Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 315: Exemption(2)

Chapter 315: Exemption(2)

To say that Nick was surprised by this turn of events would be a huge understatement as he was entirely speechless. He had at most expected that he would get one or two classes exempted or reduced to give him more time to improve himself but full exemption had never even crossed his mind. Nick knew that the only reason the professors were even making this decision was that there was now two dark lords active at the same time and only one Dumbledore. The man himself was stretched thin trying to track down Grindelwald and his followers so throwing another dark lord into the mix was simply far too much for him to handle.-

Add on that Nicks creations were capable of filling any need that may arise and he was suddenly a VERY valuable resource to be utilized as much as possible to protect innocents. In peaceful times this would never happen but the conditions were just right for a exception to be made on his behalf. 'While this is a fantastic opportunity it also comes with a heavy responsibility. Though I suppose having to double or triple up on my protective rings is a small price to pay for such a thing.' he thought seriously.-

"If the exams are on the content of this years classes it should be a problem to pass them. That said how exactly are we doing this and what exactly do you all want out of it?" Nick asked so he knew exactly what he was getting himself into. "Each of my colleagues have agreed to individually test you in their field of teaching over the next week. With the exception of myself since there is little doubt of your transfigurative abilities." Mcgonagall said sternly.-

Nick nodded in agreement "That's fair enough but that didn't answer my second question. What do you all want from me specifically because I doubt it is only an increase in production for the rings of protection." he said seriously. "You are correct Mr. Ravenclaw." Snape spoke up at this point. "In exchange for this exemption you are required to not only provide many more of those rings but also need to provide as many different types of offensive artifact as possible for the battle ahead." he spoke with a calm and cold tone that brokered no arguments.-

Nick ran through a list of different possible enchantments he could make for offensive means and frowned. That was a VERY long list and while he doubted that he actually needed to provide all of those options to them even a fraction of them would be enough to level a continent. Not all at once mind you since he wasn't that powerful but if they were all used in separate locations simultaneously the maps would definitely need to be redrawn. "It should not be too much of a problem so long as the enchantments aren't very complex. That reminds me for whatever reason but I have something that should be able to kill amortal evil creatures." he said taking out a sol shot arrow.-

Snape immediately clutched his right arm where the dark mark was located as the mere presence of the arrow made it hurt. "I wasn't aware that you made weapons as well." Dumbledore said surprised at the item that he could feels powerful purifying and anti-evil properties. Nick shrugged "I was always able to make weapons and even armor , I just prefer rings is all." he said honestly. Flitwick walked over to Nick and examined the arrow he was holding with furrowed eyebrows.-

"Is something the matter Filius?" Mcgonagall asked concerned at the look on the half goblins face. "This arrow is very strange , I don't recognize any of the materials at all and the enchantment simply doesn't exist. It's like the arrow doesn't have magic but IS magic." the small professor said seriously as he wracked his brain trying to wrap his head around what he was seeing. Nick was surprised at how fast the secret of the arrow was discovered but after considering that Flitwick was a master enchanter it wasn't all that strange. "Correct on all account professor , this arrow was made using a very special method I came up with." Nick said with a grin.-

"You make us older generations look bad by creating brand new methods like this you know." Flitwick said with a sigh. "If it helps this new method is quite a bit more limited in versatility than my original." Nick said with a smirk. "How so?" Dumbledore asked curiously. "I have no reason to keep it a secret since observing the creations closely would reveal their nature. I found a way to congeal the magical nature of the celestial bodies in the sky such as the stars , sun and moon. this arrow for example is the magic of the sun condensed into item form." he said proudly.

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