Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 276: Basilisk dead

Chapter 276: Basilisk dead

"Tap Tap Tap" Nicks footsteps echoed throughout the chamber as he walked along the path towards the statue at it's end. Once he reached the edge of the pool of water he tapped his wand on it's surface lightly. Immediately the water began to transform into ice as he transfigured a huge volume of water all at once draining a decent chunk of his mana in the process. Large scale transfigurations like this always took a huge amount of skill and power to accomplish but Nick succeeded in basically sealing the chamber in thick ice so the Basilisk can't flee into the water.-

Once that was done Nick took out several marbles before looking straight at the face of the statue that had ominous and murderous ramblings coming from behind it as the Basilisk waited impatiently for him to release it. "Speak to me Slytherin!" he spoke in a long string of hisses and the mouth of the statue began to open. Immediately Nick retreated backwards and conjured a massive amount of smoke to obstruct his vision of the basilisk with the fumos spell. This was proven wise as the beast slithered out of the statues mouth head first before loudly and angrily hissing when it noticed that he wasn't the master of it.-

Dusk flew off of Nicks shoulder and through the smoke before beginning it's part of the plan and distracting the giant snake. Nick tapped on the ground and the stone rippled and transformed into chains that rapidly wrapped around the body of the king of serpents. He was using his magical senses to accomplish this since his vision was impaired. A thousand year old basilisk shone much brighter in them then even Dumbledore did so he could easily tell nearly every detail of it's body without seeing it.-

It's body was of course that of a giant snake but there was a big difference in it head in the form of long antlerlike horns with sharp points. This was what gave the basilisk it's name as the king of serpents , it's crown. Nick's transfigured chains worked a charm to bind the giant snake as it tried to struggle against them angrily but he had transfigured the metal to be adamantium so it was a pointless effort. Once he was confident that it was well and truly bound he smashed the marbles containing the roosters on the ground turning them back into their bird state.-

Immediately they all began to crow at the same time which caused the chamber to get very loud with the sound. The basilisk screamed in pain and violently thrashed about in an attempt to flee the crowing of the roosters but failed to free itself. It did succeed in breaking a couple of links of the chains though which was more than enough to show it's crazy strength before it eventually fell over dead with blood streaming out from between it's scales and eyes. The smell such blood had filled the entire chamber making Nick grimace.-

Still he ignored the roosters that were constantly screaming and quickly transfigured a cloth over the basilisks head to make sure it didn't accidentally kill him with whatever power remained in it's eyes. He then cleared away the smoke allowing him to truly see the beast fully. It had vibrant emerald green scales and a length of nearly ninety feet with a diameter nearly identical to that of a a wine barrel at seven feet across. The head was still covered with the cloth but the sharp horns and almost draconic features under the cloth were visible thanks to how form fitting it was.-

Mana was slowly leaving the body proving it was truly dead but Nick thought it a waste to let the monsters soul dissipate and pulled out the Nazgul ring and threw it at the corpse. Until all the magic in the body left the soul will remain in the body which is how ghosts can be formed since the magic in their bodies can force them into that state before it dissipates. The ring landed on one of the horns and began to glow as it ate the soul of the beast.-

Something was different this time however as the glow of the ring wasn't pure white and gold like it was after eating a horcrux but rather had an emerald tint to it. Nick frowned at this but he could feel from the wavelength of the ring that the ring considered it good for him. Nick hesitated slightly but steeled his resolve to take the risk after remembering the threat of Zeus that could come after him at any time. He made sure to be clear that he only wanted the green energy at the moment before he picked up the ring from the corpse.

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