Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 272: Not so quiet Halloween

Chapter 272: Not so quiet Halloween

Without a basis by which to build the enchantment he would only have the weakest possible enchantment which was simply not worth it in his opinion. One would assumed that Hagrid's gifted ring that made him closer to nature would count but it simply did not work on plants. In fact the ring simply made Hagrid ever so slightly more in tune with the wildlife nearby. As a result Nick resigned himself to remain vigilant against the plants during herbology lessons. Leaving the dorm room at his normal time Nick was surprised to see the twins up and about.-

They were dressed in tattered robes and had on realistic masks that made them look like zombies. The masks were clearly enchanted to fit snuggly and move with ones facial expressions to truly give off the effect of a true undead. "Looking good boys , I'm sure you'll scare up a storm." Nick said as he walked out into the common room. "You don't look very scared to me." Fred said with rotten teeth and a maggot crawling out of his cheek. Nick scoffed "The glamour enchantment might work on most people but I regularly use illusion spells so It is barely acceptable in my opinion." he said honestly.-

"Oh yeah we'd like to see you do better then." George challenged with a raised eyebrow. Nick grinned and drew his wand before pointing it's tip at himself. "LUPI VIDETUR!" he spoke and an illusion spell flowed over him but from the fearful and amazed looks of the twins rotten faces the spell worked as intended. From the outside perspective Nick's appearance was replaced with a huge densely muscular silver furred creature that looked like a perfect mix of man and wolf. Unlike actual werewolves that were pale furless malformed creatures this appearance was much fiercer looking.-

This illusion spell had been created by a wizard a couple hundred years ago when he for whatever reason felt the need to terrorize a village that had mocked him. As a result when Nick moved the wolfen monster moved in the exact same way with each contraction of it's powerful muscles being visible. Nick slowly walked around the furniture of the common room while staring down the twins like a predator patiently stalking it's prey. Smiling widely Nick watched the nervous expressions of the twins as they watched him leisurely close the distance.-

He stopped in front of them and looked down a little which had the wolf monster appear to be staring down at them from it's high height. "Boo." he said with a grin and both of the twins gulped in fear. Satisfied he raised his wand again and pointed it at himself "FINITE!" he said and the illusion faded away like fog in the summer sun. "Good enough?" he asked smugly. "Oi mate you have GOT to teach us that spell! I've got goosebumps just thinking about it!" Fred said excitedly. "Compared to that these trinkets aren't worth a single Knut." George agreed wholeheartedly with his twin.-

"No can do I'm afraid , this is my trick to scare the bejezzez out of everyone today. If I taught both of you it won't work. I've got one for a dementor though if you're willing to do me a bit of a favor." Nick said with a mischievous smile. The twins recognized that look and smiled widely ""what can we do for you friend?"" they asked at the same time and Nick leaned forward to tell them his plan. A few minutes later he walked out of the common room with a smirk while the twins were cackling to themselves.-

With a single part of his plan in place Nick quickly moved through the hall towards Flitwick's office to set up another piece of the plan in advance. With no life threatening or terrible villain in the background for this year after he had gotten rid of the diary Nick wanted to still put on a grand performance as should be tradition at Hogwarts. This required the aid of several different people to pull off perfectly. Once Flitwick's assistance was acquired Nick went straight to the next person who he needed assistance from.-

Soon enough the day passed by and it was dinner time in the castle and all the preparations had been made. Nick himself was currently sitting on his broom hidden under disillusionment alongside Fred and George on their own brooms within the enchanted sky of the great hall as students started to fill the hall. Dumbledore had already instructed most of the staff not to interfere no matter what happens tonight so this performance will go down without a hitch. Once everyone was in attendance Fred and George made their moves as they covered themselves and their brooms in the dementor illusion while the great halls temperature dropped.

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