How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 54: Prey 2

Chapter 54: Prey 2

[Tempest Wolf]

In the game, it was a ruthless A-rank boss that hunted you down with its overwhelmingly fast speeds and precise attacks, making it not only one of the most powerful bosses in the earlier scenarios but also one of the fastest.

In fact, its attack speed probably scaled on par with Seo's own hidden blade. That was how fast the wolf was in the game.

The Tempest Wolf used wind-based elemental attacks as well as lightning mana to coat its body, making it not only swift and agile but also something you couldn't recklessly touch.

In the game, when it attacked, there was always a pattern shown to indicate where it would strike in its zig-zag zap dance attack, giving players time to dodge or deflect the oncoming blows.

But now that this is real life, I'm not sure how most of its attacks will translate.

There won't be a guide or visible pattern to follow, so if I even get hit once by its lightning burst, I'll probably die, right?

Taking a deep breath, I assessed our surroundings once more.

There were many tall rock formations would provide some cover, but they could also limit our movements.

Especially for Snow, who could only use short bursts of speed for brief periods, the surrounding area offered no tactical advantage.

Despite its beast-like nature, the Tempest Wolf was quite smart, often opting to target support roles first.

The moment the wolf saw Snow, she would be its primary target. I couldn't afford that, as she was essentially my trump card for this fight.

There was practically no way for me to land a significant blow on the wolf without her help.

'I have to make sure that I take no substantial damage,'

I reminded myself again. Here, there were no HP bars; pain was real, wounds wouldn't heal instantaneously, and the surrounding atmosphere was hostile. No aspect of the game could help me here. Careful planning was a must.

Jumping up a series of spiky rocks that seemed to form a small cage in the middle of the open plains, I raised my hands high to shield myself from the surging dust in the stormy winds that whipped past me.


I had only seen the CG of this in the game, but now, actually seeing it up close, I couldn't help but feel a tad bit more tension for what I was about to do.

In front of me was a gigantic tornado with lightning strikes dancing all around it. The tornado spun furiously at the center of the rocky domes, concentrating its energy in a terrifying display. It was clear this wasn't a normal tornado; it was the Tempest Wolf's skill.

Gulping down my saliva and the anxiety that came with it, I huffed my breath and slightly closed my eyes as I prepared to jump inside the tornado.

'Please be just like in the game,' I thought, steeling myself for the leap.

As the strong winds surged upon my body, I could feel the lightness of the air despite the dark, fast-moving gusts surrounding me. The lightning strikes skimming past my body sent shivers down my spine,

but they didn't harm me. I braced myself, expecting to feel the intense pain of an electric shock, but to my surprise, nothing happened. Not even the slightest pain registered.

I sighed in relief as I realized I was still alive, and the tornado wasn't as lethal as it seemed.

It was more of a defensive barrier than an offensive weapon, meant to intimidate and deter intruders.

Inside the tornado, the world was a chaotic swirl of wind and electricity. It was difficult to see clearly, but I pushed forward, determined to reach the center.

As I walked deeper into the heart of the storm, I marveled at how real it all looked.

'It looks so real...' Watching the swirling winds and crackling lightning around me, I couldn't help but scoff inwardly.

This wasn't a true tornado but rather a magical skill of the Tempest Wolf called Tempest Field. It used illusion magic and force magic combined with wind magic to create this grand, realistic illusion.

The Tempest Field was a protective barrier spell the wolf used whenever it wanted to rest, warding off hunters and monsters alike.

The winds were strong, and the lightning strikes were intimidating, but they were all part of the wolf's trickery to keep intruders at bay.

Step by step, I made my way toward the eye of the storm. The ground beneath me was uneven and rocky, making each step a challenge.

The winds buffeted me from all sides, but I pressed on, using my sword to steady myself against the gusts.

The air was filled with the sound of howling winds and crackling electricity, creating a disorienting cacophony that made it hard to focus.

Finally, I reached the center of the Tempest Field. In the eye of the storm, everything was eerily calm.

The winds and lightning seemed to form a protective wall around the perimeter, but here, it was almost serene.

And there, lying in wait, was the Tempest Wolf. Its fur crackled with static electricity, and its eyes glowed with a fierce intelligence. It was a magnificent and terrifying sight.

'So it noticed me immediately, huh...' I thought, realizing that the storm's detection capabilities were as sharp as ever. It wasn't surprising, but it did add a layer of tension to the encounter.

