Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 275: Chamber of secrets

Chapter 275: Chamber of secrets

Myrtles bathroom was rather primitive all things considered as the toilets and sinks were very primitive in functionality. The sinks were obviously an original part of the castle since they were basically magical water basins like those in his own manor on Ravenclaw island. The toilets however were definitely added on latter since the founders time didn't have them. Nick wasn't here for an architecture tour though and ignored most of the bathroom. "Come to mock poor helpless little Myrtle have you?" a feminine voice spoke up mockingly from nearby. Nick turned to look at the source of this sound and wasn't surprised to see the ghost haunting this bathroom acting like she was sitting on the stall walls.-

"Not at all Myrtle , I am merely here to use a secret passage hidden in this room." Nick said with a smile. Clearly his reaction to her sudden appearance caught her off guard as she went silent for a bit before snorting and leaving with a silver blush on her ghostly face. People like Myrtle were easy to deal with thanks to their almost paranoid levels of self depreciation that made them very uncomfortable when spoken to kindly or with respect.-

It's sad that merely acting like a decent person was enough to make such people flee but Nick couldn't do anything to fix that so he ignored it. Finally alone Nick slipped on his parseltongue ring and walked over to the circular sinks. "Open!" he spoke with authority and the sinks magically started to move in order to reveal a wide long pipe that he couldn't see the bottom of. Removing the parseltongue ring Nick points at his feet with his chest "ARANEARUM PEDES!" he speaks and a blue streak hits his chest.-

Carefully placing his foot flat on the vertical surface of the pipe he takes a deep breath and leans into the foot. Normally he would immediately start falling if he did this but thanks to the spider walking charm he now stood on a vertical surface like gravity was not a factor. He was slightly nervous taking that first step but since the spell was working as per usual he smiled and started to jog down the pipe. Thanks to his strong body and incredible stamina he had no problem at all jogging for the entire hour it took for him to finally reach the chambers true entrance.-

There were bones of various kinds all over the ground as well as a large amount of white powder that he recognized as bone dust. On top of all of that was a huge green snake skin that shone faintly in his magical senses. Nick walked over to the skin and ran his hands along it's scales that were smooth and sharp like push daggers. Unlike most snakes that didn't actually shed their hides the basilisk was clearly different as this snake skin was no different from natural leather. It still held some of the natural magic of the beast as well making it very valuable for crafting.-

Nick folded the eighty foot long shed up by tapping it with his wand before storing it away in greed after transfiguring it into a small block of wood. He didn't have enough room in greed to keep it full sized after all. Once that was collected he walked forward ignoring the crunching of bones underfoot as he found the large metal door with various snakes carved on it alongside incredibly enough parseltongue runes. They looked like a bunch of squiggles meant for decoration but were in fact an actual written language.-

The words written on the metal door spelled out {Here stands the chamber of the great Salazar Slytherin , greatest of the Hogwarts four!}. Nick snorted at this egotistical sentence 'more like most notorious of the four' he thought before putting the parseltongue ring back on and commanding the door to open. The metal serpents retracted their heads one by one before the metal door swung open on it's own. 'Well at the very least the man knew how to make his enchantments last if nothing else.' he admitted as he stepped into the true chamber of secrets.-

It was cold and dirty but plenty of signs of it's previous glory remained as there were serpent statues lining the walls and burning green gubraithian flames cast light through the entire massive room. There was a stone walkway leading to a deep pool of water that sat under a massive stone face that was obviously Slytherin himself. On either side of the walkway were deep pits filled with water as well. Other than this however the room was fairly empty as there was nothing else within sight. Nick acted like he didn't notice the massive magical creature starting to move behind the statues face as he walked into the chamber.

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