I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 168 Concerns

Something inside Saeldir was churning. It was the same bad feeling he had before this disaster came.

Now Saeldir felt the same hunch. Laston's smirk which looked confident made Saeldir's body tremble.

When the black lightning had disappeared, Aerchon shot back towards Laston.

Saeldir saw that the runes on Aerchon's sword were also shining brighter. That indicated that Aerchon had released a larger portion of his strength as well.

While Saeldir's gaze was focused on Aerchon, Laston took the opportunity to lunge at him.

Luckily Saeldir realized it in time. He raised his sword quickly to deflect Laston's dagger slash.


One of Laston's daggers was successfully parried by Saeldir. However, the other dagger swung almost instantly.

Saeldir dared to gamble by trying to hold Laston's hand that was swinging the dagger.

This decision is quite reckless. Saeldir released the hilt of his sword and moved his hand to hold Saeldir's hand.

If he missed, then the consequences would be fatal.

Saeldir's hand could have been stabbed by the black dagger, or he couldn't stop the dagger from aiming at his head.

But Saeldir dared to take that risk. From this close, Saeldir was sure that he could do it.

Everything seemed to slow down for Saeldir. Suddenly he could see the pace of Laston's dagger and the movement of Laston's hand so clearly, it was as if he could see a glimpse of the future.

In the end, Saeldir caught Laston's wrist.

Laston himself was quite surprised that Saeldir could do that.

Saeldir held Laston's hand very tightly. Then he sent a silver lightning bolt into Laston's hand which he was holding.



Silver lightning from Saeldir struck Laston's body with a direct hit.

His protective Magic wouldn't be enough to withstand the wave of attacks that Saeldir unleashed at full power from this close range.

"Ughhhhh..." Laston groaned and gritted his teeth hard.

'That's good. My attack worked!'

Saeldir increases the power of his lightning attack.

He poured his Magic energy so that the lightning that came out also got bigger.

Silver lightning from Saeldir filled the sky. Increases the size of the Magic storm above the Elf castle.

Dolthon looked up. Currently, the number of Undead Elves was much less than before.

It had only been a few minutes, but they had managed to quickly destroy hundreds of Undead Elves. So now Dolthon doesn't need to worry too much.

Because the situation is getting better, Dolthon can have free time to stand and stare up.

His squad members were still carrying out massacres around him, so he didn't need to worry about the Undead Elves attacking him suddenly.

What he saw above was simply too bad. A storm from a Magic fight like that could produce an unexpected aftermath.

When so much Magic is poured in with high intensity and the purpose of fight, nature will respond to that energy.

The Forest Elves know a lot about how nature will respond to Magic.

That way, he immediately had a bad feeling about what was happening after this.

Moreover, lately, a lot of strange things have been happening.

Monsters whose habitats were at the bottom of ravines, in underground caves, or closed forest areas started to break out of their domains and roam the wider area.

They spread terror to the inhabitants of the world. No one knows what causes it.

However, the Forest Elves know that the state of Magic energy in nature is not stable.

Dolthon did not expect that things would turn out like this.

Question after question kept coming to him and all the Forest Elves that came here.

But they have been taught to obey their King. After all, an explanation could follow later when the order was carried out.

Everything about Laston's betrayal was shocking. And the involvement of the Dark Elves...

Dolthon took a deep breath. When nature is echoing the sign of disaster will happen, it is suddenly revealed that Laston has planned something to betray his kind.

Is this all related? Dolthon can't help but think of the possibility.

"(What are you doing, Dolthon?)" Callonor asked as he landed next to him.

"(You know what a Magic storm can cause with such a big fight?)" Dolthon asked back.

Callonor pressed his lips together, then said. "(About that, you don't need to think about it now. Besides, can we stop it?)"

Dolthon nodded his head. "(You are right.)"

"(Yeah. Let's just finish off these Undead and go back to Dawnwood,)" Callonor said.

After that, Callonor jumped from the roof of the building to continue his extermination task.

Dolthon looked up at the thunderous sound of the fight above.

A bluish-white flash was created like lightning that appeared before a large thunderstruck.

'Callonor is right. We can't do anything now.'

Realizing that, Dolthon returned to join his squad.

Aerchon had just deployed an attack by pouring in a lot of his Magic energy.

Now that bluish-white flash spread throughout the region of the sky above the palace, the light was still dazzling their eyes.

For a few seconds, no one could see anything.

In these few seconds, Aerchon felt sure that his attack had succeeded in defeating Laston.

However, when the light disappeared and they could see again, Laston was still floating where he was.

Laston breathed heavily. White smoke billowed from all over his body. His clothes were even now torn in several places.

Laston stared at Aerchon who had just issued that powerful attack.

Fighting three enemies at once makes Laston spend Magic energy faster.

Thus, his defense couldn't withstand Aerchon's massive attack just now.

"(You did a great job, Aerchon,)" Laston said. "(But, if you don't attack with the intent to kill me, you won't be able to defeat me.)"

Aerchon, Saeldir, and Aurdis who watched from a distance were shocked.

Just realizing that Laston could survive that attack was quite surprising. But the fact that it turned out that Aerchon had no intention of killing him sounded even worse.

Aurdis pressed her lips together. Between her and Aerchon, Laston is closest to Aerchon.

It was only natural that Aerchon couldn't truly fight him wholeheartedly.


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