The Tempest Wolf slowly got to its feet, muscles rippling under its fur as it eyed me warily. Its electric-blue eyes glowed with a fierce intensity, clearly unhappy to have its rest disturbed. I tightened my grip on my sword, my heart pounding in anticipation of the

inevitable confrontation.

Without warning, the Tempest Wolf lunged at me, moving with incredible speed. I barely had

time to react, activating [Time Dilation] to slow the world around me.

Even with my enhanced perception, the wolf's attack was like a blur.

I raised my sword just in time to deflect its initial strike.


The force of the blow sent me stumbling backward, but I quickly regained my footing.

The wolf didn't give me a moment to breathe. It circled me, its eyes never leaving mine, searching for an opening.

Each step it took was deliberate, a calculated move in our deadly dance.

I needed to be smart about this. Charging in recklessly would only get me killed. Instead, I focused on the patterns of the wolf's movements, trying to anticipate its next move.

In the game, there had always been a pattern to its attacks, a rhythm that, once understood, made the beast predictable.

But this was real life, and there was no guarantee the same rules applied.

The Tempest Wolf's body was wreathed in crackling lightning, making it both swift and

dangerous to touch.

Every move it made was accompanied by a flash of electricity, creating an almost hypnotic display. I couldn't afford to get distracted, though.

One mistake would be fatal.

From its initial attack alone, I could tell this monster was just testing me out, waiting for me

to make a move.

It was a battle of wits as much as of strength. If both of us remained cautious, it would ultimately lead to a battle of attrition or a battle of whoever could figure out the other's plans


I was certain it was already aware that I wasn't the only one inside its domain. With its keen sense of smell and hearing,

it wasn't hard for the Tempest Wolf to detect the presence of two humans. Although I had asked Snow to position herself about a hundred meters away, it wouldn't be long before the wolf pinpointed her location.

Once that happened, there was nothing I could do to stop it from targeting her. I couldn't

possibly keep up with the monster's speed, so my only option was to keep it engaged and locked in battle with me.

I calmed my breath once more, holding my sword up high as I waited for it to make a move.

I needed to take advantage of its inaction, prolonging the fight just enough for Snow to prepare and fire off her high-level magic.

The Tempest Wolf continued to circle me, its glowing blue eyes narrowing as it assessed my every move. Its fur crackled with static electricity, and the air around us buzzed with tension. I knew that if I didn't act soon, the wolf would grow tired of waiting and launch a full-on


I feigned a step to the left, trying to provoke it. The wolf's ears twitched, and it lunged forward with lightning speed. I sidestepped and swung my sword in a wide arc, aiming for its

exposed flank.

The blade connected, leaving a shallow cut, but the wolf barely flinched. Instead, it snarled

and backed off, more cautious now.

"Just how tough is this thing...."

The brief engagement gave me a little more insight into its movements. It was fast and

powerful, but it was also wary.

I needed to keep up the pressure without overcommitting, giving Snow the time she needed.

The wolf attacked again, this time with a zigzagging pattern that made it difficult to track.

I barely managed to parry its strike, the force of the blow reverberating through my arms. It was like trying to block a lightning bolt.

We exchanged several more blows, each one testing the limits of my endurance and skill.

The wolf's attacks were relentless, but I managed to hold my ground. Each clash of steel against fur and claw sent sparks flying, illuminating the dark, stormy biome around us.


[Mana: 150/250]

[Mana: 120/250]

[Mana: 100/250]


'I'm going to run out of mana soon, and this thing still hasn't gotten serious with me...'

Once my mana is gone, my time dilation skill will automatically turn off.

The only reason I could even parry its attacks in the first place was because of my item's skill.

Without it, I would be as good as dead by now.

My experience with the game did help as some of its patterns were quite predictable, but I don't know how long I'll be able to keep up.

It wasn't just my mana I had to worry about; it was my endurance as well.

Every time I blocked its attacks, it felt like I was being hit by a bus crashing through my sword

—that's how heavy, fast, and dense this thing was.

With each passing moment, the Tempest Wolf grew more aggressive, its movements more

erratic and unpredictable.

My mana was depleting rapidly, and I could feel the strain on my body increasing with every




The wolf's attacks were relentless, and I knew I couldn't keep this up for much longer.

Sweat dripped down my forehead as I dodged another swipe from the beast.

My muscles ached, and my breath came in ragged gasps.

I needed to find a way to turn the tide before my mana ran out completely.

My heart raced like galloping horses on an empty field, running around endlessly upon its


My mind was hazy from the never-ending focus I strained on my brain.

