How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 106: Grand Festival 8

Chapter 106: Grand Festival 8

Recalling the events in the game, the involvement of the Heavens family in the grand festival was almost non-existent.

Aside from a few dialogues and details from the crowd mentioning the Heavens family as one of the event sponsors, they didn't play any direct role.

Working with the student council, I had seen a list of names for the sponsors for the upcoming event, but nothing noteworthy enough to stand out like the Heavens family.

Snow's personal request to discuss this matter in a more private area suggested that whatever it was, it was sensitive enough to avoid public discussion at the academy.

I had thought of many implications for the sudden involvement of the Heavens family, but I hoped it wasn't going in the direction I feared.

As we walked through the quieter halls of the academy, Snow's demeanor remained calm yet serious. I could feel the weight of her presence beside me, a stark contrast to her usual composed and somewhat distant attitude.

"You get along quite well with Senior Alice," Snow said, eying me from the side. Judging from her expression, it seemed she wasn't pleased with what had happened earlier.

"Yes, Senior and I work in the student council, so things just got well along the way," I replied, trying to keep my tone neutral.

"Hmm...." She mumbled, her voice carrying a note of dissatisfaction.

Her expression had softened from its previous ice-cold demeanor to a gentle gaze and smile, but it somehow felt just as dangerous as when she was mad.

"Are you two close?" she asked curiously, her ears perking up like an elf's as if waiting intently for my answer.

"In a sense, yes... we are technically co-workers, right?" I said, hoping this would be a satisfactory response.

"Is that so...." Snow's poker face made it difficult to discern her thoughts.

But seeing as she didn't delve deeper into the matter, I guessed she was fairly satisfied with my answer for now.

We continued walking in silence, the air between us thick with unspoken words.

Eventually, we arrived at a gigantic white carriage parked conveniently just outside the cafeteria.

The intricate design, the giant symbol, and the insignia on the side made it easy to guess who it belonged to.

"Is this the imperial family's carriage?" I asked, though the answer was obvious.

Snow nodded. "Yes."

"Your Highness, and Sir Riley," greeted Ellie, Snow's personal maid, with a light bow as she opened the carriage door using telekinesis.

Beside her stood the coachman, who performed the same bow while tipping his fedora from atop the carriage.

Snow had mentioned that we should discuss matters in a more private setting, but I hadn't anticipated the need for a carriage.

I thought we would simply find a secluded area or room within the academy. Clearly, this matter required a significant level of precaution.

Ellie climbed up near the coachman's side, leaving Snow and me to enter the carriage.

Inside, the luxurious interior spoke volumes about the family's wealth and status. Snow gestured for me to enter first, and I complied, feeling a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. The plush seats and intricate designs indicated the carriage's importance.

As we settled into our seats, I noticed a few people staring, but I ignored their gazes, having grown accustomed to it by now.

Snow and I sat parallel to each other, and the carriage began to move forward, heading to our destination.

The atmosphere inside the carriage was filled with an air of quiet tension.

Snow's expression was calm, yet her eyes conveyed a sense of urgency. I couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about what lay ahead.

"Snow, what exactly are the matters with the Heavens family that require my attention?" I asked, my voice steady despite the confusion swirling in my mind.

Snow seemed a bit surprised as I called her name directly.

She appeared to have been lost in thought, but she quickly composed herself, sitting up straight.

Raising her fingers, a blue transparent barrier spread across the carriage doors and windows. It was a sound-blocking spell similar to the one Clara used, only much denser in nature. "What exactly is your relationship with the Heavens family, Riley?" Snow countered, her eyes narrowing slightly as she returned my question with another.

I was taken aback. I thought she already knew about my relationship and connection with the Heavens family.

Considering even someone like Dorothy already knew about it and I had openly mentioned it to Rose last time, information about me like this should have been out in the open.

Especially for someone like Snow, who was meticulous in gathering information about people who intrigued her. But I guess that wasn't the case.

Was she just respecting my privacy, or do I simply not hold enough value in her eyes to warrant a thorough investigation of my background?

Maybe she's just being mindful of our relationship since we've gotten close to each other.

'If so, that's a bit sweet of her.'

I've always thought she was the type to take advantage of the people around her, but I guess exceptions are made for every person, huh.

Snow then sighed slightly as she crossed her legs. "The academy is silently in an uproar right now due to a certain person's activity, and you, Riley, are at the forefront of the matter," she said, pointing at me.

"So tell me, why is Uncle-no, why is the Grand Duke asking for you?"

"The Grand Duke?" I echoed, my surprise evident.

"Yes, Duke Heavens is in the academy right now, resid in an empty

Snow clarified, her gaze unwavering.

I blinked, processing the information.

in the royal hall,"

The Grand Duke was here? In the academy? And he was asking for me specifically?

Questions popped up in my head?

'Father... is here?' the thought echoed inside me.


Surprised by the sudden revelation, my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. The implications

were staggering.

I couldn't say I didn't expect something unexpected to happen, given the recent shenanigans at the school, but even still... he's the Duke, right?

Can he just show up at the academy like this? What about his duties back in the duchy?

The territory the Grand Duke controls is on par with, if not larger than, what the entire imperial family manages.

It was even the main reason he couldn't interfere with the events that followed after Liyana's

enrollment here.

'She's not here, is she?' I thought, not wanting to even consider the possibility.

Snow seemed a bit confused at my sudden silence. I sighed and calmed myself down, trying to

collect my thoughts.

"Snow, you're saying that Duke Heavens is here, personally, in the academy?" I asked,

needing confirmation to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding.

"Yes," Snow replied, her tone serious. "He arrived this morning and has been residing in the royal hall ever since. His presence has caused quite a stir among the administration."

