Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 232: Improved opinion

Chapter 232: Improved opinion

Nick wasn't going to say that a lot of his accomplishments weren't because of his bloodline as that would be a lie but he also knew that he worked quite hard to fully utilize what he had. His gift to speak all languages alone had proven to be his second most used ability after his magical sense that was always active. From it he had access to an entire runic language all to himself not to mention his ability to read all the books in the library regardless of language. He had even recently began to branch out his ability by learning how to write the languages as well as tell when he spoke another language.-

His magical senses on the other hand granted him a deep understanding of the innerworkings of magic of all types. Within the last week alone he has dedicated at least an hour everyday to practicing his electricity and flame manipulation abilities which was much harder than you'd expect. He had more than a few blisters and burns on his arms under his robes than any of his friends knew. It honestly looked like someone had tried to torture him from how bad it was.-

He used a healing balm on them everyday after he was done treating Dusk for his own injury much to the birds discomfort. The problem wasn't getting the elements to manifest for Nick but rather controlling them. Discharging a powerful but uncontrolled attack was easy as well if highly draining on his mana reserves. His issue was the same one he discovered when splitting wand cores over the summer , he had terrible control over his magical output when spellcasting. He was like a toddler that only knew how to turn to faucet on in a single direction.-

Contrary to how it appeared he didn't just get his way in every possible situation as he was simply not making much progress at all. This was the consequences of gaining a lot of power faster than his skill could keep up. It was also the reason he had changed his plan about increasing his skill to the same as his magical reserves. 'Before I even begin to think about doing that I need to slowly improve my energy control lest I accidentally kill someone with a spell.' he thought after sitting next to the fireplace in Hagrid's hut.-

He was listening to Hagrid get all angry over the foul thing that Malfoy called Hermione and warned Nick that Lucius Malfoy may make an issue with him over this. "I'm not concerned about Malfoy at all since he has taken a serious blow to his finances recently after the Black fortune was ripped out of his hands. Offending me is the same as offending Sirius as well and he can't afford it at the moment." Nick said with a smirk. "Besides I purposefully left a couple of members of the Slytherin team free to go fetch a teacher to dig the others out of the ground." he added with a shrug.-

(Snape Pov)

Snape was very unhappy when a few members of his houses quidditch team interrupted him during the delicate process of brewing one of the lost recipes he had gotten as a gift at christmas last year meant to clear the mind. The interruption ruined this particular brew as he had added too much powdered dandelion from the sudden distraction. He could certainly save the potion if he could focus on it exclusively but that was unfortunately not possible after the students explained themselves.-

He was almost impressed at the power of the transfiguration used to bury the other members of his house. But what truly bothered him was the triple meaning behind the exact transfiguration used. First was the giant lion's head that had swallowed them which was clearly a warning from the Gryffindor as a whole. Second was the oppresive feeling that the students spoke of that he was very familiar with. It came from a wizard who was more powerful than ones self as the dark lord Voldemort flaunted that ability flagrantly to show his superiority. The final part though was the implied threat of leaving them below the ground with a small breathing hole.-

Nick had basically just spelled out that he could kill each of them while they were helpless to stop him. It excited Snape to see such a talented individual show signs of being the next archmage like Dumbledore , Grindelwald and Voldemort that had traits from the first two. The boy had shown himself to be slow to anger like Dumbledore but frighteningly vicious like Grindelwald when it suited his needs. All in all Snape's opinion of Nick was elevated a notch as he had all the traits that Snape hoped a powerful figure would have ideally.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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