Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 248: Modifying rituals

Chapter 248: Modifying rituals

Nick shrugged "It came with the race , though I did have a choice to stay human but this is just too good to pass up in my opinion." he said seriously. "What else can you do thanks to your race? What about children? Will they also be a member of your new race?" Helena bombarded Nick with questions and he had to quickly stop her. "Besides immortality I only got three changes from when I was human. First is that all of my senses are extremely sharp now. Second is that I am technically able to magically walk without leaving a footprint or sinking into snow."-

"Finally I am very sensitive to spiritual matters now. As for children I am not a hundred percent sure on that one but they should in theory be the same race as me. That's everything important I think." he said and Helena looked like a kid in a candy store. "The immortal Ravenclaw clan , I like it." she said with a smile. "Enough about that I really need to modify these rituals for my plans so lets focus on that." he said but Helena shook her head. "Just give me a list of the rituals and I'll make the adjustments myself after I figure out what your races figures are." she said and Nick trusted her not to mess up and did so.-

She raised an eyebrow when she saw the list but didn't say anything about it as there wasn't anything wrong with his choices. She may have told him to add a ritual for strengthening the soul but his soul was already stronger than any wizard his age by miles so that wasn't necessary. Instead she began to run calculations with a quill and parchment as she looked at him carefully.-

Nick didn't know much about arithmancy but he could guess that deducing a new races magical nature with it was a difficult thing. If the rapid numbering and scribbling on the parchment she was writing on was anything to go by he wasn't wrong. Since this was clearly going to take awhile he chose to transfigure himself a chair and relaxed while pampering the definitely chunky niffler in his lap. The poor creature had been getting so many treats from various sources that he was in serious need of a diet as he was starting to get fat.-

This unfortunately made him seem even cuter so he ended up getting even more treats in what can only be described as a vicious cycle. Nick completely gave up on trying to save the niffler from the cycle as it was a pointless endeavor. About an hour later Helena finally finished her intense arithmancy deductions and complained about how hard it was. She of course double and triple checked to make sure she didn't miss anything but after verifying that it was all correct began to work on modifying the first ritual. She of course started with the simplest of the lot , the ritual of reflexes.-

For those who have forgotten this ritual gives one the reflexes of whatever they personally hunted with the more powerful creature to better the result. Nick had long since hunted down an acromantula for this purpose and was keeping the heart in preservative potion until he could conduct the ritual. Unfortunately he needed to wait since before he could conduct the ritual his body had started to transform. Now though he just needed to wait until the ritual was modified to his new race and he could preform it easily.-

It took much less time for Helena to modify the ritual to his new race since she apparently had done this before she died. It made sense really as during the founders time it was a lawless place for magic of all sort so rituals were regularly performed. She moved on to the next ritual which was the ritual of breath that allowed him to draw in magical energy by breathing. He was especially looking forward to this one as it would solve his issue with each forging attempt draining him of most of his mana. Once that was solved not only would his enchantments grow more powerful but he would also not feel so weak after his was done.-

Once that was done Helena started on the most complex of the rituals the ritual of nature. This was the ritual that needed to be preformed on Beltane in order to receive a huge boost in magical power. Nick already had one of the ingredients for it in the form of the acromantula fangs and poison glands. He planned on getting the second from the very large and dangerous snake living in the chamber of secrets. This was why he hadn't moved on the chamber yet as the wards Slytherin left required parseltongue to open.

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