I took a deep breath, trying to process the information. "And he's asked for me specifically?" Snow nodded. "Yes, his request was explicit. He wants to meet with you privately."

My heart thumped in conscious fear.

'Snow said the Duke came, but that didn't mean Liyana would also be here. After all, without him in the duchy, his next in line would be the one taking care of things alongside the head butler. Liyana might be busy with logistical work right now.'


Since she's bound to know about it in due time anyway, I might as well explain everything to

her now. "The Grand Duke of the Empire... Luther Heavens... he is my father."

"Huh?" Snow's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as she heard my voice. Sheer disbelief

etched across her face. "What do you-"

"Or more specifically, he's my father-in-law?"

The moment I rectified my answer, Snow made weird squirbling noises like a cranky machine

about to explode, unable to process everything she just heard.

"What... what do you mean by that!?" she finally managed to stammer, her voice a mix of

shock and confusion.





The words resonated inside Snow's head like an eternally repeating echo.

Her mind felt concave and hollow as she struggled to process the revelation Riley had just laid

bare. 'What's going on?' she thought, bewildered.

She understood the words perfectly, yet the implications they carried were nothing short of


How? Why? When?

Snow knew Riley understood the gravity of his controversial words.

He wouldn't lie about something so significant.

The only reason he could openly say those words was because they were nothing more than

the truth. The Duke had only one child, a daughter he cherished deeply.

Rumor had it that the young Heavens would never find a partner due to the Duke's intense

protective nature.

This daughter, Liyana, was known for her grace and intelligence, often seen as unattainable

by many suitors within the empire.

Snow's mind raced with questions.

If Riley was indeed betrothed to Liyana, why hadn't he mentioned it before?

And why was the Grand Duke himself now involved, coming all the way to the academy?

She tried to calm her racing thoughts, reminding herself to focus on the present.

But no matter how much she tried to dismiss it, a certain pain of confusion lingered in Snow's

mind like an unwelcome guest.

'He's betrothed to Liyana...?'

How did she not know?

The revelation rattled Snow to her core.

As the carriage rattled along and Riley called out her name, her thoughts were elsewhere

entirely. Riley was supposed to be a countryside noble, someone with no significant influence or connections to the upper echelons.

That was the impression she had formed after a cursory investigation into his family


She had already considered the future with Riley to be uncertain given their differing statuses,

but now it felt like an insurmountable barrier stood between them.

The bright future she had imagined sharing with him now seemed like nothing more than a

distant dream.

Snow couldn't comprehend the emotions swirling inside her. She glanced at Riley's worried face, trying to reconcile the person she knew with this newfound knowledge.

It was a surreal moment, one that made her want to laugh at herself and beg the heavens

above that this conversation was just a terrible dream.

Riley began explaining everything to her in concise and honest matter but all of it passed through her ears... she didn't want to accept it.

The reality sank in as the carriage continued its journey.

She accidentally fell for her cousin's fiancé.


"Then this is where I'll have to leave you...." Snow said in a quitter tone than her usual

composed voice.

It was clear to me that Snow was deeply affected by the revelation about my engagement.

As she bid me farewell with a quieter tone than usual, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. "Yes, thank you," I replied, watching her demeanor closely. Her usual composed demeanor was subdued, and she seemed lost in her thoughts ever since our conversation in the carriage. 'I guess the shock of finding out about my fiancée was too great for her.' Throughout the ride, Snow had kept her head down, almost as if avoiding my gaze.

It wasn't much of a conversation; she mostly sat silently while I pondered over the

implications of our newfound understanding.

As she guided me through the hallways of the royal hall, her subdued manner made me feel


Watching her leave, I couldn't shake the feeling of having disappointed her.

Since Snow had technically confessed her interest for me after the duo exams, I had been

cautious about reciprocating.

Any form of relationship with her could complicate my plans for the future.

But now, actually being given a free escape to just that.... I started to reconsider things,

especially after seeing her hurt face.

'I should try to make it up to her somehow.'

Reflecting on Snow's loyalty and support, I felt compelled to mend the rift between us.

Maybe there was a way to reassure her without compromising our goals.

Perhaps a heartfelt conversation or a gesture of gratitude could alleviate the tension between


Sighing deeply, I gathered my resolve.

Anyways, right in front of me were the doors where the Duke, my future father-in-law, awaited. I gulped at the sudden pressure that intensified with every step.

As I got closer to the room, I felt the urge to run away, unable to face the idea of meeting

Liyana here.

But I knew avoiding the problem wouldn't lead me anywhere, especially since the Duke had

personally requested my presence.

Knock... Knock...

I knocked twice on the door.

A golden outline glowed around it before the door clicked and opened on its own.

Pushing it slightly, the door swung open to reveal a luxurious room, grander than anything I

had seen at Killian Hall.

With a single glance, it was clear this space was reserved for royalty or those on par with it.

As I took a single step inside, an overwhelming presence made my body shiver, and cold sweat

ran down my spine.

The atmosphere seemed to tighten with each passing second as a formidable aura closed in on

me from all directions. Finally, a gentle step echoed in front of me.

"Riley, you're here."

A warm, kind voice greeted me, accompanied by a gentle smile. Approaching me with an imposing stature of almost seven feet, a handsome man with a

ponytail stood before me.

His red eyes and white hair mirrored my fiancée's, unmistakably Luther Heavens, the Grand

Duke of the Germonia Empire.

Despite having spent considerable time with him during visits to the duchy, his presence now

felt more intense than ever.

"It's been a long time, Son."


He patted my head affectionately, a gesture that felt simultaneously comforting and

imposing in the grandeur of his presence.

"Come, take a seat. We have a lot to talk about."

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