I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 167 Raging Storm

Words kept coming out of Laston's mouth.

Those words sounded like they weren't meant to catch Aerchon off guard. But it comes from Laston's deepest heart.

An expression of his anger about what had happened because of Aerchon's stupid decision.

After hearing it over and over again, Aerchon began to feel turmoil within his originally solid feelings.

'Am I really like that?'

Aerchon began to feel the words sink into him. A realization that seems to come too late.

Coupled with the pain he had suffered when he learned of Laston's betrayal, Aerchon felt his chest heavy with emotion.

"(FOCUS, BROTHER!)" Aurdis screamed with all her might.

The scream seemed to jolt Aerchon out of the depression that had overshadowed him.

When Aerchon looked back up, he saw Aurdis and Saeldir already fighting Laston.


Saeldir shouted while raising his sword high above his head.

The sword gave off a silver light coupled with a greenish glow from the runes engraved on the blade.

Then Saeldir swung his sword down. An enormous aura slash shot toward Laston.

The slash was shaped like a crescent moon, silver in color with green tints on the front side.

Laston's eyes widened as he saw the attack coming. If he didn't block the attack with all his might, then he would simply be finished.


The black aura on Laston's body grew huge in a very short time.

As soon as that aura appeared, a wave of wind and Magic spread pushing Aerchon and Aurdis back.

Laston brought his two daggers together in front of his body.

He raised it just in time to block Saeldir's slash.


The slash hit the black blade of Laston's daggers.

Magic waves spread in all directions and filled the sky of the Elf castle.

It was so bright that the Forest Elves who were carrying out the slaughter of the Elf Undead looked up.

What they saw above were waves of magical power clashing together.

Black and white collide and create a spectacular contrast. The two forces pushed each other and would not budge.

The two opposing forces clashed and created a scene that seemed to split the sky.

All the Forest Elves and the Palace Elves who were busy fighting their Undead kin looked up.

They could feel the pressure from the two clashing Magic power.

Laston let out a loud screaming sound indicating how he was exerting his greatest strength.


Laston sent Saeldir's slash flying upwards where it continued to shoot towards the distant sky and disappear.

After that Laston lunged toward Saeldir.

Laston's speed increased greatly. In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Saeldir while thrusting his dagger at him.

However, Saeldir has also unleashed his true power. So he can keep up with Laston's attack speed.

Saeldir moved his sword in time to approach Laston's daggers.

Then they were involved in a power struggle that created the same spectacle as before.

Magic in black and white color fighting trying to subvert each other.

Magic waves spread and filled the sky. The high-level Magic battle between Laston and Saeldir would be seen from several tens of kilometers away for anyone who is able to notice it.

Aurdis stared at the fight with unblinking eyes. Her mouth was slightly open.

What she witnessed was above the level of fights she had experienced and seen so far.

Aurdis didn't know if she could join the fight alongside Saeldir at this time seeing how their strength was coming out.

Aurdis swallowed his saliva, then she realized that Aerchon was still in his place.

Aerchon looked down with sad and empty eyes.

Aurdis grimaced, Laston's words must have hit him more than any Magic attack.

Yet, Laston only saying the truth.

Aurdis flew to Aerchon and said. "(What are you doing? You can't just stay still like this!)"

Aerchon didn't say anything. He didn't even look at Aurdis.

Aurdis clicked her tongue. "(Now is not the time to be depressed, Aerchon. You can blame yourself after we beat uncle Laston!)"

Aurdis' words did sound cruel. But she was tired of Aerchon and too upset to offer any words of comfort.

Now he just realized his mistake after everything he did. This is simply not the right time to reflect on it all.

After all, according to Aurdis, Aerchon deserved to feel that way.

She didn't need to give him words to comfort him like, to say that it wasn't his fault.

"(Fight with Saeldir. Only you can match their strength,)" Aurdis said.

Aerchon slowly looked up and stared at Saeldir and Laston's fight.

They were already drawing out the greater portion of their strength and unleashing it at each other.

Aerchon didn't say anything else and just lifted Arondite in front of his face.

He didn't even look at Aurdis. The bluish runes on Arondite's blade began to glow brightly.

Aurdis also saw the same thing as what happened to Saeldir's sword.

Perhaps their nearly identical blades responded to the user's strength.

Aurdis knew nothing about the runes engraved on the blade.

No one knew how to read the runes other than the sword wielder himself.

After the recent events, Aurdis thought that she would also ask for her own Magic weapon.

The Magic aura around Aerchon also enlarged. He flew towards the fight without saying a word to Aurdis.

Audis just sighed. "(At least he's willing to fight again.)"

Aerchon got into the Magic storm that was raging because of Saeldir and Laston's battle.

Laston who realized Aerchon's arrival felt worried. He didn't think that Aerchon would come this soon.

Saeldir swung his sword diagonally from the bottom up.

Laston used one of his daggers to block it. Then pointed his other dagger at Aerchon.


Laston fired black lightning at Aerchon. But Aerchon can hold it with Arondite.

The black lightning temporarily stopped his charge.

"(It's over, Uncle. You can't beat us both,)" Saeldir said.

Laston turned to him. "(You really think so?)"

Laston's calm voice made Saeldir feel anxious.

Did he still have something else he prepared?


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