How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 50: Heart of Snow Interlude

Chapter 50: Heart of Snow Interlude

"Riley... do you want to sleep with me?"

The moment those words escaped her lips, Snow's mind went blank.

Despite trying to sound casual and confident, she couldn't escape the embarrassment that followed.

Seduction wasn't exactly her forte.

Men and women alike often flocked to her, but this time, it was different-she was the one approaching someone.

Something she had no experience on.

In the imperial palace, one principle was deeply ingrained in her mind: 'Control.' As part of the imperial family, control was an aspect they could never let go of.

While loyalty might be earned through respect and charisma, for the Germonia imperial family, control was paramount.

Once you had something, you must ensure you never let go of it, and if you didn't have it, find a way to make it yours by any means necessary.

Snow had always lived by these principles. Her life was a constant struggle to maintain control over her surroundings, her relationships, and her destiny.

She was a master at manipulating situations and people to her advantage, always staying one step ahead.

But with Riley, things were different. His straightforwardness, his strength, and his unwavering sense of self made him a challenge she wasn't used to facing.

The flickering light of the campfire cast dancing shadows inside the igloo, creating an intimate and somewhat surreal atmosphere.

Snow's cheeks were flushed, a combination of the warmth from the fire and her own


Her heart pounded in her chest as she waited for Riley's response.

'Surely that would have gotten to him, right?'

After all, it was the very princess of the empire asking him-the one and only Princess Snow White, the fairest of them all.

Even if he kept acting like an emotionless lot, surely, he couldn't be so dense as to not understand the meaning of her words, right?

Snow was offering a once-in-a-lifetime chance, an opportunity that any sane man would regret denying.

It was a meticulous trap, one that he couldn't properly oppose.

Denying a random woman's approach might be one thing, but denying an imperial royal like her was something a noble like him couldn't just ignore.

With that thought in mind, Snow smiled.

Clearly, Riley had no hope of escaping now.

One way or another, she would have this man in her grasp, and once she had him, there would be no escape. She was determined to make him hers.

As she looked at him, her mind raced with the implications of her plan. Riley was strong, independent, and undeniably attractive in his own way.

His aloofness only added to his allure, making him a challenge she couldn't resist.

Snow had always been surrounded by people who either feared her or wanted something from her.

Riley was different.

He didn't seem to want anything from her, and that made him all the more intriguing.

But this was more than just a conquest. Snow knew that having someone like Riley by her side would be beneficial in ways she couldn't yet fully comprehend.

His strength and intelligence were assets she could use, and his presence could provide her with the support she desperately needed but would never admit to.

As she gazed into his eyes, she could see the conflict there.

He was probably torn between his duty and the strange pull he felt towards her.

It was a look she had seen before in others, but it was different with Riley.

There was a depth to him that intrigued her, a complexity she wanted to unravel.

Seeing him looked all troubled despite him trying his best to hide it, Snow knew this was her chance, so taking in on the opportunity she moved closer to him, grabbing hold onto his warm firm hands.

"Please, Riley~" she whispered in her softest voice, trembling slightly. "I... I don't want to be alone tonight...."

Riley quivered at her words, a hint of red creeping up his ears. He tried to mask his blush with his usual emotionless expression, but Snow had already seen through his facade. Sensing her opportunity, she grabbed onto it-it was now or never.

"Riley... do you not want to, perhaps?" she asked, her voice adopting a slightly sad tone, her eyes glistening with fake tears.

As someone trained by her tutors on how to properly assess and manipulate a man, Snow knew exactly how to push and pull.

She was certain that pushing was the best option in this scenario.

Any moment now, Riley's defenses would crumble, and she would be able to delve into his deepest depths.

She inched closer to him, her movements slow and deliberate. The seductive sway of her body and the vulnerable expression on her face were calculated to break through his resistance. Snow's training had taught her that even the strongest men could be swayed by a woman's allure, especially when that woman was as beautiful and powerful as she was.

Of course, whatever he was imagining that 'might' happen tonight was never going to


Despite her seductive demeanor, her intentions weren't of that nature.

She wasn't looking to cross that line; rather, she wanted to get into his heart, to capture a certain allure and affection that he wouldn't ever forget.

Her aim was clear from the start: she wanted him to stay with her in this small igloo she had crafted and to entice him with the promise of a treasure he could have, depending on his

decisions-that treasure being her.

Snow was playing a dangerous game.

Although her intentions differed from her actions, the implications were clear. Riley was a

man, and she, at the end of the day, was a lone woman.

He was a knight, and she was a mage.

He could easily overpower her if he wanted to and take the treasure she was offering.

