How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 51: Bandit Tortoise

Chapter 51: Bandit Tortoise

[Hero's Legacy Forum:]

[Boss Guide:]

[Bandit Tortoise]

[Type: Monster]

[Rank: B (A)]

[Note: Rank will reach A once boss HP goes down below 15%.]

[A monster born from the depths of the academy's dense elemental forest, the Bandit Tortoise is a monster among monsters, an anomaly among its very kind. Standing on its hind legs and possessing arms with opposable thumbs, it bears an uncanny resemblance to humans in its posture and dexterity. This formidable creature has a hard, moss-covered shell that acts as both armor and camouflage, blending seamlessly with the forest


[The Bandit Tortoise is notorious for its cunning intelligence and its ability to set traps for unsuspecting adventurers. Its eyes glow with an eerie green light, hinting at the elemental magic coursing through its veins. Despite its heavy shell, it can move with surprising speed and agility, making it a challenging foe to predict and counter.]


[Enchanted Clover Leaf:]

[The Bandit Tortoise has a peculiar aversion to the enchanted clover leaf. When exposed to it, the creature becomes disoriented, its magical defenses weaken, and its movements slow down significantly.]

[Note: enchanted clover will only be available every Monday's on miss Elaine's shop]

[Gas Rat's Poison:]

[Another effective weapon against the Bandit Tortoise is the poison extracted from Gas Rats. This toxin disrupts the tortoise's elemental magic, causing it to lose control over its powers and become more vulnerable to physical attacks.]

[Note: For players seeking to defeat this formidable boss, it's highly recommended to have Seo and Janica as part of your party.]

[Seo probability win rate (99%)]

[Janica probability win rate (80%)]

Recalling the various guides on how to defeat the Bandit Tortoise from the forums, I took a deep breath as I touched the Gas Rat's poison and enchanted clover leaf.

Confirming that they were still there, tucked in quite nicely in the already emptying space of the small pocket dimension my pouch could offer, I felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

These items were my lifeline, the key to facing the formidable boss monster inside this damn forest.

Right now, Snow and I were entering deeper into the forest at a hastened pace.

The vibrant greenery we once saw when we were still on the outskirts of the forest was now replaced by a desolate landscape of dead trees and decaying grassland.

This stark transition marked the boundary of the Bandit Tortoise's domain.

The absence of the tall, obstructive grasses made it easier to navigate, yet the atmosphere was far more ominous.

Even the sun, high above us, could barely penetrate the dense canopy formed by the interlocking branches of the towering trees.

The faint rays that did manage to break through cast eerie, fragmented shadows on the forest floor, adding to the sense of dread that permeated the air.

Each step we took seemed to echo unnaturally in the stillness, as if the forest itself was

holding its breath in anticipation of the battle to come.

"There are monster corpses here..." Snow commented, her gaze sweeping over the array of small and large monster bodies scattered around us.

"Yes, it seems some students already ventured deeper before us," I observed, inspecting the signs of the skirmish.

It wasn't hard to deduce what had happened here. Judging from the sword marks and the numerous explosion craters around us, it was clear that a fierce battle had taken place recently.

Some trees were still smoldering, flames licking at their trunks, indicating that the fight had been intense.

Although it wasn't uncommon for students to venture deeper into the forest to earn better points by killing high-level monsters, the sheer number of monsters slain in a single area was unusual.

"Was there a horde or a dungeon break, perhaps?" Snow deduced, touching her chin thoughtfully.

"Most likely," I agreed.

The deeper into the forest you venture, regardless of the side, one constant truth remains: the monsters get stronger, faster, and a whole lot smarter.

This area was where most of the boss-level monsters resided, so encountering smarter and more coordinated monsters wasn't surprising. Boss monsters often have unique abilities that allow them to command entire armies of monsters effectively.

The fact that other students had already faced such a horde meant that they had likely thinned out the monster population somewhat, which could be advantageous for us.

However, it also meant that the more cunning and powerful monsters might be on higher alert.

"You said you're looking for a specific monster, right?" Snow asked, still trying to avoid eye


"Yes, we're very near, Your Highness," I replied, keeping my focus on the path ahead.

We were getting closer to the Bandit Tortoise's territory, but that didn't mean we would

easily encounter it.

This monster was heavily reliant on traps and ambushes.

