I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 397

Even Heavenly Mother knows the detailed activation conditions for the ‘Revenant Agency’. This is because they talked about how to use it when fighting Jason in Adhaj’s former hometown.

Later, when I was able to pass on up to two characteristics to others thanks to the ‘Double Helix Monolith’, she asked for the Revenant Organ.

‘And superior homeostasis.’

Revenant Engine is a trait that is automatically activated only when life is about to end. To overcome this shortcoming, strong recovery characteristics are needed. ‘Superior homeostasis’ was a characteristic that was well suited to the Revenant Agency.

So I passed the trait on to her after the magmasaur hunt on the volcanic planet. Since I acquired it again, both she and I now have that trait.

Therefore, all conditions were met for Heavenly Mother to utilize the Revenant Agency.

[Jazzzzzuzahzazzzzzzizeszizes (I’ll send Daum Ad High and PS-111 to Giga Cracker)]

The reason PS-111 is also being sent is because APNC is in operation.

The ultra-small mechanical device that absorbs psychic power cannot be removed using recovery abilities. While the Sky Mother uses the Thunderbird’s powers to keep Aadhai alive, PS-111 must deal with the nanomachines.

“…Are you sure it’s okay?”

The Mother of Heaven let out a thought wave containing complex emotions.

It’s not like she’s worrying for nothing. That’s because Heaven’s Mother has never used the Revenant Agency, either in the game or in this world. All the information I heard from the community and the explanation I gave was all.

This is why they wanted to send her, a powerful woman, to a safe place. If she makes a mistake or something goes wrong, both she and Aadhai will be in danger. It will probably be a lot of burden.


I believe she will succeed.

[Zuz zuzu zu (You can do it)]

To be precise, I believe in the strength of her feelings for Aadhai.

Because she has experienced losing precious things, she knows better than anyone else how terrible and scary it is. So you will never fail.

She closed her eyes after hearing my short, strong wavelength.

Her heartbeat, which had been beating uneasily, gradually stabilized as she listened to her heart.


After gathering her thoughts, Heavenly Mother stuck her head toward my snout. Transforming into a symbol of hunting, an auxiliary organ surrounded by a sharp bone blade touched the griffon’s beak.

When we activate the ‘double helix monolith’, the power to manipulate genetic essence, a response comes from inside the body. All the structures that make up the body, including blood, flesh, bones, and carapace, are split and combined. Even though there was no change on the outside, a high level of chemical reaction occurred inside.

After a while, the result flowed out from the end of the bone blade covering the accessory organ. It was a genetic essence made up of ingredients similar to the black slime produced during growth. A drop of liquid as small as a human fingertip fell to the Heavenly Mother.

The liquid containing the information of the ‘Revenant Agency’ quickly seeped into her beak. And it quickly spread throughout the body.

The characteristic passed safely. Once the genetic essence rearrangement is completed, she can also use the Revenant organ.

[Zuz, zuuu, zuzuzu (I’ll send Aadhai now)]

She, whose body was still adjusting, nodded instead of answering.

I was about to use the starlight coordinates on Aadhai when I suddenly felt a strong impact on my head.

A torpedo fired by a Star Union battleship hit my head shell and exploded. From that point on, the enemy’s offensive began again.

「You bastard!」

Isabel urgently warns.

Among the incoming torpedoes, a particularly fast-moving object is detected. Akira is hiding among the projectiles and is targeting me.

He points the muzzle of a weapon resembling a rifle at me.

There’s no way I don’t know that APNC is useless to me. It must have been loaded with different bullets.

He already cut off my carapace once, so he knows that my defense has increased significantly. If it’s not APNC, it’s probably a bullet with enough power to cause great damage to me.

‘No matter what happens, it’s not good to get hit.’

Just as I was trying to avoid the mysterious attack, Number 26, who had been frozen, stepped forward.

“this person! “Don’t keep disturbing the little baby when she’s in pain!”

Before I could stop him, an enormous amount of psychic power was released from his body. Large and small purple streaks spread out in all directions, as if the cult fleet had fired their psychic guns all at once.

The incoming torpedoes and aircraft exploded as soon as they touched the psychic net he had spread. In an instant, the entire area was filled with red flames and metal fragments.

‘It’s scary.’

It is a psychic power management technique so destructive that you would not think it was number 26. It was reminiscent of when the Sea Demon violently exerts power against players in the game.

In the hell created by the angry No. 26, the only surviving being was Akira. The torpedo that was intended for cover suddenly exploded, and the guy who failed in his surprise attack took aim at me again.