But Snow was prepared for any outcome.

She knew the risks involved in her game and had taken precautions.

Each block of the igloo contained small magic circles, invisible to the naked eye, ready to fire

off an emergency spell if needed.

These safeguards gave her a sense of security, knowing she had a fallback plan if things took

an unexpected turn.

After what seemed like entire minutes of tension, Riley finally reacted. His hand moved suddenly, inching closer to her face.

"Your Highness..."


The sharp sound reverberated through the small igloo, like a clap of thunder. Snow felt an

intense, searing pain on her forehead.

"W-wha...? Huh?" Snow stammered, unable to process what had just happened. 'Did he just

flick my forehead?'

Even if it was just a flick he still harmed Royalty.... surely what she felt just now couldn't have possibly been real right?.....But the pain proved otherwise.

As Snow maintained her shocked expression, like a deer in headlights, Riley sighed heavily, calming his breaths.

He walked past Snow, venturing deeper into the small igloo. He grabbed a small blanket and spread it out, then picked up the pillow lying underneath.

Turning back to Snow, who was still bewildered, he gently guided her to the makeshift bed he

had prepared.

Grabbing onto her cloak, he tightened it around her before covering her with the blanket.

"There are certain limits to shamelessness, Your Highness...." Riley said, his voice steady but

firm. "And I think you should value yourself more."

Leaving those words behind, Riley walked out of the igloo as if nothing had happened,

leaving Snow to process the unexpected turn of events.

""H-huh no I was.... W-wait it's not like that!" she screamed in embarrassment but Riley

ignored her.

Snow sat there, stunned and embarrassed.

She had expected many reactions from Riley, but this wasn't one of them.

The flick on her forehead was more than just a playful reprimand-it was a clear message.

Riley wasn't swayed by her attempts at seduction, nor was he intimidated by her royal status. Instead, he had shown her a different kind of respect, one that didn't rely on her beauty or her


It was a nice way of saying to be more respectful towards herself but what happened just


She touched her forehead, still feeling the sting of his flick, and let out a small, incredulous laugh... 'It's really not like that!'

Later that night, students that was near there camp wondered why the night felt colder than

ever before.

When the second morning of our exams arrived, Snow and I decided to work properly together

this time as we ventured deeper into the forest. Though I would have liked it if we could

properly talk to each other.



Cutting down the last monster that came our way, I looked at Snow, who was efficiently

clearing the strays that went out of my reach.

"Nice work, Your Highness," I said, trying to maintain a level of professionalism despite the awkwardness that lingered between us.

"... Y-yes," she responded, her voice tinged with hesitation.

After what happened last night, Snow had been having a hard time facing me directly. In a

sense, it was also true for me, but it seemed worse for her.

Talking to me somehow made her face turn bright red as she recalled the events of the

previous evening.

Even now as we continued through the forest, I noticed Snow stealing glances at me, her

cheeks flushing every time our eyes met.

Just recalling it myself made my heart beat faster than I ever imagined. It was really


I almost couldn't hold myself back when she kept making those sad yet seductive requests.

I'm glad my mind went into overdrive throughout most of the small conversation, not allowing me to properly assess it in real-time.

Though, of course, it wasn't enough to actually make me forget the situation I was in.

Before things could take a turn for the worse, I imagined the draconic, world-ending form of Liyana, which made my quickly beating heart calm down immediately.

They say you've got to set your priorities straight, and now I clearly understood that notion.

'I'm just glad she doesn't hate me....'

Considering I basically rejected her, I thought she would harbor resentment, but she was just embarrassed. She still somewhat listened to my words, which was a relief.


[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

Looking at the notification board, it was clear that my leveling rate was at an all-time low

now that I had reached level 63.

Although I was getting significantly stronger than in the past, at the rate I was progressing, I probably wouldn't survive past Act 2 or 3. The bosses in those acts are the heroines themselves. I needed to hurry things up.

Honestly, Act 2 is mostly about the political storylines of the main scenarios, so realistically, I

didn't have to get involved in any way to avoid overcomplicating things.

But considering a certain boss I want to save during that time, I can't possibly afford to just

let it happen.

Of course, I won't interfere so much that it would affect Lucas, but if push comes to shove, I

am prepared to risk anything.

'She' is a piece that I just couldn't let go of in order to survive in this fantasy romance world.

"Your highness, let's pick up the pace," I suggested.

Snow nodded, still trying not to make direct eye contact with me.

Although it was a bit sad, there was nothing I could do about it.

The territory we were in now was in the area of one particular boss I was quite wary of. That's

why I came prepared beforehand.

[Bandit Tortoise]

It was now time to kill that thing.

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