I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 142:

Chapter 142:

[Name: Moving Scaffold]

[Class: Normal]

[Type: Consumable]

[Description: A traveling scaffold used in dungeons; when used, it moves you to an upper level]

Hallasan is recognized by the system as an external dungeon and is treated the same as a dungeon.

So, what happens when you use a traveling scaffold at the bottom of Hallasan?

This is what happens.

Suddenly, my vision sharpened and the scenery around me began to change.

A creepy feeling enveloped me as the scene unfolded, as if the world were to become polluted.

Black roses and thorny vines covered the surroundings, and a purple pond was bubbling in the center.

As far as I know, there is only one place with such a landscape.


As it was, I was able to reach a place that could only be reached by passing through the many monsters and traps along the way, and no one got hurt.

What kind of poison is this? Our lungs might start to rot.

The Bishop muttered as he covered his nose with his sleeve.

Thats why I said we need Ascalon. Only the sanctuary of Ascalon can cleanse this poison.

Ill have to make sure of that.

Sure enough, the sky, which had been clear from below, was overcast here.

The gray clouds seemed to weigh down the sky, as if it could rain at any moment, and the sound of the wind was unexpected.

Now that they were on the White Rock Wall, there was no telling when or where Fafnir might jump out, so everyone was on high alert and scanning their surroundings carefully.

In the meantime, the bishop wrapped her arms around Rosario and began to pray.

The golden ripples of light that began to emanate from the Rosario in her hands gradually began to fill the whitewashed walls, like mist flowing over a ridge.

Just like that, our surroundings began to take on a yellowish hue.


Boom, boom, boom, boom

Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, bubbling.

The earth shook as the purple puddles in the white walls began to boil wildly.

Father John! Shields!

Ah, yes!

And with that, John reached toward the sky, unfurling a shield of divine power, and


The pool exploded, revealing the violet colossus that had been sleeping within it.

-einhvern ststu upp g r svefni! (Who wake me up from my sleep!?)

TLN: Yes, the author used Icelandic.

The giant dragon roared with an unintelligible roar.

The violet liquid that splashes in its wake spews out red smoke as it hits the ground, staining everything with death.

-kottur? nei nei nei. ltill stjarnan guunum hla a! (Kitty? no no no little star the gods tend!)

TLN: I know its a little weird but I couldnt find another tl other than Google translate.

After a moment, he shakes his head and turns his gaze this way.

Some of us tremble, fall backwards, or burst into tears, and the creature, who seems to be smiling at the sight, slowly opens its huge gaping maw to us.

-The words were obviously something like, What the hell are the gods pets doing here?

Fafnir is asking questions, not attacking, even though his nest is being sprayed with the holy power he hates the most.

Given his personality, its not so strange.

In his eyes, were bugs that he can kill with a snap of his fingers.

That was the nature of the creatures, their character.


It also meant that right now, he was at his most defenseless.


I dont hear a response, but I know instinctively that she hears me.

Shootin the head.

Simultaneously with my words.


A giant golden cross generated from the sky slammed down on his head with the intent to pierce it.


The cross smashed directly into Fafnirs head with a tremendous sound.

In response, Fafnir let out a roar and shook his head.

Ascalons ability to deal devastating damage is limited to Fafnir.

-VIbjslegur(disgusting) Ascalon, you have come with that abomination of a sword!

Fafnir lets out a tremendous roar as he takes a direct hit from the bishops attack.


The men who were preparing for the operation in front of Fafnir shuddered, as if they were about to collapse.

The weakest among them were struck down by the torrent of powerful thoughts that rushed in like a tidal wave but then a clear voice called out.

Wake up! His whispers are the whispers of Satan!

With Marie vigorous shout, one by one, the confused people began to come to their senses.

It was a skill available to Faith Awakeners.

Shield of Faith.

It had the effect of increasing mental immunity.

While hes still unconscious, this is our chance, charge in!

Yoon Kwangsoo, who had awakened to my shout, first coated his hands with aura and then charged towards Fafnir.

Yoon Kwangsoo strikes Fafnirs chin with his blue aura fist.

Fafnirs throat rises in time with the movement.


Fafnir grunts in pain, his face puffing up.

It seems to have worked!

Certainly worthy of leading a sect.

Dragons like Fafnir, whose entire bodies were covered in thick scales, were mostly classified as heavy armor, so it was no wonder that Yoon Kwangsoo fists, which were like blunt weapons, were effective.

Above all, his fists were hammers, forged from countless materials.

There was no way it wouldnt work against him.


Prayer over!

He spreads his wings to take to the air, only to be stopped by two crosses that fall on his wings.

