How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 107: Grand Festival 9

Chapter 107: Grand Festival 9

The first time I met the Duke was also the first time I met Liyana.

Knowing who he was and his role in the grand narrative of this world, I had always expected him to possess an aura that was heavenly, a cut above the rest.

That's why I was greatly surprised by how normal and gentle he was when we first met.

Yes, a single glance was all you needed to tell that the man was strong.

Even as a child, I wasn't blind to that fact. He was the only human in the room who felt out of place, like he existed on a higher plane of existence.

Yet at the same time, he was the most human.

He was kind. He was gentle. He was reliable. He was the perfect father and person you could have inside and outside.

"Please, sit down," the Duke repeated, gesturing to an opulent chair in the center of the


I nodded and took my seat, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down on me. The Duke took his seat opposite me, his piercing red eyes studying me intently.

The radiating aura of power that surrounded him...

'Did he get stronger?' I wondered.

I always found it strange that he didn't play a role in subjugating Liyana in the original scenario of the game, especially since he had the power and strength to at least somewhat match her.

Not to mention, she was his daughter. He held the most responsibility regarding Liyana.


After spending more time with him and understanding who he really was, I could tell that even if you rearranged certain scenarios, this man didn't have what it took to kill his daughter.

That's how much he loves Liyana.

Even though she became the world-ender in the end, he chose to remain put, ignoring the happenings in the world.

He would rather die than put a single scratch on his beloved daughter.

That's why I respect him and don't like him at the same time. I get that he loves her, but to ignore what's at stake, especially if you have the power to change it, is just downright stupid. "Time really flies by before you know it, huh? It wasn't so long ago that you were just around my hip, and now look at you, all grown up," the Duke remarked, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

"Haha, well, time goes by when we least watch it," I replied with a small chuckle.

Nodding at my words, he wore a gentle, reminiscing smile as he closed his eyes briefly before crossing his legs. He then scanned me from head to toe, his expression a mix of pride and curiosity.

"Not only have you grown bigger, it seems you've also gotten stronger as well, son," he noted, his eyes taking on a discerning glint.

'I guess even if I hold back my mana, a sword master like him can easily see through it' He probably just needed to see my physique to guess my current level of strength.

His eyes then glowed red as he looked at me even more intensely. "It seems you've trained quite a lot. The muscle inside is firm and steady, and the way your mana is flowing directly to your heart through your mana veins is very smooth. Not to mention all the excess energy is being used quite well... Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to pry like that."

"It's alright father" I assured him. "I've been working hard to improve and be of use to Liyana and the family."

He smiled warmly at my words, a mixture of pride and satisfaction in his expression. "Your dedication is commendable, Riley. Liyana is fortunate to have someone like you by her side in the future"

I was a bit surprised that he wasn't questioning my sudden increase in strength, considering how weak I had been since childhood.

But given that people in this world sometimes bloom late, like his late wife who was also a sword master alongside him, I guess late bloomers were just normal for him.

A black-haired maid approached us, bowing slightly before placing two cups of tea in front of us. The Duke thanked the servant before she left, then took his tea and sipped it smoothly. "Riley, I'm sure you're quite surprised, no, probably more curious as to why I'm here, right? So I won't beat around the bush. As you've probably guessed by now, I'm here to watch the upcoming Grand Festival tomorrow."

"Won't it cause problems for the academy if such an important figure as yourself suddenly becomes part of the audience?" I asked, my concern evident in my voice.

The Duke smiled, a mixture of amusement and reassurance in his eyes. "I understand your concern. However, arrangements have been made to ensure that my presence doesn't disrupt the event. Besides, the Grand Festival is a significant occasion, and it's important for me to be here, not just as a spectator, but to support you and Liyana's future"

Even if he says that his presence alone is enough to shake the whole academy... Not even foreign royals and nobles can ignore him. After all, in this world, sword masters and archons

were akin to nuclear bombs, weapons of mass destruction.

His every movement causes whole nations to be concerned.

A living weapon-that's what he is.

"I'm here for other reasons as well, but those are matters that require secrecy under the Emperor's orders, so this is all the information I can share with you right now," he said, his tone steady but carrying an undertone of gravity.

'So, him having a secret mission is all the info he can give me, huh...' I thought, nodding slowly.

Knowing the Emperor, it must be something that involves Snow's safety once more.

He probably became a bit paranoid after two failed assassination attempts on her.

The Duke was probably sent here to properly clean up any remains of the mess.

Were the shadow knights, his own personal dogs, not enough of a reassurance for him to send

out this tactical nuke here?

'Talk about overprotective...'

But then again, I can totally see the Duke doing the same thing for Liyana. Him saying this is for Liyana's future is already a point on that.

So overall, he just came here to clean up, watch the event, and enjoy his time?

"To make my attendance in the audience chamber all the more plausible, the academy decided to place me as one of the judges so as not to raise any more questions regarding my sudden visit. After all, rumors and whispers feed the nobles. I can't have any strange speculation just roaming around freely," the Duke explained, his tone calm and composed. "Then the pressure tomorrow will be at an all-time high," I remarked, feeling the weight of the upcoming day.