My eyes were sore and dry as I never let go of looking at it.

Checking my pocket, I could still feel the ice crystal Snow left me, still melting-meaning her

high-level ice spell wasn't done yet.

But judging from its watery state now, maybe around 30, no, probably around 20 seconds

would be enough for it to fully melt.

[Mana: 50/250]


'I'll really die at this rate'

I had around 5 seconds of time dilation left, meaning around 5 more unsuspecting attacks

from this monster.

I'd been lucky all this time, managing to parry, block, and sometimes even dodge it.

That's why I had little to no wounds on my body. But now, I knew I had to risk it for our plans to succeed.

Gritting my teeth, I decided to take a gamble. I would lure the wolf into a trap, using the rocky terrain to my advantage.

"Come on, you beast," I muttered under my breath, taunting the wolf as I backed towards a cluster of jagged rocks. The wolf's eyes gleamed with malice as it followed, its growls growing louder.

The Tempest Wolf eyed me with renewed intensity, sensing my dwindling strength. "Fuck that form!" I muttered under my breath. "Why is he suddenly going serious now? What

the fuck?"

A surge of energy enveloped the wolf's body as it snarled at me with a sinister smile. Had it taken my insult seriously?

With a burst of speed, the Tempest Wolf lunged at me, its body crackling with electricity. I sidestepped at the last moment, guiding it towards the narrow gap between the rocks.

The wolf's momentum carried it forward, and it crashed into the rocks, momentarily stunned.


I breathed. If I'd been a tad bit too late there, I would've died. But with it momentarily stunned like this, I had a chance!

My hand brushed against the ice crystal in my pocket.

It was almost gone now. It's now or never. "[Skill: Dash] activated!"

Surging forward like a flying spear, I pointed my sword at the still incapacitated wolf and used

a piercing strike combo together with my dash.

Sword met flesh, and the hot, musky smell of rot filled my nose, making me almost puke. But

compared to the goblin sewers, this was nothing.


The blade penetrated deep into the Tempest Wolf's side, and it let out a deafening howl of

pain. Its body convulsed, electricity crackling wildly around it.

I pulled my sword out quickly, jumping back to avoid the flailing limbs and erratic bursts of


The wolf struggled to regain its footing for a second, but the wound I had inflicted was at

least severe.

Blood poured from the gash, staining its white fur.

My mana was dangerously low, and I could feel the strain of [Time Dilation] taking its toll on

my body.

[Mana: 30/250]

The Tempest Wolf lunged again; its movements slower but still deadly. I narrowly dodged,

feeling the static charge of its lightning graze my skin.

[Mana: 10/250]

But it seemed I had become particularly annoying in its eyes. Even more lightning surged

around its body, the winds blowing out from its feet serving as propellers to ignite and

accelerate its speed.


Rumble! Rumble!

With rumbling noises echoing in my ears, I could feel it gathering energy, and then... BOOM!

A flash of golden streaks filled my view.

"Gogh...ack!" Blood spilled from my mouth as I spun upright in the air.

What just happened?


Landing on the ground headfirst, I could feel the heat rising from my chest, my breaths staggering ever so slightly as intense pain coursed through my body.

I had prepared, but... I couldn't react? Even in the slowed-down world? Huh?

I forced myself to stand back up again, but I couldn't as I kept stumbling back down...

Growl-!!!! Behind me, I could hear the wolf's growls becoming soft and whimsical in nature, as if it were mocking me for finally landing a hit.

Turning around, I looked at the wolf, which sat in a sitting position like a household dog,

smiling as it watched me crawl backwards in pain.



System screens popped up in front of me, but I ignored them, locking eyes with the wolf.

So, this is what an A rank boss is supposed to be like?

'Haha... is this truly my end now?' I wondered, if only for a moment, before dismissing the

thought as I reached out for the last hope, I had left... I gave you all the time needed; you

better be ready, Snow...

The crystal in my pocket was almost gone, and when I felt the cold fade, I knew... Snow's spell



"Now, your highness!" I shouted, my voice hoarse, waiting for the high-grade magic to

finally come and wipe the smirk off the wolf's face. I pointed at it while slightly squinting my

eyes, anticipating the frost explosions to come.


But then nothing came... only the confused face of the wolf, which looked at me as if I were


The wolf then stood up, its beast-like nature returning as it growled and snarled at me, as if acknowledging my efforts as a mere human...

With another burst of speed, it lunged at me, its wide-open jaws threatening to snuff my life


'Where the fuck are you Snow?'

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