I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 1028: 16.74 First Red Star - Broken Fate

Chapter 1028: 16.74 First Red Star - Broken Fate

"Brat, do you want to revive that child in your arms?" Fenrir Skoll asked to Conri Lycaon.

As expected the moment he asked this question Conri Lycaon looked at him with shock on his face. It was as if he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

A bit confused, Conri Lycaon called, "D-Dad?"


"I told you I'm not your Dad. Well, whatever. Answer my question! Do you want to revive that kid in your arms?" Fenrir Skoll asked. He looked impatient as if he would leave anytime as long as Conri Lycaon wasted more of his time. "I'm telling you this now. That is the only body that the brat can use. Even if he got revived he can only be a male. Are you okay with a male Luna?"

"Can you revive him? I don't care if he is a male or a female. As long as you can revive my Lina, I don't care whatever he will become!" Conri Lycaon declared.

A smirk appeared on Fenrir Skoll's handsome face making those who are supposed to be afraid of his power be seduced instinctively.

Fenrir Skoll said to Conri Lycaon, "Carry that body and follow me." Then stood up to walk away. He commanded his subordinate, Randall Ruid to take over the aftermath. "Go handle the rest."

"As you command, My Lord (Lord God Ye)!" Randall Ruid and Luther D'Arcy responded.

Randall Ruid and Luther D'Arcy, the couple's two subordinates, bowed their heads in acceptance of their task. Fenrir Skoll, who was being followed by Conri Lycaon, on the other hand, shifted his gaze from his subordinates to the two Gods of this world.

"You two are coming with me," Fenrir Skoll said as he vanished on the spot with Conri Lycaon, Keylan Light, and the Heavenly Laws who had taken an Elemental Light Fairy as a vessel.

Students who had been frozen stiff in fear felt relief as they vanished. Despite knowing that Instructor was a God, they believed the rumors about the three ancestors being Gods. Now that they have experienced sudden death under the aura of Instructor Skoll, they truly believe that he is a God, not just a divine being capable of destroying any world if he so desires.

Because of the disparity in strength, they not only revered Fenrir Skoll, but also feared him, as if they were nothing more than ants unworthy of entering his line of sight. It's no surprise that Instructor Skoll appears disinterested when teaching them previously. He immediately found a substitute teacher in order to avoid wasting his time on them. This kind of aloofness and indifference is indeed only the most powerful being would possess.

Instructor Luther said, "Don't be afraid. Since he doesn't care then you don't exist in his world. Since you don't exist, why would he harm you?"

He walks away after seeing that all of the students have been successfully revived and their memories of the Lord God have been erased. Because Lord God Ye had left the rest to them, they had to inspect the entire academy to see if some areas had not been completely restored. Furthermore, I made certain that these students would forget what happened here tonight, particularly the existence of the World Eater, who isn't supposed to exist in this world. Moreover, to continue the surveillance of the devil, Kenan Light.

"So harsh, honey~. Brats, go back to your room to rest. Tomorrow is the weekend, so you can rest until next week." Randall Ruid said.

He is always enthusiastic, but he is also distant in some ways. He walks away and pursues his other half. When the pair left, the students, who had been brainwashed and left in a daze, awoke in confusion. Nobody could recall why they had gathered on this floor in the first place. As a result, they can only go back to their respective rooms and sleep for the night.

On the other hand, the pair left Genus Academy's territory once more to assess the situation outside. System Yue and System Yang followed them.


Genus Academy's Temple

This used to be Keylan Light's small abandoned church. After the existence of Keylan Light as the founder of the Templar Temple was revealed, those who serve the Templar Temple rebuilt his church and built a temple worthy of his position. This temple was renovated to fit its believers after the former cardinal, Darius Rueden, and his disciples sought refuge under his wing. His temple domain was only expanded from within, not from the outside.

Fenrir Skoll instantly teleported their party to Keylan Light's Main Altar. Where the most potent divinity exists because this is considered his domain after becoming a full god. Fenrir Skoll was the first to arrive at the location and discover the soul he had chosen in the void. This is also the same soul he had forgotten and abandoned only a few hours before.

Fenrir Skoll whispered to the soul, "Your soulmate is here for you. After not recognizing you all these years, do you still wish to accept him?"

The white soul tainted with darkness wiggles, as if responding to Fenrir Skoll's question. It was at this point that Conri Lycaon, who was carrying Athan Vladimir's vessel, was teleported into this location, followed by Keylan Light and his light elemental fairy. The Young Werewolf King was stunned when he saw the soul in his father's hands.

Keylan Light complains, "Can't you wait for us? Why are you in a hurry anyway?"

"My wife is waiting at home. He can't sleep if I am not there." Fenrir Skoll said as he played around with the white soul in his hand like a ball.

Conri Lycaon, on the other hand, couldn't take his gaze away from the white soul his foster father was toying with. He knew by instinct that the soul in his foster father's possession is his Luna. The Luna was destined to be connected to him, but their soul connection was severed by the world eater when he attempted to take Athan Vladimir's soul. Thus, destroying the fate between the two of them.

"Dad is that...!?"

"The soul of your Luna. You are quite lucky that I picked it on the way. The one that possessed his body was also the same thing that took his soul away. After all, this soul is pure with great compatibility with dark elements. Its origin and its history are quite interesting as well. Didn't you know, it seems that the Dawn Siblings weren't just two but instead three." Fenrir Skoll said.