At that time, Isabel pulled out Vortex One’s pistol. Both pulled the trigger at almost the same time, but Isabelle was slightly faster.

The bullet that was just fired disappears as is. The invisible and undetectable power of Vortex One swallowed up the bullet and the barrel of the gun Akira was holding.

Thanks to the connection between No. 26 and Isabelle, it became impossible to know what bullet he was trying to fire.

The guy who lost his ace in an instant irritably threw away his broken weapon. And then it flew in to attack me directly.

You might be thinking of cutting me with your claws like before, but this time the situation is different. The clones born from ‘Hydra division’, ‘left head’ and ‘right head’, blocked its path.


As my clones and Akira began to fight, the battleships in the rear also flew in to support him. The metallic gremlins here also moved again against the metal structures created by humans and cyborgs.

‘Now is your chance.’

The enemies are caught up in the melee and are out of their minds. Thanks to this, I had time to move Aadhai.

I carefully took Aadhai out from my small arms. I was trying to bring the auxiliary device closer to use the starlight coordinates, but it moved slightly.

「Big Adult」

Unlike usual, the wave of thought that Aadhai released was very weak. Even though it was this close, it was barely noticeable by the monster’s tentacles.

“I told you that you grew up” and “I complimented you” but “I’m sorry”
[Zuzu (No)]

I gently stroked his head with my fingers.

[Zuzzu zuzuzuzu zuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzu (You are my pride. You don’t know how thankful I am for having you)]

These are not empty words, they are sincere.

At first, it was just a contractual relationship. I thought of it only as a guide who would lead me to the dragon’s nest, a treasure trove of precious genetic essence.

But now things have completely changed.

He has become one of the most precious things to me.

‘If it were me in the past, I would never understand this feeling.’

[Zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzu (and the leader of the group does not apologize casually)]

Adhai touches my wavelength and wags his tail slightly. It must have been because he felt my sincerity and expressed joy.

With that, the guy’s thought wave was completely cut off. He lost consciousness due to his injuries. Delaying any longer than this is dangerous. I aimed my auxiliary organ at the guy and focused my attention.

Soon, it was enveloped in blue light and disappeared from the palm of my hand.

‘The guy was sent safely.’

The Mother of Heaven also saw this and prepared for a faster-than-light voyage. Blue particles enveloped her body just as Aadhai had.


Just before leaving, she called me. Now I couldn’t answer because of the starlight coordinate penalty.

As if she knew that, she said a short word.

“do not die.”

After that, she disappeared from here. On the black space she left, only blue particle particles remained, evidence of faster-than-light travel.

After a while, the penalty was over and we could move. All that remains is PS-111.

He took out the MPS-05, which was in power saving mode, from the storage space underneath the body.

“Take it, I’ll take it over the MPS-5 that came. In case of emergency, we can contact you.”
[Zu (yes)]
“Once the treatment is over, Giga Cracker will come to support you.”

I received MPS-05, kept it in my mouth, and sent PS-111 to Gigacracker.

But right after he disappeared, enemy battleships started coming this way. The unique energy waves generated when traveling at faster than light speeds attracted the attention of enemies.

The enemies are slowly surrounding me to catch me as I cannot move. Among them, Star Union’s warships were fully equipped with APD (Anti Psychic Drones). This is to prevent torpedoes or ships from exploding with psychic power.

As the distance narrows to a certain extent, the battleship’s main guns aim at me all at once. Number 26 saw that and trembled.

‘Even if he is, he can’t beat that many APDs.’

Even the psychic breath I fired with all my might was easily blocked by them. Here, it is best to withstand the enemy’s attacks until you can move your body.

That’s what I thought, but something unexpected happened.

Number 26’s body twisted grotesquely, and then thousands or tens of thousands of tentacles came out. Tentacles large and small stretched out like waves, piercing the APDs spread everywhere.


It looks like it uses saw blade tentacles, mimic tentacles, and even the ability to change its body, but I’m not sure. Because the Sea Demon in the game has never shown this ability.

The guy who deleted about a quarter of the operating APDs in an instant spread his psychic power through the gap. At the same time, eyes made of psychic power were created on translucent pink skin.

“A bad piece of metal that harasses a big baby! I really hate it!”

A being called the nightmare of the ocean planet and the devil of the sea.

The devil roars in the black depths of the universe.

A word from the author (author’s review) 「Double Helix Monolith: You can transfer your characteristics (except the unique characteristic) to a friendly creature. The implanted traits are permanent, and each creature can only have two implantable traits. The implantable traits are affected by the level increase of the Space Monster type.
*P.S.: It is up to you whether you will become a guide or a destroyer. 」Watch the next episode”

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