stage, he noticed as Jonathan suddenly turned his head toward his direction and said something to Cloud.

Greg tried to figure out what he said, but because of the loud cheers and shouts, it was impossible to figure out even a single word.

As he was thinking about what he could have said to Cloud, suddenly a hand touched his shoulder making him flinch slightly with surprise.

Turning around, he realized that the owner of the hand was no one else, but Joe with Mila and Emma behind his back.

"Where were you? You missed the final fight.", said Joe with a slight smile as he looked at Greg from up to bottom, but after seeing the small injuries on his skin and his dirty clothes he frowned.

Seeing his questioning look, Greg scratched his neck slowly and said, " Sorry I woke up late, and seeing that everyone was already here I decided to practice. Juan helped me too."

Mila hearing Juan's name looked surprised and asked, "Juan? Did you fight against him again?"

Nodding Greg smiled and said, "Well it couldn't be said as fighting, but instead simple practice for both of us. He wasn't using his full power and neither I. However, it was perfectly fine. I learned a few new tricks."

Looking at his friend's frown Greg looked a bit confused and asked, "What? Did I say something wrong?

Emma and Mila looked at each other and while later Emma sighed and said, "No you didn't. It's just that... You know. It's new to hear that you started to practice. Don't misunderstand me, it's not wrong at all, instead, it's a good thing, but it's just a bit strange."

Seeing Mila and Joe nodding in agreement Greg just simply shrugged and said, "New or not, that's what I did. But back to the tournament, what just happened a moment ago? What did Jonathan do?"

Hearing the question Joe stepped next to Greg and after looking for a while at Jonathan's figure on the platform he shook his head.

"I... don't have any clue. But one thing is for certain. He has inhuman power, more than you can imagine."

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