I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 141:

Chapter 141:

As the morning dawned, everyone in the church began to move quickly.

Without Augustus, the bishop, in charge, the cathedral was an unsafe place for the children to stay.

So the choice was made to evacuate the children to the Lava Cave where the Blue Moon Workshop was located.

Wont the children get very hot?

Do you think the clothes theyre wearing are ordinary clothes? Theyre actually sutras sent directly from the main assembly. Im guessing the heat in the lava cave is only muggy.

Then there should be no problem.

As long as the apprentices didnt go into battle, they would be safe in the Lava Cave.


In the distance, Sister Jeanne ran toward me, beaming.

Sister Jeanne. Youre going to fall.

I say, worried, but she giggles like it doesnt matter.

Its okay, Im pretty athletic. Mister, were going to White Rock Dam to capture a bad dragon, right?

Huh? Yeah.

After hearing my answer, Jeanne clenches her fist and pulls something out of her pocket.

Its an amulet!

From her tiny hand came a wooden rosary that looked quite old.

Is this ?

Its a relic my mom left me. She said it would always protect me whenever I was in danger, and I thought you might need it the most right now.

Jeanne slips the rosary on my wrist.

Take care mister.

With those last words, she spun around shyly and ran toward the bus where the kids were waiting.

Jeanne, come on!

Be careful!

Looking at the children who were leaning out of the bus window and waving their arms, I slowly put on the [Midas Gloves] that I had kept in my pocket and opened my mouth.

By this time, the other factions should have started moving. We shall set out as well.

What the factions had agreed to last night was to march toward Baekrokdam starting at 10:00 am.

If all went according to plan, they would be on their way.

The group piled into their vehicles.

There were twelve priests and nuns from Halla Cathedral, four craftsmen and six apprentices from the Blue Moon Workshop, me, the bishop, and Yoon Kwang-soo.

Two buses carrying a total of 25 elite members began to move.

Everyone remembers the plan, right?

You mean the plan to drive the monsters behind them while pretending to advance, and we escape as we are?

I dont know who came up with that plan, but its evil. Well, since theyre the ones being attacked, Im in favor of it.

As Yoon Kwang-soo said, I took this opportunity to weaken the other factions.

If Fafnir, the main cause of the dungeon flooding on Jeju Island, is killed, the island will naturally return to its original state.

Before that happens, I need to reduce the influence of these guys.

We cant let them run wild like they did when they arrived on Jeju forever, can I?

Even Yoon Kwangsoo Blue Moon Workshop, who was currently watching from the sidelines, was a force that could be said to be evil.

Well, they dont really attack you in the game unless you hit them first or invade their territory.

Well, they sometimes save people being chased by raiders and take their equipment as a reward, so I guess theyre more of a chaos faction.

Its all well and good not letting them get away, but why are we meeting in front of the cave?

Bishop asks, poking his head out of the backseat to see if theres anything he can learn from my plan.

If we go through the woods or through the trails, well be constantly attacked by things like shukharbangs, hell stallions, and ghostly tangerine trees. Do you think well be able to deal with Fafnir if we go through all of that?

Thats going to be tough.

Thats why Fafnir is a raid mob in the game.

Just to get to the White Rock for a Fafnir raid, youd have to fight your way through tons of monster hordes, and even if you did, hed keep summoning monsters to annoy you.

Dont worry too much, youll find out why were heading to the cave later.

Hitman will take care of it!

Well, if you say so.

The bishop eventually resumed his seat and looked out the window.

At this, Father John, who was sitting in the back, thought the atmosphere was a bit dull, so he clapped his hands to draw attention to the surroundings, then smiled brightly and spoke up.

Well, well be going into battle soon enough, so why dont we all sing a hymn or something, he who calls on the name of the Lord~

Father John.

Yes, Bishop!

Shut up.

Its .

He was cut off by the bishop and with that, we headed off in silence toward Mount Hallasan.

* * *


As we got off the bus, we were greeted by an overly lush forest.

I never thought Id walk into this .

Yoon Kwangsoo, didnt you say something similar when you were going to church with me?


He smirks, having narrowly avoided my point, and starts walking ahead of me.

Me on the left, the bishop and Mr. Hitman are on the right, right? See you later.

With that, Yoon Kwangsoo starts walking towards the forest to the left of the people in the workshop, and the Bishop starts walking along with the other priests and sisters.

Well. I should change my face.

In order to give them a definite aggro, I draw on the power of DisPater and Black Mist as I did yesterday and focus it on my face.

In an instant, the invisible face is complete.

The bishop, who had been watching it in real time, shakes his head in disbelief.

You, did you really go around Jeju Island like that yesterday?


I dont recognize your face, and I think youre Satan. You dont really have a fake face, do you?