At the same time, a wave of golden light spreads across the ground from the crosses.

The poisonous atmosphere around us gradually begins to dissipate, and the groups faces lighten.

-How dare you! How dare you invite the favors of the gods into my nest!

Are you going to pay me for the remodeling?

I have your patterns memorized.

Fafnirs debuffs are powerful.

From the poison and blood on the white rock to the curses, including the wind pressure that follows, newbies are bound to fail on their first try.

You have to have been playing a character for a long time to be able to capture Fafnir, and to have it wiped out in one fell swoop, I dont know if Id call it good old-fashioned good luck or bad faith on the part of the creators.

Therefore, I focused my efforts on stopping him from moving at all.

The result is shown as in an instant, the tide had turned.

So. Youre comfortable with the idea that youre being hunted.

-Hunted? How dare you, a mere mortal, take on this Fafnir! Do you really think you can just trust Ascalon to catch me?

What do you mean, trusting in Ascalon?

He was right, I was probably at the point where I wouldnt mind being called a little crab.

For now, most of my abilities are designed for multiplayer battles, and I can only be truly effective against Corleones enemies.

As it stands, my specs leave a lot to be desired, with the exception of aura power and control.


What I believe in is greater than that.

Ill make up for it.

I had the experience of countless CS games, the items Id collected, and the people Id come here with.


A huge explosion erupted from the muzzle of the shotgun as I pulled the trigger, hitting the creature directly in the eye.

It was a weapon with enough damage to tear out the creatures weak crystalline lens in an instant.

-Blva r(Damn you). You will not survive this!

Stricken by the shotgun blast, the creature screams into the air and lets out a grotesque wail.

He used another debuff skill, different from dragon fear but its useless against me.

From the angle of its neck and the pattern of its cries, its not too hard to guess which skill its using.

Hes already in phase two.

Phase 1 was a series of simple debuffs and physical attacks.

However, thanks to the fact that I tied him up early on, beat him up, and blew out one of his eyes, he didnt put up much of a fight and moved straight into the next phase.

Andthe main attack in the second phase was.

Why? Is it strange that your men arent coming?

The chaos caused by the forced monster wave, which gathers monsters, spread throughout Hallasan into Baekrokdam.

Due to its more extensive summoning pattern than other bosses, the Fafnir Raid is all about spreading the power around.

We needed to spread out our power so that we could take down Fafnir while still maintaining enough power to deal with the incoming wave of monsters.

Alright, now that were done with the maintenancelets go!

Normally, he would have expected to see waves of monsters howling and rushing towards us but as he waits and waits and doesnt see a single ant, let alone a monster, he looks around in disbelief.

-Mortal! What the hell did you do!

Not much. I just asked my trusty friends down below to keep the monsters at bay.

Well, I dont know if hell believe me, but I have faith that the power of two factions will be enough to handle the incoming wave of monsters.

In other words, we only need to worry about the one in front of us.

The moment of opportunity is now as we skipped the monster wave.

-Dont you dare, dont you dare, dont you dare, dont you dare, dont you dare, dont you dare, dont you dare, I will not forgive you!

He screams, and his body is engulfed in purple flashes.


Those who have heard my shout begin to move into position.

A maneuver made possible by the declaration of sanctuary, which frees us from the influence of the Fafnir Nest.

The members of the church side move to the rear, while the craftsmen and apprentices surround the creature with me, slowly closing the gap.

Pour it on!

In a game, this would be a situation where I would be forced to wait for a directed cut scene, but this is the world Im in now.

There are no cutscenes.

That said, now is the time to pounce.

Golden crosses are falling from the sky, and attacks are coming at him from all sides.

He hasnt finished his transformation yet so I fire a series of shots at his body, while behind me, the blacksmiths, including Yoon Kwangsoo, pummel his body.

The priests and nuns continue to heal us, allowing us to continue to attack endlessly.

The creatures body becomes smaller and smaller under our onslaught, until it is completely transformed into a human form.

-daua(death)! Thou shalt not be harmed!

The energy around the creatures body began to gather rapidly.

Bishop, unfold that thing now!


With that order, everyone else gathered at the bishops side, priests and nuns joining hands one by one, and a prayer chant began.

And at the center of it all, Bishop Augustus mouth begins to move rapidly.

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no harm!


A moment later, a wide wave of violet light spreads out from the creatures center, staining everything it touches with death.

Flowers and thorny vines turn brown, signaling complete death.

The overcast sky spews clear blood, chilling everything in its path.



Beneath the artificial sun which emits a high golden glow as if to prove that it is alive, I look at Fafnir, who glares at me in his bloodied form and solemnly declares.

Were beginning Phase Two, asshole.

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