I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 396

I examined the enemy with the accessory under my chin.

Akira Eugene floating among the broken ship wreckage.

In the game, I fought the Megacorp ranker so many times that I got sick of it. I have battled with the third place over there more than a dozen times.

However, the person here now is very different from what I remembered.

Megacorp players can strengthen their bodies through genetic modification like Amorph or Outspacer. However, like the two races, the collected genes cannot be used immediately; they must be made into samples.

And since genetic samples have been changed for human use, their quality is significantly lower than that of purified water. Because of this, it is impossible for Megacorp’s humans to change into beings with completely different appearances, such as Amorph and Outspacer. At best, he looks like a Hulk mutant. In the case of Sihyeon Eugene and Code Black, who I fought with, they did not deviate too much from the human framework.

But it was hard to see Akira Yujin over there as a human being.

Compound eyes reminiscent of insect eyes, four horns sprouting from the temples, a height of nearly 5 meters, scales covering the entire body, large wings, four elongated arms divided from the shoulder blades, and large wings sprouting from the back. . They all looked distant from humans.

If it weren’t for the rifle-shaped weapon in his right hand, it would have been difficult to think of him as a human.

The moment I thought that, the thing moved.

Its body moves closer at an incredible speed, as if it is skipping through space.

Does this mean that the wings on the back are not decoration? It’s much faster than I thought. I quickly moved Aadhai from my fighting arm to the small arm near my chest.

The one that approached in an instant swung one of its four arms. The arm with the hook at the end looks similar to the bone scythe arm I own.

Just before the claw was stuck on its snout, it quickly craned its neck back. As if it didn’t just look alike, its claws cut off the carapace at the end of its snout.

If I had been even a little late, my snout would have been cut in half. After narrowly avoiding a fatal wound, I counterattacked with my eroding tentacles.

The ‘Medusa organ’ is applied to the erosion tentacles. If you succeed in stabbing it with its tentacle appendages, you can turn it into a chunk of quartz.

An enemy that does not react even when it sees a flying tentacle. Instead, the wings on its back began to react by emitting energy.


I know what those wings, where energy is rapidly concentrated, mean. Should I avoid it right now? The distance is too close.

Just as the ray was about to be fired from the wing, the left wing melted and scattered like powder sprinkled on water. Isabel fired Vortex One’s pistol from above my wing arm.

He must have decided that this was dangerous, so he stopped the attack and tried to retreat. My encroaching tentacles caught its leg just in the nick of time.

Although Akira is close to 5m tall, my body is much taller than him. The tentacle’s appendages easily tore off the creature’s left leg. I was about to rip off the entire leg, but an obstacle came from behind.

These were the battleships of Megacorp and Star Union that blocked me from attacking the Heavenly Sword. The torpedoes and heat rays they fired hit my back. Akira escaped from the tentacles while the battleships were keeping me in check.

Instead of chasing him, I moved out of the battleship’s firing range. The battleships continued to attack with their auxiliary guns and moved toward Akira.

It’s not nice to see enemies uniting, but it can’t be helped. This side also needs time to repair as it has a mortally wounded Adhai with it.

‘Besides, Akira was seriously injured.’

The guy who quickly retreated cut off the entire injured leg with his claws. It was probably done to avoid the Medusa Institute.

While I was thinking that, something strange happened. New body parts protruded from where the wings and legs were cut off.


The leg that protruded from the wound was protected by a thick carapace, and the newly grown wing was narrower and longer than the right one.

The regenerative and recovery properties are to restore the damaged area to its original form, not to reconstruct it into a completely different appearance. The creature’s newly acquired wings and legs looked as if they had been transplanted and replaced with body parts from another creature.

“Aimoff, Joe, deep sea. “That’s his perk.”

At that time, Isabel sent a thought wave to me.

「It is a privilege to create a body from within the body based on stored genes and quickly replace it.」

It definitely had a strong feeling of replacement with new legs and wings rather than regeneration. It seems to be a perk similar in nature to Cyborg’s module replacement ability.

‘No, rather, it is similar to a variable biological weapon.’

The right wing that was trying to fire the beam earlier was similar to that of creatures I know.

‘It’s similar to the wings of the Arcane Orca.’

It is much smaller than the original and does not have any unique, beautiful patterns. However, its form and ability to fire energy beams are very similar to that of the Arcane Orca.

In addition, the arm with claws that tried to scratch me, and the newly grown left wing and leg were all imitations of the Apex creature.

‘Change several parts at the same time.’

Variable biological weapons can only be changed one part at a time, even temporarily, unless the Void Dice is in effect. It is unclear what restrictions there will be on his ability to transform his body, but at this point, his perks are superior to this one.

[Zuzu Zuzuzu (Any other perks?)]
“Boy, are the perks, there are 7 of them in total.”
[Zuzu (7?)]