I didnt want to show my true colors just yet, so I playfully waved the question away.

At the same time.

Looks like were starting to encounter some monsters!

John, who has climbed onto the top of the bus to scout the surroundings, exclaims as he looks down.

True to his word, I looked around and saw a monster with a sword in each hand. One by one, the shukharbangs are converging on the area.

Thats a nasty monster.

The bishops face crumples at the sight, and he gestures with a sweeping hand from top to bottom.

Tiny golden crosses fell from the sky.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Shi?

As soon as the crosses touch the bus, the shukharbangs surrounding it turn to stone dust.

Its an unbelievable scene that happened with a single gesture.

I glance over at her, and she looks at me with wide eyes.

What? I controlled the power, so dont worry too much.

This is power control?

Transforming Ascalon into a new form had certainly increased her strength.

Of course, since she wasnt using a sword in the first place, it might have been a primary weapon calibration.

Well, this is going to be easier than I thought.

As I thought that, the bus came to a stop and the door opened.

Weve arrived, Bishop.

The priest who was driving said so, and after organizing his clothes, he got off the bus first. The nuns and priests get off the bus in turn.

As I get off the bus, I feel the fresh air fill my lungs for the first time in my life.

The air is good in the countryside.

Olle-gil, one of the entrances to Mount Hallasan.

The giant Heavenly General and Earthly General Jangseung, standing at the entrance as if to show off their past majesty, greeted us with strange expressions as if to let us know that this is a different world.

The bishop approached without a sound. and kicked Jangseung with his foot.

what one.

As much as Id like to smash the idolatrous object, it would cause a ruckus, so well just have to settle for this.


Still, I shook my head at the sight of him, a bishop of a diocese, so strangely pious.

The monk in front of us is a kind of tie that keeps the monsters of Hallasan from running amok.

She knows this, too, and seems to be okay with it.

Do we have about five minutes until the operation begins?

Yeah. Youll be running around a lot when it starts, so you might as well warm up.

Indeed, already the other priests and nuns were rolling themselves up and down, stretching their muscles and joints.

It had been a long time since they had seen a real battle, and they were preparing in earnest.

I dont need any of that, my body is always in top shape thanks to the holy relics.

A man like thatdrinks and smokes?

Thats the privilege of a holy object guardian.

No matter how much she smokes, her lungs wont rot.

Thirty seconds.

I checked the time on my wrist and mentally mapped out where the other faction members might be.

If I was going to get the job done right, Id have to give them a gentle shake.


I shouted at the Halla Church forces behind me and started running in the opposite direction of them.

Not far behind me, a group of Raiders appeared.

If you see that son of a bitch, kill him now. Do you understand?

Yes! King!

I dont know who that son of a bitch is.

Huh? Youre acow, and youve got that in your hand!

I climb a nearby tree and fiddle with the Thunder Gods stone while muttering to myself.

Junk King, the leader of the Raiders who had spotted me, pointed at me and started yelling.

I told you, didnt I? Come to the White Rock. Were still at the mouth, so youd better take it slow.

I give him a few words of advice, waving my lure in front of him, and then I start running off to another spot.

Get him, get him!

I hear desperate voices echoing behind me, but Im backlogged with customers.

I ignore them and move on.

My next stop was the tangerine farm.

Found him! Turn him into manure for the fields!

This time I could feel their anger tingling at me, even though I hadnt even shown them the treasure Id stolen.

From what I could see, it was about 70 Raiders and 30 farmers in a tangerine orchard.

Hmm. That should be enough.

Finishing the simulation in my head, I raised Tommy to the sky.

Then the guys chasing me start yelling.

Hes preparing to attack!

Prepare your defensive moves!

Hes nothing without a gun!

I smile lightly at the scene.

He must have something firmly in his head.

Guns? No, Im a man with a conscience.

Understanding how badly they must be feeling after my last tour, I would never present them with such a gunpowder-laden thing.

You said that the natural gemstones from Jeju Island are of higher quality than the others. Maybe?

So I prepared.

Dodd, dodd, dodd, dodd

The ground, which was still until now, began to shake a little.


In the distance, I can see a group of people running towards this place.

Yoon Kwangsoo and his workshops craftsmen and apprentices, and the priests, bishops, and nuns who are also running hard below them.

Mr. Hitman, Im ready!

Behind Yoon Kwangsoo shouting, a huge army could be seen moving.

Shhh. Shut up. Shut up. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh.



It was a veritable parade of monsters.

After confirming that it was a good time to slip away, I shouted at them.


At my shout, they each pulled something out of their pockets and threw it to the ground.

I, too, pulled out that item from my cube and threw it to the ground, then smirked as I looked at the monsters running towards us, and at them staring at me blankly.

Be nice to them.

I dont really have time for these mobs~.

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