I am the God of Technology

Chapter 205 Aftermath And Stellar Vanguard II

Of course, that was not all. Now that humanity had been subdued, it was time to deal with those who had used the earlier chaos to cause trouble. By implanting all of humanity, Dante made them feel like they had been robbed of their freedom, so he had naturally incurred some resentment.

The best and simplest way to deal with this was the same methods the earlier elites used, by distracting the populace. In this case, a huge 'online' trial was held as the minds of each human were pulled into a virtual world where they sat in a large stadium with a stage in the center.

Despite being effectively hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the stage, they found that they could clearly see what was going on as if they had eagle eyes. The unique feeling enraptured many and filled them with excitement for the future, making them forget their earlier unhappiness.

Even just this appeased them, showing how easily the public could be swayed, but things had only just started. Immediately after, a humanoid judge that was similar to a plain and faceless cyborg appeared in the center of the stage.

"We are gathered here today to deal with all the criminals who caused irreparable harm and pain to others under the guise of freedom and justice. This court session seeks to out them for their crimes and punish them severely!"

A bang on the gavel was made, and everyone in the crowd began to buzz with surprise and shock. The arrangement was done so that family and friends were near to each other in proximity, regardless of location.

As for knowing everyone's affiliations, that was not a question to be asked given the level of control Dante currently had. In no time, many people were summoned to the podium, and their crimes were read out to the world.

Even worse was that direct images of their crimes taken from both allies monitoring the world at the time as well as from the person's own memories were shown, buttressing their actions.

This filled the crowd with fury when they saw the actions of some people, and family as well as friends were chilled when someone in their midst was summoned away before they saw their crimes.

These were people they knew and interacted with, yet they saw what they had done. During the initial riot, they chose to steal and loot under the guise of freedom, and when Dante was 'killed,' the upheaval gave many a chance to do even worse.

Interestingly, the Base AI did not punish anyone who committed crimes before that period. It was only targeted at actions during the conflict between Dante and the elites, which made many hidden criminals breathe a sigh of relief.

Yet they soon received alerts from their chips that they would have to make an atonement for their actions and suffer egregious penalties under the Racial Advancement System, becoming the hardest working individuals in order to secure a future.

This made them pale, but at least, their crimes were not broadcasted, giving them a chance to quietly redeem themselves. As for those taken on the stage, their only outcome was having their brain fried on the spot after their crimes were revealed, there was no other outcome.

From this trial, humanity's population was now around 4.5 billion. A lot of resources and land had been freed up, especially among the top echelon; barely anyone from the elites survived this purge, leaving mostly their innocent children or their shunned/ostracized members who couldn't even get a chance to be evil.

Soon, it was ended, and the world was now in a recovery period. What was interesting, though, was that the Base AI issued a worldwide task to repopulate, which meant that women were given a rich task that paid between 100 to 10,000 Terran Coins to give birth to babies.

The best part was that they would be given welfare during pregnancy and undergo a painless, not to mention having an accelerated gestation process which would last a month at most, meaning that the uncomfortable pregnancy duration was greatly reduced.

However, they were paid by the quality of their baby in terms of genes and potential, so women became like red-eyed beasts as they eyed the men of the world. The men were immediately under extreme pressure, many who were above 7/10 with good heights and good fitness being pestered daily by not only women they knew but women who didn't know them.

The girls they could only dream of before were now soliciting them crazily, and it made men dizzy since this was not the way of nature or society. Many succumbed to the temptation early on, but when they saw the soaring status of the women as they used their money to buy gene serums and various things, they realized how foolish they were.

As such, men became sharp and began asking for a split of the benefits, especially the better a man's genetics. Those with poor fitness immediately took up tasks to better their bodies and became fit rapidly with the help of advanced technology provided to the human race by the Minister of Fitness AI.

Obviously, there was also an issue to consider which was the existence of less attractive women. Many did not like to talk about it for fear of backlash on social media, but just like there were average and less attractive men out there, there were some average and less attractive women out there.

With gene serums and reconstruction surgeries, even the less attractive girl could become a top beauty. However, to get there, they still needed to make babies and then make money through that, so the men at the bottom who were snubbed by better chicks were the target of such girls.

Interestingly, men soon got tired of being sperm donors and became selective over time, forcing women to become creative in winning a man's favor. It had completely turned on its head, with men becoming boring conversationalists who overestimated their sexual value while women became interesting people full of life and intrigue.

This was just one of the many things that occurred to the human race in the following months after Dante placed everyone under the Racial Advancement System.

As for Dante himself, the man was seated in the flagship of his space fleet, The Stellar Vanguard II.

[Ship Spec Sheet]

Ship Name: Stellar Vanguard II

Class: Flagship Battleship

Manufacturer: Celestial Dynamics Corporation

Length: 500 meters

Width: 120 meters

Height: 60 meters

Weight: 200,000 metric tons

Crew Capacity: 800 (All non-organics)

Maximum Speed: Warp 9.5 (approximately 7200 times the speed of light)


- 10 Heavy Plasma Cannons

- 20 Guided Missile Launchers

- 4 Ion Beam Turrets

- 12 Anti-Starfighter Laser Batteries

- 1 Superlaser Cannon

Defensive Systems:

- Deflector Shields (Quad-Layered)

- Anti-Missile Point Defense System

- Fleet Scale Cloaking Device (Experimental)

- Energy Armor Plating


- Quantum Warp Drive

- Ion Thrusters

- Antimatter Propulsion System

Power Source:

- Dual Psionic Reactors

- Zero-Point Energy Generator

Hangar Bay:

- 12 Interceptor-Class Starfighters

- 4 Transport Shuttles

- 20 Research and Mining Ships

Sensors and Communication:

- Quantum Sensor Array

- Cosmic Communication System

- Stealth Detection Suite

Special Features:

- Advanced AI Command and Control 

- Battle Command Center 

- Medbay and Research Labs 

- VIP Quarters 


The Stellar Vanguard II is the epitome of spacefaring technology, serving as the flagship of any true space fleet worth its salt. 

This state-of-the-art battleship is designed for extended deep-space conquests, rapid response, and commanding fleets in the most challenging of conflicts. 

With a length of 500 meters and a formidable armament, including heavy plasma cannons, guided missile launchers, ion beam turrets, and an awe-inspiring superlaser cannon, the Stellar Vanguard II is a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield. 

Its quad-layered deflector shields, antimissile defenses, and energy armor plating make it nearly impervious to enemy attacks. 

Propelled by a powerful quantum warp drive and supported by ion thrusters and an antimatter propulsion system, the Stellar Vanguard II can reach speeds of Warp 9.5, allowing it to respond swiftly to threats across the cosmos. 

The ship's dual fusion reactors and zero-point energy generator provide an abundance of power for its advanced systems, including an experimental cloaking device and an AI-driven command and control center. 

This vessel houses a hangar bay for 12 Interceptor-Class Starfighters, 4 transport shuttles and comes equipped with 20 free Research and Mining Ships crafted by the amazing Celestial Dynamics Corporation. 

The Stellar Vanguard II boasts advanced quantum sensors, Cosmic-level communication capabilities, and a stealth detection suite, ensuring it remains at the forefront of intelligence gathering as well as strategic planning. 

It also features a medbay, research labs, and VIP quarters, making it self-sufficient for long-term missions. 

As the flagship of your future armada, the Stellar Vanguard II represents the pinnacle of spacefaring technology and is a symbol of strength, exploration, and defense in the vast expanse of the cosmos. 

Get it today! 

Specifications sheet generated by the Celestial Dynamics Corporation: Forging the Future, One Star at a Time!] 

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