I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 1029: 16.75 First Red Star - Reminder

Chapter 1029: 16.75 First Red Star - Reminder

Conri Lycaon couldn't take his eyes off the black snowflake imprint on his Foster Father's face. He remembered his father's Imprint Crest not being in that shape. It was shaped like a sunflower. Only then did he accept that this man in his foster father's vessel was not his father. He was the one who killed his foster father and repaid his love and care for him with coldness and abandonment.

Fenrir Skoll was amused by Conri Lycaon's sudden alienation and sarcastically smirked, "Finally woke up ha? No longer treating this Deity as your Foster Father. Smart people are so easy to talk to. Your partner is eager to go so I'm going to revive him temporarily. You need to restore your soul connection and fate so he can continue to live in this world. Are you going or not?"

"I'll go with him," Conri Lycaon said, deciding to go somewhere else just to resurrect his Luna. Despite the fact that this is clearly not an easy task, he is determined to complete it. This time, even if it means risking his life, he will definitely protect his Luna.

"For your information, the place I'm going to bring you over is a completely different world than this one, and the Aborigines there are all capable of morphing into their beast forms. Don't be surprised if you see mortals suddenly turning into large or small animals," Fenrir Skoll said.

The vessel of Athan Vladimir floated from Conri Lycaon's embrace and flew towards Fenrir Skoll's direction with a wave of his hand. He simply held the white soul in his hand and cast a time-stop spell on Athan Vladimir's body. It wouldn't age, die, or be rejected by the world if it lost contact with its sole anchor, Conri Lycaon.

The soul in Athan Vladimir awoke when Fenrir Skoll gently pushed him back to Conri Lycaon's side. Athan Vladimir awoke with the sensation that his body was as cold as ice and that he was obviously dead. Even Conri Lycaon was taken aback by this occurrence. Athan Vladimir was stunned for a brief moment before realizing that Instructor Skoll had saved his life not once, but twice. Even now, he is assisting them in bringing him back to life, albeit indirectly.

"Why are you assisting us? You don't need to do that at all," Conri Lycaon inquired.

"My wife's orders are absolute. He said to make sure all students are alive. Even though I wasn't the one who killed him, the one who killed him is an outsider so it can be said it was our fault and he just happened to die by accident." Fenrir Skoll said. "Either way if you are going there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, never let the Aborigines learn you are not of that world, you might get killed or experimented. My abilities can only bring you in and out of that world."

"Second, if they ask you to show your beast form, you turn to your werewolf form and say you are a wolf, not a werewolf. As for the other one, you should think of a way to fool them. Or maybe as a vampire, you can turn into a bat or something. To find the Beast God you must go to the eldest in the world, and the information on how to get his blessing. Once you get your Imprint Crest you will be pulled back here."

"Ah~ right. I'll lend you this. It might be useful or might not." Fenrir Skoll threw a wooden carving of the Sun and Moon toward Athan Vladimir. "Do you want to leave now?"

Conri Lycaon and Athan Vladimir held hands and nodded to Fenrir Skoll.

Athan Vladimir said, "Thank you, Instructor Skoll!"


The God of Void used his wife's abilities once more, this time borrowing the ability to wield Space Elements and opening a World Portal connected to Primitives' former world. Ye Jingxia was born in the world where the two met. The other four men in the temple are taken aback when they see a world portal open up in front of their eyes.

Keylan Light suddenly raised his hand and asked, "Excuse me! Do you think I can go there as well?"

Fenrir Skoll appeared uninterested, but with this question, he cast a glance at the embodiment of this world's Heavenly Laws. Clearly, this person has the final say rather than Keylan Light. He saw him nod and decided not to press the issue any further.

"You can go together. I also plan to add the other kids too. Since you are going to take care of the explanation for me." Fenrir Skoll said as he activated the world portal those who were within its range except for Fenrir Skoll were sucked inside.

He also made certain that Amber Dawn, Asher Light, Mayonaka Yoru, and Esther Dawn were all dragged inside while they were sleeping. He only had to teleport them here and toss them into the portal with the rest of them. When everyone who needed to be teleported had arrived, the World Portal was deactivated.

Fenrir Skoll's face took on a solemn and deadpan expression as soon as the others vanished. When he looked at his hand, a black-red piece of ore appeared above it. There are also golden chains wrapped around his body, clearly restraining his divinity after what happened when he lost his temper.

He mumbled, "I ate it and it became like this. This is a world fragment. How can it..."

He hid the world fragment in his inventory, as if sensing the arrival of his subordinates. Randall Ruid and Luther D'Arcy, as well as System Yue and System Yang, appeared before him. They bowed respectfully to the Lord God in front of them.

"We greet the Lord God!"

"Be at ease. Have you checked what I asked you too?" Fenrir asked.

Randall Ruid responds, "Yes, my Lord. The Devil, Kenan Light, is still alive!"

"If he is still alive, that means the World Eater Fragment I've defeated isn't the main one that was involved in the farce of this world. I need to keep my Jing'er safe from harm." Fenrir Skoll said as he stood up preparing to leave. He gave another order for this group to fulfill.

"I've sent a few backs to that Primitive World we came from. Though I've already informed the Beast God, I haven't told anything to the ones in Vearth. You guys handle it as well. I'm going home."

He vanished on the spot, leaving the rest of the problems to his and his wife's subordinates.