Finding it naturally wouldn't work; in the game, I had to let myself get caught in one of its traps just to lure it out.

Even if you were proceeding within Seo's route, there was only a 50% chance of encountering the Bandit Tortoise naturally.

That ultimately depended on your interactions with Seo and the direction you chose, which randomly changes with each reset.

Despite being a relatively easy boss to defeat by exploiting its weaknesses, the challenge lay in the unpredictability of finding it.

Wasting time in scenarios where you didn't meet it could be a significant setback, especially when your on a rush to clear a certain route or if you're just farming to prepare for a different


That was why being alert at all times was a must here. Of course, I knew where most of its traps were set up, but that didn't mean I had memorized all of them. The traps were randomly generated, adding another layer of unpredictability to the Bandit Tortoise's territory.

Honestly, Snow wasn't really needed to beat this thing, as the Tortoise was highly resistant to magical attacks, Seo or any of the other physical type heroines and side characters would've

been much more useful.

But considering what happened yesterday,

'It was better if she stayed by my side.'

Leaving her alone to go on her own again might create some bad blood between us.

Maintaining our relationship as mere friends or rather, temporary partners in its current

state-was what I wanted.

But considering what she did yesterday, I didn't think that would be applicable.

I glanced at her, walking just a step away from me. She seemed quite okay with me taking

charge of our mission here.

Given her personality, I had thought she would arrogantly try to drag me along and just forget about yesterday's incident, but I guess she also had her moments of humility.

"W-what?" she asked embarrassingly as her eyes suddenly locked onto mine when she

noticed me staring.

"Nothing..." I replied, quickly averting my gaze.

Well, it didn't really matter. Instead of the cold, beautiful ice princess we had in the game, Princess Snow was much cuter like this. Her flustered reactions added a layer of charm that the

game's portrayal lacked.

As we continued our trek, the tension between us began to ease.

Despite the ominous surroundings and the looming threat of the Bandit Tortoise, there was a comforting familiarity in having her by my side.

Moments later, after what felt like hours, we finally found our target.

"Is that it?" Snow asked quietly, her voice barely a whisper as we hid behind a large bush. Our movements were minimal, and we spoke as softly as the whispering winds.

I only nodded in confirmation, not wanting to alert the creature. The Bandit Tortoise was highly sensitive to sound.

In front of us, the monster was currently basking-no, it was taking a bath in the murky swamp it called home.

Using what seemed to be an old helmet, it scrubbed its greyish-green body, which was

covered in mold.

The sight was both eerie and oddly mundane, a stark contrast to the fearsome reputation the

creature held.

'We were quite lucky to find this thing while it was still taking a bath.... is it due to Snow's

presence perhaps?'

For reference, the reason there was a sudden swamp in this otherwise dry forest was due to

the academy's artificial biomes.

They created various environments to accommodate different creatures. There were other

biomes in the vicinity, such as the stormy biome to the northwest and the snowy biome near

the forest's center.

Most of the monsters here were probably born from the academy's experimentation. They wouldn't admit it, but we knew the truth.

However, as the ones clearing them out, I guess it didn't matter to the public eye.

We watched as the Bandit Tortoise continued its bathing ritual, seemingly oblivious to our


This was our chance.

The enchanted clover leaf and Gas Rat's poison were ready, our plan meticulously laid out.

Just like in the game it looked horrifying abomination like a mixture of a human and tortoise, with a human like body and the head of a turtle it looked so horrifyingly disgusting to look at

as if a nightmare coming out in real life.

But still... why the fuck is it so jacked? I mean, look at all those muscles.

Was that a ten-pack? Not to mention those biceps with that meticulous curve and the detailed

carving of each and every muscle fiber.

This guy looked like a perfect bodybuilder ready for the Olympia right now.

I couldn't help but wonder if I could achieve such a body if I trained hard enough. Considering the system helping me out, it might actually happen now.

I just hope I won't get to those gigantic builds, though, as it wouldn't suit my style.

[Note: Body and physical composition is constantly being monitored. Body growth and muscle affinity will be greatly matched to the player's build!]

It seems the system noticed my concern and alleviated my apprehension. Well, that was good.

Honestly, I can't imagine myself turning into a muscle giant.

