Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 316: New missions

Chapter 316: New missions

Dumbledore and the rests eyes lit up with interest at that news since this was a very novel and interesting idea that effected many fields of study. For potions there was many a brew that required a specific set of moonlight as well as certain lunar or solar phenomena to finish. For transfiguration the Animagus ritual itself as well as a few others used lunar or solar energies to perform. Plants need not be mentioned in this regard while charms and alchemy fell in the same category as transfiguration and potions in the need for those specific conditions.-

Nick didn't hesitate to take a small piece of the light material from his realm to show them what he meant. "This is the unshaped solar magic material fell free to run some tests on it." he said while placing it on the headmasters desk. Each of the academics eagerly pulled off a piece of the material to run their own tests on the stuff. "What an unusual material , it appears hard yet is soft and malleable to the touch while simultaneously seeming to be pure magic." Dumbledore said fascinated with the sample he had.-

The other academics were no better as they each tested it in various ways with Snapes test having the most volatile results by far. Apparently he placed a tiny amount of the material in a vial and mixed in some sort of clear potion that caused the material to break down and turn the potion orange and yellow before the mixture turned violent from the now formless energy of the material causing an explosion of purifying and anti-evil energies. Everyone was unharmed with the exception of himself that now had a terrible burn on his arm where the dark mark used to be.-

Yes the dark mark was completely gone from him which made his face go extremely pale. Nick could not blame him either as Voldemort was not likely to be happy about this when he figured out what had happened. See the magic of the mark was of the permanently affixed sort that was tied to the life of a single individual. This meant that the only thing theoretically able to remove the mark was that individual or something capable of totally cutting the connection of the mark to them. Voldemort used the mark to track and message his followers so if one of them betrayed him they can't hide from his wrath.-

If the mark could be removed however he would lose that leverage which was unacceptable to a controlling individual like him. When Snape inevitably returns to the man to get a new mark he will need to tell what it was that caused the mark to vanish. Snape basically had no choice but to spill the beans about Nicks new material. "With that I believe we should call this meeting to an end." Dumbledore said as his good mood was now ruined with the unfortunate repercussions of this event.-

Nick could only chuckle awkwardly since technically this situation could be considered his fault to a degree. To be fair though how was he supposed to know that the material turns into an anti-evil grenade after losing cohesion? Still it wasn't all bad news though as he at least learned something new thanks to this happening. Time began to pass by after that and as per the agreement Nick went through the exams early much to Hermiones envy. She was more advanced than the rest of their year as well but not by as wide a margin as Nick and she lacked the ability to really be of use in the battles ahead and as such did not get the same offer.-

This unfortunately meant that she was going to fall even further behind Nick as he now had much more free time to spend studying. The biggest thing that happened however was that the moment Nick finished the last exam he received two missions from the system.

[Mission conditions established!

Description: Hardship lurks around the corner and you've promised aid in exchange for exemption from all classes , time to fulfill your end of the bargain!

Objectives: Create 250,000 rings of protection , create a large variety of offensive rings in bulk(optional) , Create a full set of rare tier armor(optional)

Rewards: Space and you!(book) , song of shields(book)(optional) , 1x crafting method ticket(optional)

Status: incomplete]

[Mission conditions established!

Description: You have promised Lupin to turn his curse into a blessing so do it!

Objectives: Fix the flawed parts of the curse , Publicize the method used(optional) , Improve upon the foundation of the curse to create a magical wolf Animagus(optional)

Rewards: 3x item tickets , Of beasts and men(book)(optional) , daedra heart

Status: incomplete]

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