Conri Lycaon was taken aback because he had not expected this story, and the soul in Fenrir Skoll's hand trembled. Only Keylan Light felt a twinge of guilt after hearing what Fenrir Skoll had just said. The person speaking appears unconcerned about their differing reactions and stated,

"You can get the details from the people behind you."

Conri Lycaon turned around and stared at Keylan Light, who was clearly uneasy under his gaze, while the man or whatever creature was beside him stared at him blankly. This light elemental fairy was the result of Keylan Light's egg hatching. He is also the embodiment of this planet's Heavenly Laws.

Trying to hide behind the Heavenly Laws, Keylan Light said, "It was... Err~ a bit wrong from our side. We... well, hehe~" Obviously feeling guilty, Keylan Light was unable to say things straight but the man beside him is another story.

"To create an interesting plot of the world, that child and that child named Amber Dawn were fated to exchange their vessels. Though there is a huge difference between the two souls. Amber Dawn is the chosen daughter of this world while that one is... A mere cannon fodder. It exists without a name and was meant to be short-lived."

"What the hell... are you talking about?" confounded Conri Lycaon. Who would be pleased to learn that their fate was not something they chose for themselves, but rather something the Gods had planned for them to follow?

"By the way, you already knew the heroine is, but did you know that this is a reverse harem world? One with many male leads for one heroine. You just happened to be one. This child is also a male lead in the vessel of Athan Vladimir. That Holy Son and I believe your elder brother included," Fenrir Skoll said.

Conri Lycaon, as someone intelligent enough to recognize the situation, felt sickened by Fenrir Skoll's word even ignoring his playful smirk and meaningful glance. He may be interested in Amber Dawn, but it is limited to the Imprint Crest that was never meant for her and he only sees her as a good friend. But that's all there is to it! After all, werewolves are only loyal to Luna, whom they regard as a mate.


Conri Lycaon muttered between his breaths, "What a disgusting... What the hell are you making me do?! Tsk! You guys shouldn't have thought of such a malicious thing! I am only loyal to my Luna!!"

"But the fact you have mistaken your Luna for Amber Dawn at the first meeting, does that make your words hm~ a bit inaccurate." Fenrir Skoll commented then added, "But as a living thing born in this world, you had no choice but to fulfill your roles. If I and the rest didn't come to this world you would most likely be no different from Asher Light. Follow the plot until the end."

"Moreover your fate with your Luna is already broken."

Asher Light is clingy to Amber Dawn, according to Fenrir Skoll. He was almost possessive, refusing to let her be alone with other men. He can't stand Amber Dawn hanging out with men like Conri Lycaon and Athan Vladimir. It wasn't until the two showed him that they didn't see Amber in that light that he began to treat them as friends.

After staying silent for quite a long time, Conri Lycaon asked, "What was our original ending?"

"Living with Amber Dawn as one big family?" Keylan Light answered.

"Sharing one woman among you three." Fenrir Skoll said without mincing his words. These words hit Conri Lycaon badly.

Conri Lycaon exclaimed, "How could that be?! What about Athan then? What is his reason for staying together with us?"

"Of course~ because of you. Well, he couldn't just tell you 'I am your Luna' when his imprint crest was left behind on the former body he used right? It's not like you would believe it, moreover, you didn't even recognize him after appearing before you multiple times." Fenrir Skoll said.

Conri Lycaon became silent upon hearing these words because he knew what his foster father had said was true. Despite the fact that he did not error like mistaking Amber Dawn for his Luna, he still chooses to protect her because of the Imprint Crest her body shares with him. Their Imprinted Crest had vanished now that the connection between him and his Luna had been severed. He was filled with both guilt and regret. How can he face his Luna when he can't even recognize him without the crest?

Fenrir Skoll glanced at him and stated, "The Crest is only a Blessing or Proof that the Beast God accepts your mateship. It can be broken anytime but it doesn't mean it cannot return."

Conri Lycaon instantly looked at him with excitement in his eyes. He never thought that a broken soul connection between mates can be reconnected.

"Is there really a way like that? But I haven't heard of a way to reconnect souls." Keylan Light remarked.

Fenrir Skoll looked a bit bored because he still explained the options possible to make connections between souls.

"There are a lot of ways and each has its own requirements. The first one is to buy a red string of fate from a God of Love or Fate. But in this world, those Gods don't exist. The second way is to ask the Beast God for a blessing during the Mateship Ceremony. This is the most compatible with the beast bloodline but like the first option there is no Beast God in this world but I know a world with it."

"My wife has completed our Mateship Ceremony in that world. To bring a couple there can be done by me easily but... Trials will be provided for couples to endure before you get his blessing. After all, he gives an Imprint Crest between Couples which gives away a special gift as his blessing. Moreover getting his blessing means that regardless of how many times you reincarnate your soul connection would never be broken."

Fenrir Skoll explains while a Black Snowflake Crest appeared below his lower right eye. It was too exquisite to be ignored.

"If you want to try getting his blessing I can bring you into his world. But as for whether you successfully fulfill his trials, well~ that will depend on you. How about it? Are you interested?" Fenrir Skoll asked.

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