The Duke chuckled, nodding slightly. "That's true. I'm actually a bit excited to see you fight. After all, I heard that you made it to Class S."

I laughed nervously at his serious voice and glance. It seemed he was really expecting something big from me based on the excitement hidden beneath his eyes.

Just when I thought that I had lowered the pressure by setting my match with Lucas as the first match of the day, now this... Nothing really goes my way, huh?

After that brief summary of an explanation, the Duke and I continued to talk casually, reminiscing about the past.

We discussed my time at the academy, my overall thoughts on the experience, and whether or

not I missed Liyana.

He also kept reminding me to send her letters to which I probably won't do, overall it was a pleasant conversation, filled with enough casual topics to keep both of us entertained. Throughout the talk, I noticed the Duke deep in thought, likely pondering whether to allow his daughter to attend the academy.

His protective nature was evident, but after a few reassurances from me, he nodded to himself and seemed to come to his own conclusions.

I could have suggested preventing Liyana from entering the academy by bad-mouthing it or pointing out its flaws, but that would only invite more trouble and complications than


Besides, even if I did interfere, Liyana herself would likely force her way in, whether the Duke

liked it or not.

Even he couldn't do much to prevent it.

As the conversation flowed, I could see the Duke's protective instincts warring with his desire

to see Liyana grow and flourish.

He spoke fondly of her, his eyes softening with every mention of her name.

It was clear that he wanted the best for her, but his definition of "best" often clashed with the realities of her independent spirit.

The moment she steps foot in this academy marks the countdown to the world's potential downfall. I just hope that when the time comes, I have enough strength to prevent it.

"It seems I took a bit of your time," the Duke commented, noticing the hands of the clock on

the wall. They were in a different position than before-five hours had passed without us even


"No, it's fine. I actually enjoyed the talk," I replied.

He smiled at my answer and soon got up from his seat. "I won't waste any more of your time since you're probably busy with the events tomorrow," he said, glancing at the brooch on the

side of my uniform. "I'll see you tomorrow, son."

Standing up, I nodded at his words and gave him a slight smile as well. "Thank you."

As I turned to leave, I noticed the same maid who had served us tea earlier already holding the door open for me. Before taking a step outside, I stopped and glanced at her face. "Have we met before?" I quietly mumbled, a sense of familiarity tugging at my mind.

"Milord?" she replied, her expression remaining neutral.

"No, it's nothing," I said, shaking off the feeling.

'Strange... I feel like I've met that girl before'

As I walked out of the room. The nagging sense of recognition lingered, but I couldn't place

where or when I might have seen her.

Leaving the grand room, I made my way through the opulent halls of the Royal Hall, my

footsteps echoing softly against the marble floors.


Back in the Duke's room, the young-looking maid approached him, gracefully refilling his

empty tea cup with a refreshing and warm brew. The delicate aroma of the tea filled the air, mingling with the residual tension from the earlier conversation.

The Duke glanced at her slightly, his sharp eyes softening as he observed her. "So, how was it? What was your first impression of your future master, Lillian?"

The maid smiled at his curious question, a mysterious glint in her red eyes that shone brightly

for a second. "He looked like a wonderful master to serve," she replied, her voice steady and


"I actually wanted for your older twin to be here as well but Liyana seems to have taken quite

a liking to her"

"It's fine your grace I'm sure big sis likes being by milady's side as well"


As I stepped outside, the cool evening air greeted me, offering a refreshing contrast to the

intense atmosphere inside the Duke's room.

The academy grounds were unusually quiet, a stark contrast to the bustling activity that

would soon accompany the dawn.

The sky above was painted with the soft hues of twilight, the first stars beginning to twinkle

in the darkening expanse.

I began making my way back to my dormitory, my thoughts still lingering on the weighty

discussion with the Duke.

However, my steps were abruptly halted as a figure appeared before me, a beautiful girl with a mischievous smile etched across her face.

In her hands, she held a glowing, rolled-up parchment, unmistakably Clara Luminaria. "Riley, let's sign a contract, shall we?" Clara's voice rang out, playful yet insistent. It was

clear she had been waiting for the opportune moment, likely to confirm the relevance of the information the letter I had shared with her las time.


With a graceful flick of her wrist, Clara unfurled the parchment she had been holding,

revealing intricate, glowing runes inscribed on its surface.

The air around us seemed to shimmer with a faint hint of magic, as if the very essence of the academy was becoming dimmer and darker.... an invisibility spell?

It seems her excitement wasn't enough to make her forget about certain precautions. She held out a quill pen, its tip glistening with a golden ink that pulsed with a subtle power.

As I took the pen from her, I couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation in my fingertips, a sign

that whatever I was about to agree to was more than just a mundane agreement. Carefully, I examined the runes on the parchment.

They danced before my eyes, seemingly alive with ancient wisdom and arcane energy.

Clara's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with excitement, as if she knew something I didn't

-a feeling she often seemed to revel in.

"By signing this contract your knowledge is mine and my time is yours...." She began "It's a

wonderful exchange, no?"

Yes, it truly is....

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