Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 247: Racial reveal

Chapter 247: Racial reveal

"Looks like I'm going to need your help to learn arithmancy early." Nick said slightly irritated. "Why would you need that for right now?" Helena asked confused. As far as she could tell he should be focusing on increasing his power now that his control was at an acceptable level. "I need to modify a few rituals and can't do it without knowing arithmancy." Nick said honestly. She was taken back by this as she quickly went through her memories but couldn't see any ritual that would need modifying. "Modify it in which regard specifically?" she asked with narrowed eyes.-

Nick was a little reluctant to say that he wasn't human despite her being unable to share that information. Steeling his resolve he flat out told her that he stopped being human over the summer. "I-I don't understand? What do you mean you stopped being human , you look and seem human to me?" she asked horribly confused. He sighed "I am an elf now , no not a house elf or some half breed of it. An actual elf like from the legends , Do you remember that strange illness I had last year that had me losing blood and flesh yet was perfectly healthy after diagnosis? That was my physical body transforming into what you see now." he said honestly.-

Nick then removed the small ring he kept on him to restrain his presence causing Helena's eyes to widen as the true state of his aura washed over her. She went eerily silent for an entire minute before finally speaking again "How did you pass the bloodline test at Gringotts then? What about mothers wards?" she asked with a hurt expression. "You are misunderstanding something here , I am indeed a descendant of your mother even now. Changing my race didn't get rid of what was already there merely elevated it as part of my new form." Nick said and Helena let out a sigh of relief.-

Then she got mad "Don't scare me like that! I thought that this entire time you had been lying to me about your heritage!" she said angrily punching him in the shoulder making him wince. "No I am a Ravenclaw but at the same time I am also more than human as you can tell." he said rubbing his shoulder that was definitely going to bruise. "So what if you aren't human? Neither was any of the founders." Helena dropped a bomb leaving Nick shell shocked.-

"What do you mean they weren't human!?" he exclaimed and she giggled at his reaction. "When a wizard grows more powerful eventually they start to shed away parts of their human limitations becoming more than human. Each of the founders , mother included had stopped being truly human for quite some time. Even Dumbledore isn't fully human which he is surely aware of." she said casually. "Of course none of them totally shed their humanity for a race thought made up by many. You are definitely alone in this regard." she added on with an amused smile at his dumbfounded look.-

"So Slytherin didn't actually care about bloodline purity then?" he asked and she shook her head. "The truth of that matter had nothing to do with bloodline but rather education. You see at that time most muggleborns came from commoner households and as such lacked any knowledge in science or even how to read and write. Slytherin thought that it was a waste of time to teach them such fundamental information just so that they could actually learn magic. It certainly didn't help that the witch burnings were quite common at the time." she said honestly.-

"So you don't care that I'm not human?" Nick double checked cautiously. Helena shook her head "Not at all since unlike house elves , giants or goblins whatever you are seems to be mostly human in all regards except superior in some way I can't put my finger on." she said with a shrug. "That would probably be the spiritual nature of it or maybe it's the immortality?" Nick theorized out loud this time making Helena speechless. "You're immortal!?" she exclaimed in shock. He grinned "Technically ageless but yes." he said cheekily.-

"Are you going to look like this forever then?" she asked worried but Nick scoffed. "No , I will continue to age until I reach the age of twenty and then I simply won't anymore. I can still be killed though so that's a still a thing." he said honestly. "Mother and the others would be so jealous , they all sought a way to have what you do by default." Helena said with a mocking look. The sheer irony of that was not lost on her at all and she couldn't help but feel a bit bad for the founders.

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