Because they are Gods, they should have no trouble operating the World Portal. They are also accompanied by the two systems, Zhi Yue and Zhi Yang. They can handle the rest of the communication with Vearth's inhabitants. Fenrir Skoll returned to the mansion by himself.

[Lord God Ye's Divinity is being restricted.] System Yang was the first to notice the changes in their Lord God. [It is done by the Divine Laws of the Universe, not by this world.]

[Is it because he lost himself to rage and almost destroyed this world? What does it mean to have his divinity restrained? This had never happened before. That World Eater's Main Fragment is still somewhere out there. Lord Hei would be in danger if something like this happens again.] System Yue said worriedly.

Randall Ruid said, "Milord won't let anything happen to Lord Hei. I'm sure he wouldn't let him get hurt at least."

"But I overheard them talking once... Lord Hei, he... He asked Lord God Ye... He said that he wanted to die. I've checked. Lord Hei's soul fragment, Cassius Ambrosia, had always existed ever since this star was born. Even before it became a world and the Heavenly Laws were born. He is been here for a very, very, very long time." Luther D'Arcy said. "No wonder he got tired of living. But for the Lord to remove his connection in this world, he must watch the ending of this world's plot. He cannot die until the ending is reached. That's why Lord God Ye isn't fulfilling his wish right now."


"This final phase of the Trial of Resurrection is quite a pain! Though we can move as we wish in this world since Lord Hei's Soul Fragment knew our existence as outsiders, what about in the other worlds? There is no way the two Lords' vessels would always have a good relationship like in this one. Even in this world, Milord had to die countless times before they got this close." Randall Ruid said.

System Yue commented, [I can even make a compilation with that content. Lord Ye's Death Compilation Series!]

The other three looked at the stupid moon who was asking for a beating.

"If you make it just give it to Lord Hei, don't give it to the Lord God." Luther D'Arcy said.

Randall Ruid said, "Yes, don't let the Milord catch you or I will have to dig a grave for you in advance. Though Lord Hei would definitely love that."

[Even if you only give it to the Master, he would definitely drag Lord Ye to his black history with him. Just keep it for yourself, Yue'er.] System Yang said to his other half. He didn't stop his fun and made sure he wouldn't get beaten up by his own master.

[A'Yang is the best!]


Meanwhile at the Mansion at the edge of the Genus Academy's Territory...

Fenrir Skoll returned home after delegating the final touches to his subordinates. When he returned to the mansion, he went straight to the bedroom and was relieved to find that the door had not been locked from the inside by his wife.

Fenrir Skoll happily went inside the bedroom, "Baby, I'm home...I made sure all students are alive as you... wish!! Cough!" He lowered his head to reveal a knife plugged into his heart.

He noticed a black-haired Hei Anjing when he looked up. They were the same person from the previous world, but they were not the same person. Despite the knife buried in his heart, Fenrir Skoll's lips curl and his crimson eyes twinkle with delight. Meeting his wife's other soul fragments in this world made him truly happy, but when the black-haired Hei Anjing reached out for a touch, he jumped back to avoid his hands.


When Hei Anjing took a step back, the knife in his hand was also pulled out, and blood flowed like a fountain from Fenrir Skoll's chest. Even so, the man whose heart had been stabbed was still smiling, his possessive gaze fixed on the one in front of him.

Hei Anjing, the black-haired soul fragment, has memories. But these memories weren't just of their happiness over the years, but also of the God of Void's abandonment. Hei Anjing's soul fragments differ from Ye Xiajie's, which were separated without any hints of memories because his soul core had taken everything. They only remember Ye Xiajie as Xia Jieye when he was abandoned.

The main soul and soul core, like Ye Xiajie, have their own memories. The original main soul is Hei Anjing, who was killed in the final stages of the Second Phase of the trial. Only after he had fallen asleep did the memories accumulated by the soul core during his life begin to spread to the other soul fragments, though only those who suffered from extreme loneliness in the Abyss received these memories.

"I am indeed crazy. So... Just stay by my side. I will be good." He reached out to hug his wife who at least recognized who he was. Even though his heart was full of guilt and regret, his yearning is a hundred times stronger than any of those emotions.

Ye Xiajie did not deny that he is insane. Something in his mind had been broken after witnessing his wife's death in front of his eyes. Even the agony of his death at the hands of his own other half does not appear to be ordinary. But one that lasts until his beloved hasn't awakened from his slumber.

The black-haired Hei Anjing had only borrowed Cassius Ambrosia's vessel for a short time.

This soul fragment, unlike him, was born without memories. He came by solely to share his memories, as directed by their Soul Core. He had always despised the man in front of him... Those memories that appeared unexpectedly in his mind one day were too warm and sweet to dismiss. He was envious of the main soul. He aspires to feel the same love and have a family like theirs.

After letting the man hug him for a few minutes, he whispered something in his ears,

"What happened in the past must be paid. What happened in the present shall be cherished. As for the future... Everything depends on your patience. Didn't he also suffer like this when he looked for your soul fragments? A'Xia, be careful of the Soul Fragment with our Soul Core."

The vessel was returned to Cassius Ambrosia's control after the black-haired Hei Anjing said these words. Only Ye Xiajie could keep his words to himself. He looked around the room and noticed the almost-bald former black wolf whimpering in his direction before merging with him. Clearly, the black-haired Hei Anjing, who was moody and full of hatred, made it suffer. He can only allow himself to be bullied because it is his wife.


Ye Xiajie mumbles, "No other choice but just to suffer more... until he accepted me again in the end."

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