A physique like the Bandit Tortoise's would be overkill for my needs, and I preferred a more

agile, less bulky build.

'Now then, let's hunt, shall we?'

Calming my breath, I looked at Snow and reminded her of her role this time.

"Your Highness, as planned, I want you to wait here and prepare casting your spell," I said to

her in a whisper.

She took a slight step back at my actions, annoyance and embarrassment flickering in her

eyes, but she still nodded.

Moving ahead cautiously, I walked carefully to avoid stepping on any dried leaves and hid behind a large boulder near the unsuspecting tortoise.

I reached for my most important items at the moment, the ones that would aid me in this


[Enchanted Clover Leaf]

[Gas Rat's Poison]

Drawing my sword, I unleashed the gas rat's poison on it. I coated every inch of the blade in

the green-glowing poison. Since it was odorless, I didn't have to worry about the tortoise noticing the smell.

After emptying the bottle, I placed it gently near me before stashing the clover leaf in my pocket. As it was an aura type item, I didn't need to break it down.

With my preparations complete, I focused on the task at hand. The Bandit Tortoise bathed in

the murky swamp, oblivious to the imminent danger lurking nearby.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come. With Snow ready to cast her spell

and my blade coated in poison, we were poised to strike.

I glanced back at Snow, who nodded once again, her concentration evident.

'She was ready.'

Turning my attention back to the tortoise, I prepared to make my move.

This hunt would require patience and precision.

The Bandit Tortoise was a formidable opponent, but with our careful planning and teamwork,

we had the upper hand.

As I crouched behind the boulder, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, I felt a surge of



Even though I came prepared, my heart was still beating fast with a mix of excitement and


A B-class boss that would turn into an A-rank if I messed things up... Even with Snow here, it

was nerve-wracking to think that I could finally face such a high-level monster. Positioning myself, I rooted my feet into the ground, tensing up my muscles.

My body warmed up as my mana and energy surged through every vein, my focus narrowing

as my eyes locked onto the target.

I inhaled deeply, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through me, before letting out a

calm exhale.

'All skills activate!'

[Skill - Time Dilation] [Proficiency (35%)]

[Skill - Basic Swordsmanship] [Proficiency (75%)]

[Skill - Piercing Strike!] [Proficiency (32%)]

[Skill - Mana Amplification] [Proficiency (55%)]

[Skill - Dash] [Proficiency (5%)]


With a command to the system, my body surged forward like a bullet, traversing through the

air. My blade moved in a piercing motion as I clearly saw the unsuspecting movement of the

tortoise, unaware of my impending attack.

With each skill activated, I felt a surge of power coursing through me, enhancing my speed

and precision.

As I neared the tortoise, I focused all my energy into one decisive strike. With a swift motion, I aimed for its weak spot, the poison-coated blade slicing through the air with precision. Thanks to my Time Dilation skill being active right now, time was moving twice as slow for

my mind, but at the speed I was going, it was still surprising to see how fast I was moving.

If I just reached him all the way like this, it would've been the perfect outcome, as my strike

could easily one-shot him if I pierced his head.

But of course... 'I wasn't that lucky.'


With a clanging noise, he managed to block my attack at the last second as he suddenly got a

machete that was hidden underneath the swamp.

Sparks flew, and I deactivated my Time Dilation almost immediately.

Due to my speed, I temporarily surfed through the murky waters before stopping around 20

meters away from the boss monster. And although I may have missed, that was more than


All I needed right now was just one mere scratch.

"GAAHCCKKKK!!!!" he screamed like a madman as he could feel the poison seeping into his


The satisfaction of seeing the poison take effect was overwhelming. Despite the Bandit Tortoise's last-minute defense, my strike had still inflicted damage. as he

couldn't block it completely.

With each passing moment, the poison would spread further, weakening the creature and tipping the odds further in our favor.

As the Bandit Tortoise writhed in agony, I took a moment to catch my breath.

Despite the initial setback, our plan had worked.

With Snow ready to unleash her spell and my blade still coated in poison, we were well-

positioned to finish the job.

I glanced at Snow, who had been watching the encounter unfold with a mixture of concern and


Her spell was charged and ready, waiting for the perfect moment to unleash its full power. "Now!" I shouted, signaling her to strike.

Blue light shinned upon the small open field before pure white ice incased everything in it's


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