Among the players I killed, the one with the most perks was Jason. In my case, there are 5 ‘Mark of Strong Enemy’ characteristics that I acquired by killing him and other players.

It is unclear whether he killed a player with multiple perks like me, or six other rankers besides himself.

The important thing is that Akira has many perks. 7 is more than me.

“Luckily, I can’t use the two items here.”
[Zuzuz zu zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzu zuzuzu (Can’t be used here? Is this a limited perk?)]

The guy nodded to my question.

The characteristic of a strong enemy’s token that I possess is powerful, but has limitations in its use. I think the same goes for his perks.

‘Still, 5 is the same as mine.’

The wave of thought sent by Isabel was deeply ingrained with anxiety.

Let’s summarize.

It has a perk that contaminates genes, a perk that is close to upward compatibility with variable biological weapons, and three more perks. Of course you can’t help but be worried.

‘…It won’t be easy.’

Besides, the situation is not good here.

I monitored Aadhai with my auxiliary organ and checked on Aadhai held in his small arms.

Her small, delicate body was cooling down rapidly, as if to prove that her life force was draining away.

“Aimov. ‘Little baby’s condition is very serious.”

PS-111 crawled down onto his arm and quickly checked on Aadhai.

「APNC, active, confirmed. “If you don’t take action quickly, it will be dangerous.”

Official name: Anti Psychic Nanite Cartridge. This weapon, called APNC for short, is a nanomachine bullet made by Star Union.

If the target is successfully hit, the built-in micro-machines activate and absorb all nearby psychic power. It is very small in size and can be considered a Blood Reaver that only absorbs psychic power.

However, except that it is equipped with nanomachines, it is not much different from the Storm Gun’s depleted uranium bomb. It does not cause significant damage to creatures with extremely thick shells like me or to beings that do not use psychic powers.

‘The problem is that Aadhai, not me, got APNC.’

If it had been a normal White Gallagon, it would not have suffered such fatal injuries. This is because as Gallagon grows, its scales become harder, making it difficult to damage it with Stormgun-level firepower.

However, Aadhai was born with a naturally small body. If you do not have Red Armor, you can be seriously injured even by APNC, which is weak in the power of the bullet itself. Like now.

[Zuz, zuzuzu, zuzu, zuzuzu (any other poisons or contaminants?)]
「Not confirmed, not.」

I’m fortunate that no fatal poison that I don’t know about was injected, but I can’t be optimistic about that.

‘If it continues like this, I won’t be able to last much longer.’

Not only is the injury itself serious, but the nanorobots inside the body are continuously eating away at the psychic power. If you don’t act quickly as PS-111 warned, you will die like this.

‘I would like to implant recovery-related characteristics, but…’

Unfortunately, that is not possible. This is because the genes responsible for recovery and regeneration were contaminated due to Akira’s manipulations.

Still, the fortunate thing among the misfortunes is that there is someone else here besides me who has the power to heal wounds.

‘Mother of Heaven.’

Having gained the power of the phantom beast Thunderbird, she has powerful healing abilities.

After gathering my thoughts, I immediately created a wave with the monster’s tentacles.

[Zuz zuzuzu (everyone come here)]

My message spreads into outer space. The kids who were fighting fiercely from afar react to this.

The silver clouds stretching between the ships turned blue and then disappeared. And a moment later, it appeared, tearing up the space near me.

Thanks to No. 26 receiving my message and delivering it to the Metallic Gremlins, everyone came here together.

「The enemy fleet just jumped and disappeared. What happened?」

The silver demons and my clones that flew in during the middle of the fight looked confused. Heavenly Mother, who was among them, saw me and flew over with No. 26.

「Little baby?」

The two who came close stopped when they saw Aadhai in my arms. Soon, No. 26’s body, which was in battle mode, began to turn white.

“The little baby is hurt!”

The Mother of Sky, who was in Gryphon form, also trembled with her amber eyes when she saw Adhai covered in blood.

「That blood, really?」
「You can’t die!」
[Zuzuzu (Calm down!)]

With strong will, I fired a wave at the two.

[Zuuuu zzu zzu zuz (Aadhai never dies)]

I’ve never had such a strong impact on these guys before. Maybe that was why the two, especially No. 26, stiffened their bodies.

[Zuzuzu zuz zzu zzuzuzuzu (I don’t have time. You have to help me)]
「…What do you plan to do?」

Perhaps because the Heavenly Mother had already experienced losing something precious, she came out of her panic earlier than No. 26. She kept her eyes fixed on Aadhai and waited for my answer.

[Zuzuz Zuzuzu Zuzuzuzu Zuzuzu Zuzuzu (I will hand over the Revenant Agency to you here)]
[Zuzuz Zuzuzuzu Zuzuzuzu Zuzu Zuzuzu (I need the power of the Thunderbird to save him)]

Her eyes widened when she heard what I said.

“Watch next episode”

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