How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 55: Prey 3

Chapter 55: Prey 3

"This should be far enough..." Snow assessed as she landed in front of a tall rock, about five meters in height, using a low-level wind spell to help propel herself. She looked up at the horizon to see the gigantic storm at the center of the biome.

'That must be the area Riley was talking about,' she thought, her eyes widening slightly in shock. To think that Riley would have the guts to walk right into a looming storm of such magnitude, based on some weird rumor he heard.

Sometimes, she couldn't help but think of him as reckless.

But even then, judging from the seriousness in his eyes, she trusted him. He had a plan, and she needed to follow his instructions.

The strategy to defeat the boss was simple and textbook-a classic combo between a knight and a mage.

The knight would tank the monster, keeping its attention, while the mage dealt a lethal burst of damage, hoping to either kill the monster in one go or weaken it enough for the knight to deliver the finishing blow.

Overall, it was a straightforward plan that made it easier for Snow to manage and control her role as a mage in their duo party.

Snow focused, channeling her mana as she prepared her high-level ice spell. She could feel the arcane energy swirling within her, waiting to be unleashed.

She positioned herself on the rock, giving her a clear view of the battlefield below. The storm raged on, but she remained calm, knowing that Riley was counting on her.

At the moment, Snow could only use two high-ranking ice spells, which were her specialty:

[Frost Domain]

[Frozen Heart]

Each of these spells had more than enough firepower to kill any A-rank monster they faced, and probably even up to S-rank if she truly pushed herself.

However, the primary challenge with such powerful spells was their long casting times due to their intricate incantations.

There were some exceptions to this rule. For instance, her Frost Domain had no casting time, but it came with a significant cost. It consumed 90% of her mana and would obliterate everything within a 20-meter radius.

This made it impractical for their current situation, where precision and conservation of resources were crucial.

Using Frost Domain would mean risking everything in a single, explosive burst, and in the confined, chaotic environment they were in, it could do more harm than good.

Additionally, acting as bait and using the spell to surprise the boss might not work so well as it's mostly effective against slower enemies.

However, against a speed-type monster with a battle IQ surpassing that of most humans, this tactic would be far too risky.

This left Frozen Heart as the only viable option. Frozen Heart was a high-ranking, single- target spell. which was perfect for their current scenario because it allowed Snow to focus all her power on the Tempest Wolf without the collateral damage that Frost Domain would cause.

The spell required precise timing and coordination, but it had the potential to turn the tide of the battle in their favor.

As she prepared Frozen Heart, Snow knew the success of their plan hinged on her ability to cast it at the perfect moment.

The incantation was complex and required unwavering focus, but she had practiced it countless times. She was confident in her ability to pull it off when the moment came.

With Riley creating an opening for her.

Snow began to chant the incantation for Frozen Heart.

The air around her grew colder as she summoned her magic, her breath visible in the frigid air. She could feel the immense power building within her, ready to be unleashed.

Minutes felt like hours as she concentrated on the spell.

She could feel the energy building up, the air around her growing colder as frost formed on the rocks.

Although she couldn't see what was happening inside the raging storm, Snow was fully aware of the fierce battle taking place. She could feel the powerful spikes of mana emanating from within, each thunderous roar of lightning sending shivers down her spine.

She could only imagine what Riley was going through right now. Despite his theoretical prowess as a hidden master, theories and probabilities wouldn't save anyone in this dire situation.

Right now, he was her partner, someone she greatly needed in her life. There was no room for doubt.

As shimmering blue lights gathered in Snow's left hand, her staff began to materialize. The air around her grew colder, and a frosty mist enveloped her figure. She focused intently, channeling all her mana into the spell. Finally, the incantation was complete. The spell was ready.

Snow's heart raced as she waited for the right moment. She knew that if she cast her spell too soon, Riley would be caught in the blast. Too late, and the Tempest Wolf might land a fatal blow. Timing was everything.

As Snow lay on the rocky ground, blood trickling from her nose and eyes, she struggled to comprehend the sudden disruption of her spell.

Cracks appeared on her magic circle, and the mana she had gathered dissipated rapidly.

Something was terribly wrong.

"It's been a long time, your highness."

The voice, though familiar, sent shivers down Snow's spine. With trepidation and anger coursing through her veins, she turned to her right, her body trembling. There, standing before her, was the figure she had hoped never to encounter again.

"General Auvin....?"

Despite the pain wracking her body, Snow managed to mumble his name. His presence invoked memories of a dark chapter in her past, one she had fought hard to bury.

The general approached with a calm demeanor, his smile seemingly gentle but masking a sinister intent. He wore a military uniform that had long been banned within the empire, a symbol of his defiance and ambition.

Snow's rage boiled within her as General Auvin's presence filled her with anger and disgust. She couldn't believe she was facing him once more.

"Don't call me 'child,' you sick, perverted bastard!" Snow's voice echoed with fury, her mana bursting forth and freezing the air around her. The coldness seemed to match the ice in her veins as she confronted her old nemesis.

General Auvin's smile widened at Snow's outburst, relishing in the chaos he had incited. "Ah, such fire in your words, my dear Snow. You've grown stronger since our last encounter,

haven't you?"

Snow's eyes blazed with anger at Auvin's taunting words. She refused to let him manipulate her emotions, not again. With a swift motion, she unleashed a frost spear, aiming it directly at Auvin. But the cunning general dodged the attack with ease, his movements calculated and


"Your as hot-headed as always, my dear child," Auvin remarked, his voice dripping with condescension. "You act so cold and impeccable Yet, beneath that cold exterior, I see the same fiery spirit that has always defined you."

"I said Stop calling me your child!" Snow's voice trembled with anger, her fists clenched at

her sides.

Auvin's expression softened slightly, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Please, your highness, don't look at me as if I'm a sinner. It would only make your execution today even sadder."

The mention of her impending execution sent a surge of fury through Snow's veins. How dare he speak of her demise with such casual indifference? She longed to freeze him in his tracks, to rid the world of his vile presence once and for all.

But Snow knew she couldn't let her emotions get the best of her.

She needed to maintain her focus; her mind fixated on finding a way out of this dire situation.

'Riley still needs me...!'

With every ounce of her strength, she suppressed the boiling rage within her, steeling herself for whatever twisted games General Auvin had in store.

"I've said this to you back at the airship, but you have grown beautiful, my child. You look more and more like your mother as time goes on..." His words grated on her nerves, stirring

up memories she'd rather forget.

"Shut up...," she spat, her voice trembling with restrained fury.

"Your strength as well I'm pretty sure the mana disruption field is still on yet you can still

cast a spell... To think you have grown this much in just under a few weeks. If only you had a different fate in store, you could have indulged in the pleasure of becoming the first-ever empress archmage... a dream that your mother never had the chance to fulfill." His voice held a hint of mockery, a cruel reminder of the life stolen from her mother.

"I said shut up! You have no right to talk about my mother!" Snow's words were sharp, laced with a mixture of pain and anger.

In a surge of magical energy, she conjured her power, shaping it into a deadly spell.

"[Frost Lance]!" Frozen mana coalesced in front of her, forming into shimmering blue

energy that shot forth like icy javelins aimed at the gently smiling man before her.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three explosions echoed through the chamber as the frost lances found their mark, landing with deadly accuracy upon the smiling General Auvin.

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