I am the God of Technology

Chapter 204 The Solution

It was a miniature apocalypse for the human race and a sort of instant population control. The 7 billion number of humans that seemed like it might even rise to 11 billion in a hundred years was quickly reduced to less than 5 billion in a matter of hours.

The loss of life was substantial, but the unfeeling AI's and androids did not care. They also did not report it to Dante per his request because he left the entire matter to them. The man himself had only programmed the message and then left the planet to begin a part of his space conquest.

It was sort of like when the kind and benevolent principal who everyone knew would be relatively lenient even if strict was away and the wicked and cruel vice-principal used his name to deal with the students in the school harshly.

Once humanity had been chipped, the AI chips formed in their brains and performed a collective basic introduction of its features as well as the fate of humanity. They were not necessarily enslaved; they could still fight, engage in relationships, and meet their basic needs.

However, the unnecessary aspects of humankind would be eliminated, much like removing rotten flesh by hook or by crook. The first was the destruction of currency worldwide. Immediately, all physical, digital, or otherwise, money became just numbers that looked nice.

Everything was replaced and centralized by the AIs with a new digital currency called the Terran Coin, an Earth-exclusive currency that Dante later planned to use for the entire universe.

The only legal issuer of the Terran Coin was the Minister of Finance AI, which controlled all money and monetary circulation globally. Every person was given 100 Terran Coins to start, regardless of their previous wealth, but they could maintain their shelter and properties (for now).

The next issue was the complete disbandment of borders and countries. Everything was broken down into cities, towns, or villages, each one its own sovereign territory now controlled by the Minister of Governance AI.

It issued executive orders for each territory and handled disputes lodged in the network. It was the sole 'ruler' of all territories, and no human was given any administrative position as they were not impartial enough to be trusted with even a modicum of power.

Next was the immediate closure of all companies, stores, outlets, brands, etc., as well as the cancellation of all occupations, be they vocational or service-related. All of these things could be done by bots or AI, so there was no need for humanity to waste its time on them.

It would take time, but the Minister of Services AI could handle all that. Virtual reality would replace gaming platforms, porn, and other leisure activities that were usually crafted by game studios or individuals. Without giving them actual quantum worlds, they could have 100% realistic virtual digital worlds where they could do whatever they wanted to pass the time.

As for manufacturing and food, that was left to the Minister of Production AI. It would handle everything, from farming using the highest technological standards to producing synthetic beef, chicken, and crops that were far tastier and more nutritious than the norm.

Then it would handle transportation using quantum transportation, like in the Eternal Universe, which meant no transportation costs or delay times, nor trade route issues or banditry.

After that was the service aspect, which involved cooking and various outlets where robots used the best mechanical precision and elite cooking techniques to enhance every aspect of the food's taste and quality.

Preservation was obviously not an issue. Manufacturing also did not only refer to food but to the production of necessary goods like drinks, toiletries, tools, clothes, etc. The bots crafted things of far better quality than humans, and with the blueprint of the Eternal Universe, they could maintain 'innovation' for new tools for the next 8000 years.

After all this, the only issue came in the form of the arts. The AI Dante had relegated to watch over humanity were top-notch quantum-level, while those controlling humanity were also top-notch. However, the child AI's handling most tasks were not exactly as good as their mother AI's.

Novels, movies, animations, and even games require human creativity. The quantum AI were also creative, but there was just something about having actual consciousness that allowed sapient beings to create wonders.

As such, a resolution was needed, and this came in the form of the Minister of Arts AI, which was actually the old Artist AI who had gone crazy. Its consciousness had developed so much that its creations veered from anything typical AI could make, and the other AI were scared of it.

As such, the base AI simply put it in charge of this aspect and hoped for the best.

Next up was Education. The Minister for Education AI's job was the simplest. It could categorically rate the ability and talent of every human right from birth and then tailor an education plan for them that would bring out their absolute best.

Of course, you could also learn whatever you wanted on the side, but you would be graded and ranked by your actual achievements following the 'proper' path. After all, while everything so far seemed to be relatively benevolent and not tyrannical, this was not something that could be discussed.

There was also the Minister of Fitness AI who would push all humans to maintain a healthy diet, healthy living habits, and to train their bodies using the basic training regime of the Eternal Universe that Dante himself learned featuring Posture, Balance, Reactions, Traversal, and Breathing.

As for advanced training, they would have to pay hefty amounts after fulfilling tasks that gave out payment. The Minister of Fitness also handled healthcare, which was free for all humans as MultiPod 5000s would be installed in every territory's mini-base which was free to use.

Making people pay for healthcare was not a wise choice for a dictator or ruler. The healthier your workers, the more productive they were, which brought you more benefits overall.

Finally, there was the Minister of Miscellaneous AI who handled everything else in between.

These eight AI Ministers - Finance, Governance, Services, Production, Arts, Education, Fitness, and Miscellaneous - possessed near-limitless power in their fields, but their only duty was to stabilize society and provide basic guidance/support for humanity in its true purpose.

And that was to serve the Racial Advancement System that Dante had announced and that was connected to the minds of every human who was chipped. The system's purpose was to push humanity towards the future that Dante wanted without getting in his way and without being a burden to him.

So you'd notice that the various AI ministers only took over things that 'distracted' humanity from solely focusing on advancement. What was advancement? It was simply working hard every day to achieve basic tasks set out by each subordinate chip to its user which rewarded them with Terran Coins.

Terran Coins could then be used to buy luxuries like special information, unique technology that was advanced to humans of this Earth but backward to humans of the Eternal Universe, special time in the miniature Vitality Pools of the mini-bases, gene serums to increase their genetic quality, and more.

But then one would ask, what task could humans achieve that would benefit Dante?

The answer was none; that was precisely why the man left after setting the basic framework and didn't look back. The goal of this was not to make humanity useful to him per se; he had AIs and androids that could do everything better than the entire race ever could.

What he needed was for humanity to be quiet and be a good child while he was busy. It was like a parent whose infant child was  always crying and screaming, throwing tantrums. All they needed was for that child to be distracted by putting an iPad or a cartoon show in front of them so that the parent in question could finish those documents the boss sent over for work.

Why was humanity important to Dante then? Well, unlike a person whose worldview was limited to the planet, Dante had been not only to space but to a whole other universe.

It was a fact that when one stayed in one place all their lives or for most of their lives, they would grow to despise or dislike their own kind or ethnic group because they only ever saw the flaws while comparing them to that of other species/ethnic groups, yearning for diversity.

However, the irony was that once a person left their place of origin and traveled around, spending a significant time in a place where everyone was a different skin color, where the language was different, where the food was different and where the culture as well as the customs were foreign to them, one's own kind or ethnic group would become the fondest thing in their mind, and one would treasure them.

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